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I have just ordered 2 of the patterns, baby beau and Candice and Dollie. Just got to wait for them to arrive snail mail to Australia. So I am stalking the postie

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I have several of her patterns but haven't tried them yet. One is the baby on its stomach and the second is the dinosaur puppet. I'd love to try the Elvis pattern one of these days.

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If I say that I am jealous of anyone who has that much talent. Does that make me a petty person. I mean I think it is great that others can do such beautiful work, but I must admit I can't. I dream :dreaming of beautiful items that I would love to make. But my talent is far from good, I can only design very simple things. Thus, I can only make very simple things... oh I do dream :dreaming of making flawless babies like that... I can't but I can dream. :dreaming :dreaming

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I would love to hear how the pattern works up for those of you who have her patterns!

I love the baby on her tummy.

No, MamaHooks, you are not petty! I was pretty much thinking along the same lines!

I would LOVE to be able to design like that!

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My patterns are currently on the way from the US to Australia. I will be starting the baby on the tummy straight away. I will post pics as soon as I am finished

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We all have dreams of grandeur, but don't have the gumption to go forward with our ideas. We think we'll be rejected along the way and we come up with a million excuses for not moving forward and trying harder ... and most of the time it's only self-rejection that stops us in our tracks. So I greatly admire, too, (with a bit of jealousy of course) those people who are able to get past that stage and reach their plateau.


"Overnight" success take years of hard work. I wonder how many times Kathleen Early frogged her patterns before she reached what we now see and greenly admire.....

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I LOVE that site!! It is simply amazing. I ordered the Ninja Turtle puppet and got it early this summer and just got started on it. Everything looked perfect (I started with a foot) and it looked great but it says I'm supposed to be on the center back of the leg now, and in fact I'm on the center front of the leg. So I must have done something wrong and I put it aside for a few days till I can figure it out. But the pattern is amazing!!! I want to make all 4 turtles for my son for Christmas--he loves them.


I searched for literally days online trying to find a ninja turtle pattern before I found her site. I hope I can figure it out, because the pictures of the puppet look so great.


I'd love to make some of the dolls on there, too, and also the pegasus.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow, those are amazing! I would imagine the facial features would be the hardest part. The little guy on his tummy doesn't look like he can be posed sitting up, but there's a couple of other boy dolls who sit up. Maybe if you leave off the hair they'll look like the first one.


So very cute! :manyheart I bet Tampa Doll would be great at these patterns.

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I have finished Baby Beau, I thought I had actually posted him here already. Oh well, here he is now. The pattern I found to have a little bit of difficulty with - I would consider myself to be an advanced crocheter. I am in the process of making a second one with some modifications. AS you will see from the photos his head is rather large and looks a bit like an alien, so I have reduced the amount of rounds at the top of the head and it is looking good so far. The only other problem I had with the pattern was that there was no instructions as to which rounds to attach the arms and legs and head, they are just simply sewn on.


Bugger - just realised photobucket is down for maintenance, have a look on my blog and you will see the photo's there





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Well he looks adorable to me...I like the eyes you used much better.:clap



I have finished Baby Beau, I thought I had actually posted him here already. Oh well, here he is now. The pattern I found to have a little bit of difficulty with - I would consider myself to be an advanced crocheter. I am in the process of making a second one with some modifications. AS you will see from the photos his head is rather large and looks a bit like an alien, so I have reduced the amount of rounds at the top of the head and it is looking good so far. The only other problem I had with the pattern was that there was no instructions as to which rounds to attach the arms and legs and head, they are just simply sewn on.


Bugger - just realised photobucket is down for maintenance, have a look on my blog and you will see the photo's there





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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi I have bougtht the baby beau pattern to:clap and I wonder how much yarn do I need for him have not got the pattern in the mail yet but wanted to bee prepared for it!

I really love all the kathleen early patterns!

Melanie from sweden!

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