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Crochet -a- Quilt


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I did the third color in my star as I went along this row, thought it might be easier... who knows? I've been working my ends in as well, because if I get stuck at the end weaving those little *#$&*@'s, the darned thing will sit there forever!


:D Good Job!

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Mammabear VERY NICE! Love the 2 colors so far.

Krystal, I also hate weaving in ends. That's why I'm also doing them as I go along putting them together. And that's why I'm putting it together before I finish all the squares because I'll finish all the squares (over 400 of them) and they'll sit there because I won't want to do the ends. Of course this board has helped me TREMENDOUSLY.

I haven't worked on mine for a while. I get too busy during the week. So maybe this weekend and maybe July 4, when I'm off work.

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I crocheted 3 more purple squares this morning. This color is near the end. I'm thinking I might change one color I haven't started yet because I need a darker or brighter color in that area... So I was thinking of adding burgandy. I'll have to check at the store though, I have a light blue and then want another color next to it and not sure if burgandy will work. :think Since my afghan is multi colors with no real theme, it might work out fine.

Any suggestions for a bright or dark color next to a light blue (not blue or green)?

Here's my colors so far

  1. Green (kind of dark)
  2. Dark blue
  3. Red
  4. Brown/coffee
  5. Yellow (bright)
  6. Frosty Green (light green)
  7. Orchid (light/pale purple)
  8. Lt. Blue
  9. ?
  10. ?
  11. ?
  12. Lavendar
  13. Lt Raspberry
  14. Very dark blue
  15. Very dark green

I have up to 8 crocheted, up to 1/2 of up to #6 sewn together. All of #13 crocheted, almost all of #12 crocheted (that was a frogged afghan I was going to do so I had the color). Most of #15 and a few of #12 crocheted (had the colors from other projects done or frogged). So I only need 3 more colors. I bought a light pink but not sure if I want to use that for 9 or 10 or at all as my friends daughters b-day is coming up and it's her favorite color so I may crochet something out of it for her.


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....Any suggestions for a bright or dark color next to a light blue (not blue or green)?

Here's my colors so far

  1. Green (kind of dark)
  2. Dark blue
  3. Red
  4. Brown/coffee
  5. Yellow (bright)
  6. Frosty Green (light green)
  7. Orchid (light/pale purple)
  8. Lt. Blue
  9. ?
  10. ?
  11. ?
  12. Lavendar
  13. Lt Raspberry
  14. Very dark blue
  15. Very dark green

So, you're looking for three dark and/or bright colors for 9, 10, and 11? How 'bout purple, then magenta/burgundy, then bright blue? alternatively, how about a variegated in one of those slots? If you're ok with Red Heart, the Monet vari color would be a lovely bright mix in one of those slots..... just my :2c (I used the Knitting warehouse link because I like their flat shipping rates and prices in general - this yarn is also usually carried by craft stores)
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That's for the ideas. I wanted a multi color one because matching colors isn't my strong point. I'd need the colors allready matched for me.:blush I'm going to stick with solids I think. I've saw and used that Monet and it's beautiful.

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hello what a beautiful design you put alot of work into it ,can i please know the pattern you use for the granny square ?i seen so many but they look hard this would be easier ,id like to make lap covers for the cancer people .thank you .and thank you for sharing it with us .Take care, Theresa smith:fame :day

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Theresa the square I'm doing are the solid granny squares

http://pattyna.fortunecity.com/patterns/squares/loopy.html# has a square pattern and I'm doing the first 2 rounds of this granny quare, one solid color.

I'm not sure which one Mamabear is using, it might be in a previous post, I can't remember:think

Here's a link to some other squares http://pattyna.fortunecity.com/pattern_squares.html and you could do any of them.


I actually got a little time to work on my afghan, putting together more squares. I'm up to the Orchard (#7 round). I found the last 3 colors to complete my color scheme. I'll post a pic later when I have time and finish the orchard round so it looks like I've done more...


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Well, I'm almost finished with the third round of my prairie star afghan in baby colors. Just might have to break down and buy a skein of that purple Pound of Love to finish it out....then I'll REALLY have to find a new project to use the rest up!


I'll take a pic later.

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I love all the pictures that i have seen! I like the star pattern and the one i believe is called around the world. where will i find these patterns? Have plenty and i really mean plenty of yarn here to get started! can't seem to resist!

