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Crochet -a- Quilt


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hehe Yes I agree. I have been sitting here thinking will I do this or wont I.

Im very afraid....:eek


I think Im going to give in. Sunday when I go to my mums place I will probably go to Big W(similar to Walmart) and buy some Carnival wool and start the around the world afghan. I was thinking of the 9 patch but I just cant think of the colors at the moment. So around the world it is.:yes


My scrapbooking desk no longer has scrapbooking on it, it is full of wool and crochet projects


Julie its all your fault....:yes


Now that I have wasted half the night deciding whether to do this or not instead of crocheting I think I will now go to bed.



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I love this ghan and wouldlove to do it but I am to scared I tried the tumbling blocks one bought yarn for both of them and when it came to joining and putting together well it and me did not get along real well at all. I do admire those of you that can do it they look beautiful.

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Didn't you do an around the world crocheted quilt? Did you put a border on it?

I'm not nearly that brave! Julie, on the other hand, has completed one of these motif-joining monsters :nworthy; Julie, what did you do for a border?
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Wendy and Wendy --

( This is pretty neat, it's like I'm talking to twins named the same name --


Now, come on, you guys, it won't be so bad. It'll be FUN .. you'll see !


Wendy- as far as my advice , you can do whichever one you want, but out of those you mentioned, I'd start with either the 9 patch or around the world, only because the joining of them will be a little simpler, THEN we can graduate on to Prairie star next . :D

Let me know what colors you choose !!!!


and the other Wendy- which one are YOU gonna do ? :hook



Qupid-- go ahead, I've been called names before and probably worse than YOU are using I bet ! But it's ok ,I can't hear you anyhow ! :manyheart

Which afghan are you gonna make ?


Darski - funnier than heck -- I'll START leading you into temptation NOW... then we'll see if you can hold out til JANUARY . That is 60 days away . :lol


Come on Andrea-- you, like me , wanna do this REALLY bad . That danged Prairie Star just will NOT go away til I make one . I , like you, tried it once, got totally fouled up on the joining and gave up. I have a new handy-dandy idea which I HOPE will help us out. I have re-sized the chart you follow for placement of the diamonds and now it is MUCH easier to see how each one goes .

Be brave- give it another shot. I'll email you the copy of my chart if you want it .

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Hi Patricia

Thanks, but it wasn't really that bad --- although the SIZE of all those little squares got to be a little DAUNTING --


picture buying about 6 boxes of saltine crackers, dumping them all out on the floor, then sewing them all together .

I only went around the entire thing with a row of sc-- no fancy borders added !

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Speaking of prairie stars and lots of joining :eek, I tried my hand at the Diamond crib quilt Annie's Attic posted as their 1 Nov free pattern. (Think zillions of tiny (2 round) hexagon motifs that are sewn together in diamond shapes). As soon as I read those instructions, I knew I was in trouble, so modified round 2 to be a joining round instead. Still left me with a gazillion ends to weave in.


Here's my question: All of my little motifs cup upwards, as did my diamonds in the Prairie Star. I figure that means that the diameter of the motif is too small for its radius, but how do you fix that without adding stitches (which messes up the symmetry/stitch count?). I've tried bigger hooks, and all I get is a bigger motif - that cups. But the Prairie Star motifs were flat until I joined them. Was wondering if the joining technique might be the culprit.... Any thoughts from our resident design mavens? Hmmmm, maybe I should try a shorter stitch? Like a half dc instead of a dc? :eek - then the motifs will be even smaller and I'll need more of 'em! Gotta be a better way... (did I mention the gazillion ends?)

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Hi Patricia

I didn't see the pattern you're talking about so wouldn't be much help to you . The PS diamonds do kinda "cup" themselves a little bit too , even in the photo it kinda shows- I think it's just the way it's put together .


I wish I could help you with your question, but maybe someone else here has made it and can give you some tips .

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ok Julie email me what you did let me see if its gonna help me. I thought maybe although I hate to say it, that if I did what JimmieLU said and make them all then sew them together maybe then it would be alright but ya know how much I love to sew things together lol. Oh and by the way your square should be mailed out next week. I have had them done just not the funds to mail them. Sry its taking me so long to mail them.

