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Baby, It's Cold Outside CAL - Larger Sizes TOO!!!


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Just saw this post. I can't find a discussion about this form. Do you want us to include the pattern we used if we changed it? Is the URL you want for pics of our finished BICO's?


THere was really no discussion, lilybean is just putting something together so that people can get an idea of how each of us made our BICO's. Yes, the URL is the one of your finished BICO. Thanks for participating!


I just love the sock monkey adaptation! And that hot pink is to die for!


That blue and black Melissa is so BOY! Great job!

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Everyone's BICOs are all so cute!! :hook


I finished sewing the buttons on my fourth one just now. This one is for my SIL who's baby is due in February (it's a girl.) She wanted a 9-12 month size so I made the 12 month. I don't know if I will make anything else to go with this or not...




And a close-up of the buttons:




Clickable Pictures. The color in the close-up pic is the closest to what the colors really look like. I did this one in Lion Boucle in 'Snowcone', with RH for the edging.



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:2blush Thank you Darski and Knic Knac. I had a bit of a time trying to work with this yarn, but I love the way it looks finished. I'll tell ya, this was the most expensive BICO I've done yet! (And I didn't even pay for four of the skeins...) :P



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I'm having issues with my BICO for my step dad. :ohdear It looks like a sweater, but I fear the sleeves are too narrow. I need to have my hubby try it on for me to see if it fits, then I'll know it will fit Pa. I tried it on and it was stiff as a board, so I will certainly wash it before I give it. I also haven't gotten buttons yet. I should have known better than to try to modify a pattern after I had only made one sweater in my whole life! :badidea I think I was having an overly confident day that day... :coo

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it will be ok and we will help if we can.


One of the neat things about this sweater is that it comes apart easily too. You can go back and add in rows for the sleeves if needed. Can we help in some way with ideas or whatever?



Since this is for a guy, what about barrel buttons - they always seem woodsy and lodge like to me.


I don't think you were overconfident, I believe you can do this. :cheer

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Dont get discouraged! I don't know if I am right here cause it's still early and I just woke up, but couldn't you just add rows to the sleeves without having to pull it apart?



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No you can't add rows if you need to go around the arms.


If you need more rows to get to the cuff, you could do that


The width of the sleeve is pretty much decided by the row in which you set your neck location. The width of the sleeves is going to be twice as wide as whatever sleeve you have at that point.

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alright you can do it Dawn dont worry :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer

I am sending a big cheer your way. :yay :yay :yay :yay and lots of confetti for deciding to attempt a wearable being you had only done one before :yes :yes :yes :yes an a nod of approval b/c you deserve it and you know you can do it. Shall we start a cheer for her? lol j/k

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Awwwww Guys......A Cheer just for me!!! :blush


Ok, here's what I've got so far.




Hubby tried it on and thankfully the sleeves are plenty wide. I was definately not looking forward to tearing it apart, so that makes me happy. It could use some more length at the waist, but I figure that will be easy enough to add on. My next question is how can I made the sleeves a bit narrower? If I do a couple of rows of edging and decrease around it that should pull them in a little right? :think


Other than that, I still need to find some buttons. Barrel buttons are actually a great idea, thanks Darski!


All in all, I think it's ok. Nothing spectacular, but functional I guess. At this point I'm not sure if I'm gonna give it to my stepdad or not, not sure if it's done well enough to give as a gift. I guess I'll have to wait and see the finished product to decide.


Thanks guys for all your help!!! :manyheart



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Totally WOW Dawn!


What I would do is use the standard crochet ribbing technique for the cuffs and the waist. you can add it to an edge by just stitching into your edge when you get there. It would also allow you to bring in the sleeves a bit.


While doing the ribbing on the sleeves, you will connect at the sweater edge but every other time that you get back to your edge, use a sc decrease as your connection instead of just a slip stitch. This does bring in the edge nicely.


As you are working, you can see how it is going - whether you are making it too tight by doing every other one or if you want to do every 3rd time or something like that.


I wouldn't do too much decreasing on the bottom edge - see what works for you.


It is looking very good at this point. You can be so proud of you! :cheer

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It is lookin' good, Dawn! :clap Is this your first BICO? Wow. I still have to venture out of the 6-12 month range! :lol


Great job~ can't wait to see it all finished. :hook



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It's actually my second BICO. The first one I made was about a size 4, but there was already a modified pattern started by Darski for that one! This my second BICO and my second sweater ever. I was feeling ambitious and thought I'd try to modify the pattern myself. The jury's still out as to whether that was a good idea...:think


Thank you all for your kind words. Makes me want to keep going and get this done. :hook

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It's actually my second BICO. The first one I made was about a size 4, but there was already a modified pattern started by Darski for that one! This my second BICO and my second sweater ever. I was feeling ambitious and thought I'd try to modify the pattern myself. The jury's still out as to whether that was a good idea...:think


Thank you all for your kind words. Makes me want to keep going and get this done. :hook


Dawn it looks wonderful! I was going to suggest exactly what Darski said.. standard crochet ribbing done as sideways sc BLO. Good Luck!

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:woo I finished my 1st BICO. :cheer I hope it fits a 12 months size since I don't have a little one close by to try it on. The only thing I haven't done yet is the yarn :yarn buttons. It'll be my first time trying to make one. The next one ( :wink yes, I'm making another :D ) I make will be with just one strand and I'll try the buttons down the front. I'll have my son take a picture later and I'll try to figure out how to post a pic here. Thanks ladies for your encouragements and help. I couldn't have done it without you all. :manyheart:hug

Pat A.

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Hey ladies ..jumping in here although I have been following along for weeks and even whipped out a quick BICO for my niece on Thanksgiving (gave it to her before I got a pic though). But I want to make a couple more of these for Christmas gifts and I am stumped on changing the specs. .I just don't have the math or thinking abilities it takes to modify this alone...so if someone could let me know hook size, row counts and st counts for a sz 24 months using Bernat Chunky I'd LOVE YOU FOREVER!! ;)



~Susan :queen

Busy Mama to:

Hannah :princess (9), Logan :2frog (8), Lance :dance (6), Hayden :teddy(3)

and the TWINkies Mason and Morgan (17 months) :ducky :ducky

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