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Crochet -a- Quilt


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My PS has to go on hold for a while as I have so many other irons in the fire for the next while and that expense is just not in the budget at this time.

I'll just kibbitz and hang around to see all the pretties.


I think I need a better quality stash so I can just toss one of these off

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Wow, so many posts since I was here I 'll just comment on a couple that I remember -


Wendy- I'd send rain your way if I could figure out how to do it !


Andrea- I got stuck on the part you are on right now, the light section where the diamonds go in a sideways direction . Thanks for the offer of help - you must really be doing great on this to be that far so fast ! Good job !



It sounds like you have some pretty colors picked !


Tabby- I will try to post photos today if possible ! :)

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I just held them sideways as i put them on. or i should say up and down. I took that pattern you gave me and printed it off then all i do is hilite each diamond as i complete it that has helped me stay on track especially there. It isnt going as fast on this part I have 2 more diamonds to put in my second section so as you can see it does take a bit longer for me to do here.I just have to concentrate when I get ready to put them on. Holler if ya need help ya know your not even an hours drive from me I dont think.

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Thanks for the tips. I'm sure I'll need them when I get to that part. I am quite a ways from there at this point. Just have not taken enough time to devote to crochet in the past 2 days . Today I plan on digging in and getting more done though .

This is so exciting that you are doing so well, you were so worried that you couldn't do it !

I hope you are as proud of yourself as I am of you ! :manyheart

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Good Morning Ladies...


Just checking in to see how everyone is coming along. I actually picked up my crochet hook last nite. The first time in 3 months or so.. I cant tell you what I am making as of now, but its really cute...hehehe:devil


Hopefully I will catch up with the lady at the YMCA tomorrow and find out for sure on the colors and I can get to my hook to flying with the PS.:hook


As for now I am off to drive the lady around and do a little Christmas shopping for my kids!! :eek


Have a great day all!!:manyheart

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Wow, Brandy

You went for a long time without crocheting ! I bet it feels good to pick up that hook again.

Good for you for getting your Christmas shopping started . I haven't bought one thing yet . Every year I seem to put it off a little longer .

Anyhow ,thanks for checking in. Hope you have a great day ~:)

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Brandy - have fun christmas shopping. I havent done any yet, I just dont know what to get the girls this year.


Julie - Im glad to see you have started. Are you doing two at once, PS and 9 Patch.


Cal - wow 11 pounds of yarn. I had to go and convert the pounds to grams to see how much that was. We use grams here. That is a lot of wool Cal. I can see your dilemma in trying to hide it from hubby. You could always say its not all yours but someone elses and that your going to crochet it for them...


I did about 5 squares last night while watching Criminal Minds, ER and then Survivor. I love my shows. I can see its going to take awhile doing this quilt.

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I am very proud of myself but lots of encouragement from Brandy on Sunday afternoon and that was all she wrote.



wow 11 lbs hmm I hide it in my trunk til hes at work then bring it in and pretend I have always had it. Thank goodness hubby doesnt care when I buy it or how much so I am fortunate there.



You cant tel us your making something then torment us and not tell what it is that doesnt really seem fair ya know lol.

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Brandy~I agree with Andrea, hiding is not nice. How rude! LOL! :devil:manyheart

Andrea~It sounds like you're on a roll with your PS. Great job & good luck!

Julie~Good evening sunshine! :sun

I haven't done any crocheting or anything for that matter today. HeeHee, I played lazy. So dark & rainy here *blah*. :rain

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It may be less than that... I just got my shipping confirmation from Joann.com and my package is 10.8 lbs. I got a book so that probably took it down quite a bit. But I did order 39 skeins, all told. :eek


It's going to be delivered tomorrow while he's still out of town. I suppose I can put it with my stash and hope he doesn't notice... Normally he doesn't care but ever since I joined the 'ville, I've started about 6 new projects, and he gave me a "no more yarn" ultimatum yesterday. Unfortunately, I'd already ordered the stuff from Joann's! :rofl


*sigh* I wish it would just GET HERE so I can start on my Prairie Star!

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Wooo Hoooo Julie!! Looking good so far!! :cheer Keep up the good work. What other colors are you going to use with it??


Cali.... HOly yarn stash batman!! That is alot of yarn!!!!!




To Andrea and Tabby, my friends. Now if I told you both about what I am making for my holiday exchange, my pal may come by and read and then it wont be a surprise for her. But if you two really want to know I will tell you. So look me up the other way and I will spill the beans!!!! :devil


Have a good nite all!!!

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Morning, gang


Thanks for the comments -- my afghan has kinda dull colors, but I like it. I treated myself to some TLC yarn, which I rarely buy, since it's less ounces and more money. Not terrible expensive, but more money than plain old RH . I like this yarn a lot though and it feels softer and spongier .

Anyhow, I got that in Pale Blue ( first color ) and Paradise Blue (2nd) ,now the 3rd color I'm using is the RH light grey, which I can't find at my walmart ,but DID find at this craft store . Next up will be the grey heather (RH) and the tips of the points will be windsor blue (RH) then the solid white will be soft white .

So it'll all be in shades of grey and blue. To me, it's kinda restful looking, but it could also be used on a Navy Ship or in the Civil War . Kinda reminds me of those colors -- the blue and the grey .:)

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Julie, the colors you've chosen for your PS are gorgeous. I like the beautiful soft shades of blue and how they blend with each other.


All these gorgeous Prairie Stars that are coming to fruition are making me want to finally get that second one going!


But I think this time, I won't do it in the week long crochet marathon again. ;)

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Good Morning everyone..:sun


Wish me luck today on finding out what colors the Lady wants me to use. Hopefully I will be able to catch her today.



Julie.... :cheer Your colors actually sound beautiful. I bet it will be stunning!! Cant wait to see how they look together.:cheer



I am off to drive the lady around today. Then I am going to, "Wash that gray right out of my hair"!! :woo



:manyheart I hope everyone has a Great Day!!!:manyheart

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:manyheart Good Morning Everyone! :manyheart

Julie~The colors for your PS sound beautiful & i'm sure it will be. :cheer

Brandy~I was just messing with ya, I can wait *stomps feet* I guess. LOL! :hug


Well, today is payday :woo , for hubby of course. :lol But since I take his money then I guess it's payday for me too. :rofl I hope I can find the yarn i'm looking for or i'll be forced to go with plan "B" & choose a whole nother set of colors. :think We shall see.........:yarn:hook

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Hi AJ - thanks for the compliments and we'd be glad to have you join in here for your 2nd one of these ! It'd probably be more enjoyable for you if you didn't have to HURRY and get it done ! :)


Morning, Brandy -

I hope you can hunt down your lady today to finally pin her down on colors.


I had to laugh about your washing the grey out of your hair - It'd take a lot of hair coloring to wash out my grey . I just leave it like it is. As you guys know, I don't bother that much with my looks - I look in the mirror once a day to comb my hair, then good enough .

I asked Cam one day what color my hair was, brown or grey . He sat there for awhile studying it before he decided GREY . To me, it's kinda half and half ,so I just wondered which one HE'd say. Kids are usually pretty honest about things like that .


WooHoo Tabby !

PAYDAY !!! My favorite day of the week ( AND CANDY BAR ) :D

Hope you are able to find the colors you have in mind ! Good luck .

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Okay here is where I am so far, it doesnt go as fast as the other parts but then again I really havnt worked on it the past day maybe will today I would like to have this done by sunday . Maybe I am pushing my luck with that one lol. Hopefully for those of you who have done this you can let me know if I am some what close to what it is supose to look like.

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