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woohoo its saturday, and I dont have to go to work...you know what that means girls, yes your right lots of time for crochet.. hehe:yes


Thanks Julie for inspiring me to do another quilt on top of what Im already doing. Im not looking forward to sewing all those squares together.:no


Andrea you and I will sew lots of squares together, or we could always send them to Julie to sew...:lol


Have to have breakfast now as my daughter has to get to tennis by 8.30am


see you all later



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Well, I just got back from lunch and darned if the yarn I was needing for the prairie star ghan didn't follow me to the car. It just jumped right up into the passenger seat and looked so sad that I had to take it with me. Maybe I can justify it by giving it to my brother for christmas. sigh

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Okay, i'm here. Julie, you are like the black hole-dark, evil & sucks everything in. LOL! I'm going to do the nine patch from Annie's Crochet Quilt & Afghan Club. It looks different from the one I see most of you doing. It's alot less sewing which I like, heehee.Here's a picture (clickable), I just have to pick my colors.




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Andrea and Wendy- when it comes to putting them all together, I'll give you my handy-dandy secret formula which will eliminate HOURS of work. You'll love it . Just try to keep on top of the weaving in ends-- do those along with the squares so you don't have millions of them to contend with too .


Ooooh, Qupid-- what colors didja get, huh ?


Tabby- GREAT to see you here ! That pattern is really pretty ! I have already started on my squares at this point, so I'm taking the saltine cracker approach once again, only I made these one round bigger, so they are more like graham crackers .( Split in half )

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Okay, Julie, you roped me in... I am going to do the Prairie Star. I can actually kill two birds with one stone here, because I need to make a wedding gift for my best friend and that pattern is something right up her alley. SO... I have no mean thoughts or feelings towards you... in fact, I thank you! Yay!


I really want to do the Around the World afghan but I think I may have missed out on buying the magazine where the pattern is... anyone know where I can buy it? What mag was it? Maybe they'll send me a back issue. :wish:


:) Now, yarn, yarn, yarn... what colors to choose? *sigh* This is SO MUCH FUN!

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Great Adria ! Glad to have you along -- and what colors are you thinking of and when do you need the wedding gift done by ?

Also, as for the original pattern I used for Around the World, that came from a magazine I found at walmart several months ago, maybe last spring. It was just called AFGHANS and had nowhere inside to tell how often it comes out or where to order more of them . I already passed it on to someone else, but can kinda lead you through it by working with the pattern online ,along with another granny square online and a graph chart- then you can take it from there and make one exactly the same .

Let me know if you decide you want all that info and I'll hunt it up for you .

Guess we'd better think about the PS first, unless you wanna tackle 2 of these at once ???


also Tabby-

You are HILARIOUS !!!! ( Either that, or a Glutton for Punishment ) :D

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Hi Adria ( and anyone else with questions about this pattern )


I have had lots of people ask me about the pattern I used, which was in a magazine I no longer have, so if you follow the links below, you can re-create it to be exactly like the one I did --

they also display the afghan at an ANGLE, so it is held with the squares actually looking like diamond shapes, only due to twisting the afghan one turn at an angle ,so the points are up and down


Anyhow, here is the basic design -( but use the square below )



Here is the basic square



And here is the graph paper to graph out your colors :



Any questions ? HOLLER .

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Thank you thank you thank you!!! I have so many projects going on right now... DH came home from work and just gave me this stupefied look... he asked, "What, was there some sort of yarn explosion here today?" :rofl I DID go to the LYS today, but um... I still haven't ordered the yarn for the Prairie Star... :D


Thanks for the pattern help on Around the World. I'm going to save your links and work on that one once PS is done. :D


As for colors and time limit, her wedding was actually in August; I gave them a gift already, but I want to do this in addition. I'd like to get it done by Christmas, though. Her favorite color is green so I think I'm going to go with shades of green, with blue as the contrasting color?


I'm'll go take a look at yarniverse right now and see what I can find! :D

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