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I've been stolen

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OK this is gonna sound bad but I am soooooo excited.:yay


I made a chenille scarf for a lady my mom works with. She left it at work overnight came in this morning and it had been stolen. I am going to make her another one, but I am kinda happy that someone liked my scarf enough to steal it.

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Well, when someone steals something, I always think "they must have really needed it, so let them have it!" I would say it is a compliment to your work! Michelle

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  • 2 weeks later...
Oh no! That's so awful for the person! :eek I'm so glad you are making her a new one....:hook


Was that one of the ones you emailed me about?



no this was a simple dc scarf made with thick and quick lion brand chenile. i was one of the first thing i made while i was prego and trying to keep my blood pressue down.

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:lol thanx for the laugh:lol i think that that would be the first thought that came into any crocheter mind. i think i would be upset if someone stole it but then happy because they liked it so much to steal it.


plus look at it this way...................A) you have another project to work on and B) YOU GET TO BUT MORE YARN :yay

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