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I got my pattern out of a limited one time only (maybe) crochet magazine a while back.


In the first post (I missed it and that's why I"m editing this post) that Julie posted:

There's one online that is similar -

http://crochet.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http%3A%2F%2Fmembers.aol.com%2FSA G55%2Faworld.html


Here's an actual quilt pattern Trip Around The World Quilt (link) and you can see from this how they do it. With crocheting the instructions I had was to start with the center square and then add them as you go along.


Check out the first post, julies and her link, like this one http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/jlabo1/detail?.dir=4760&.dnm=9fc5.jpg&.src=ph to her afghan (click on next to see more)... Our squares are just 2 rounds and then sewen together. If you want I can post how many you need of each color for each round of this.


There might be a crochet one somewhere, but I couldn't find it.


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Well, I've been laid up a few days, but that's turned into a good thing for my quilt-ghan. My prairie star is now completed up to the "star" and I'm making some of the border now - 60-something diamonds are done. I'm going to try to make this a square afghan, so I'm going to only do the white background, then some half-motifs (might have to create the halves in the other direction, haven't looked at the pattern in a while) then I will border each side, one side per color. I didn't have any purple pound of love, and just couldn't go buy some for the ounce that I needed. Everyone I talked to said they thought the blue would look better as the last point anyway, so that's what I did. Hmmm...I wonder if my camera is somewhere around here, and if its batteries are charged? If I stumble upon it, I'll take a pic. But I'm getting there!


Anyone else? Who's still left with theirs unfinished? Do we have a roster somewhere, or a gallery of finished ones?



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No, I got sick of working on it - I have CADD (Crochet Attention Deficit Disorder) and can't work on the same project for days on end like that. I've started another little project, so might pick it up a little again tomorrow.

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Krystal! Yours is beautful! I'm thinking I'd like half squares on mine too... the 4 on the very corners seem to stick out weird to me when I finish a round anyway and I was wondering if I want those on the last round... so maybe half squares... hmm... could try and then frog if I don't like it...


I also have CADD. I've been working on a few things (doily, small dresses for a barbie for a friends daughters b-day...). But I'm still in on this! I did sew some last weekend and crocheted a few in a new color...

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Even though I'm not participating in this CAL, I have been following this thread along the way. I finally couldn't stand it any longer, just had to comment on all the breath taking quiltghans here. You guys are doing a fantastic job on these, and they are all beautiful! Kinda sorry I didnt get in on this, but i have so many dang projects on the hook as it is. I bought a "quilts to crochet" booklet several years ago, and ONE of these days..... :)

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Melissa when you finish one major project, maybe start on one of those quilts... maybe an easy one or a takealong one and put yarn and hooks in your car and bag and when you go, take along and work on the quilt. One square at a time...


I've only done a few more squares and it's too hot to put them together right now. I'm hoping to work on some more squares though. Maybe finish them all. Maybe I should do what Julie did on the first post, take a pic of all the squares I have done laid out and see what it looks like and that may inspire me to drink ice cold, cold water and sew them...


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Ok, after taking a break from my PS and this CAL -- I'm BACK!!! :yay Last night I picked up my PS again and started working on it with renewed interest. I am almost finished with the center star, just have 4 more of the outermost points to make, then it's on to the large white sections.


I'll have to see if I can borrow my sister's digital camera to post pictures of my progress.

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I've got nearly 80 diamonds done on my Baby Prairie Star...it's a good project for taking the kids to rec and swimming lessons - works mostly in my hands, and the joining is fast, so don't have a blanket on my lap! I get between 3 and 5 done a day that way.


I just got the most amazing B-day present (I think). The UPS man drove up my driveway with a box from JoAnns....with 3 colors of Bernat Denimstyle in it! And they're wonderful shades of blue, too. I was thinking of doing my PS for MY room in this - what do you think? http://www.bernat.com/product.php?LGC=denimstyle&SPP=999&PHPSESSID=f88c5ec9509709a2d371c3a7e6a1906f Indigo, chino, stonewash and polo for the star - the canvas/white for the background? What order should I do the colors in (Indigo in the center and points...)



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other than "looking" occasionally in this thread


let me just say that the "quilts" you all are making are beautiful! i especially like the "baby prairie star"...


who know, i could just add that to my "hoard"

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