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Blue Star Afghan CAL


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I am soo itching to crochet something. But I am not bringing the baby stuff to work. Maybe tomorrow, I will bring in the second blue star to work on. This will be my third attempt to quit smoking in as many years. I quit for seven months the first time, but Hubby didn't quit at all. And it came down to picking up cigarettes or getting rid of him. The second time I forced Hubby to quit, that worked for three days, then hubby went back to smoking. This time, Hubby choose when we stopped. So now we get to see if it is forever.

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Wendy I love your finished product. I have not touched mine in a couple of weeks. I am trying to get a baby afghan done before the baby gets here.


My husband is having surgery on Friday so I plan on doing all those little squares while I'm waiting. Such fun...........:(

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iam working on this afghan. having trouble with the assembly of block #1. dont understand what they want you to do. PLEASE HELP. thank you nana

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Exactly what are you stuck at in the 9-patch. I will try to help you out. These small squares are attached as you go you understand. I hoe this isn't were you are having trouble.

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Nana, are you having trouble with the turn after the first round? Or are you having trouble attaching the side squares to the center square?


Only complete round one of the side square, then when you turn it will be ch3,2dc, ch1 in the first corner then move to the second corner do one cl, and then that 1sc is done into the corner space of the center square. As you continue around the side square, you will alternate between clusters in the side square and sc in the center square. Does this help? Marci

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iam having trouble on assembly the 9 square to the star. where the ch 5sp is and then going down the side. hope this makes sence

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iam having trouble on assembly the 9 square to the star. where the ch 5sp is and then going down the side. hope this makes sence


Sorry I can't help you with this part, Nana, as I didn't get there yet. There have been several posts back and forth about this. There are one or two on pages 118-120, Maybe those would help you. Several people talk about slip stitching up from the star to make ends meet, as it were. There were also messages back and forth about this problem on other pages. I know one or two of us have finished the afghan, so someone should come to your rescue soon! Marci

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iam working on this afghan. having trouble with the assembly of block #1. dont understand what they want you to do. PLEASE HELP. thank you nana


Nana have you edged the blocks on two sides of each one. ok. now get your star and join B to any ch5 sp of star with a sl st. Now you are starting at the point and going down left to the centre and then back up again. the two edged sides are the ones you will be working on so they should be facing the star. Now sc in first sc of edging of granny block, ch 1,2 tr in same ch5sp of star, sk 2 sc of the block, sc in next sc of block and so on.


I hope this helps a bit.

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oh thank you guys so much for your help. i think this is going to help me understand better :ty:ty soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much:hug sorry like to hug. i love when someone gives me a hug, hope you do too everyone. nana

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Well, I've finished granny 1 and granny 2 ninepatches. I've got the center squares all done for Granny 3. But I spent today working on another afghan for the Misc. Afghans CAL. I'll get back to Blue Star soon.


I'm copying down page and post numbers for all the helpful hints you guys are giving, so when I get to the construction stage I'll be ahead of the game :lol :lol


Nana, your last two posts were so cheery, they made me laugh. Congratulations on your success! Em

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I'm working on my 8 Granny Square 4's. (Still have 4 #1s to do yet too). My camera software is flaking out, so I haven't been able to post pictures until I get the problem fixed up to get the pix off my camera.

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We were on the second page.


Morning, where is everyone.


Wendy, I don't even want to think about the time difference between you and me. But, Good morning to you, too. :coffee Marci

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as i am from the group i didn`t start yet :D

no i`ll start i promice

ohh my .... squares for the casa ... squares for the blue star ... squares for the 200crochet squares afghan :think

i`m gonna be squares lady hehehe :lol

happy crocheting :hook

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Sorry I wasn't on yesterday, I had to take DD to the hospital Tuesday night with what I thought was a appendix pain. Turned out to be a syst on her ovary that burst. So we spent 13 hrs in the ER, got home about 10 am yesterday morning and then splept off and on yesterday afternoon. I did manage to finish the bubble suit and 6 roses for the jacket suit and headband. I am going to work on the booties today, thenI just need to finish the ghan, bottle warmer and headband and I will be done so I can start my next blue star.

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sorry to hear about your daughter :hug

i wish she is better

don`t worry about the blue star i guess me and you will start together :lol

you have a lot of hard work , i wish you the best of luck :heart

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Tracey. I am so sorry to hear about your daughter.

OK.. update on my afghan.

I have gotten all 4 half grannies on and I am starting on attaching the 4 granny corners. Oh.. I can't wait for this to be done!!!!!!!

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