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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Tiffany - I know what you mean about the one diamond at a time; usually I do at most 2 before I fall asleep :lol Doing those half diamonds was tricky; not the pattern, but figuring out how to hold it to the WIP when doing the joining round 3. After doing 5, I'm still not sure I'm doing it right.


Thanks, Dazy and Theresa! I really, really like this pattern. It has kept my interest, which is quite a feat!


Not done yet, but plugging away....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All!!i've not been kidnapped or ran away from home. i've been working like crazy and helping son move into his first apartment. i never know when i get home from work if i'll have any worldly possessions left. he drags off something else everytime he stops by.:lol

i have been working on my quiltghan, tho. i've almost got another round done. it sure gets warm working on it now that it's starting to get some size to it. i hope everyone is enjoying some crochet time. i'm going to get to do more now that the fulltime work has turned to part-time (which is what i wanted to begin with).

hope to be here more often. now, i've got to catch up on everything or maybe just jump in the middle of it.:cheer

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Dazy, Patricia, and Theresa -


Your afghans all are so beautiful. I can't believe how long it has been since I posted here - but I have been working hard! I actually FINISHED my Prairie Star. I also want to crochet today, but have been roaming the boards all morning! Here is a picture (or two)!


th_PSfull2z.jpg th_a1b7837c.jpg


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This is the first time I have visited this place and I love it. I have only been crocheting for 1 year but I would love to try to do one of these. Could someone tell me what type of squares you are making for the around the world quilt. Are they just regular granny squares or is there a special pattern for this cro-quilt. Sorry for the basic questions but I gotta learn somehow lol.



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This crochetalong is one reason why I joined this group. I've been making the Trip Around The World afghan for a while now. I had to stop for a baby shower afghan and a birthday gifts, doily and 2 dishclothes. But I'm back on track. I finished 2 more rounds of squares. I haven't put anything together, yet, that's what I dread.

I would love to join this crochet-a-long if I can.



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Hello to you all -

This is my FIRST post. I was sent here by a friend, and I just had to jump into this CAL....well, to say hello at least. I have 3 WIP right now, can't possibly start another.


Anyway, I have been looking ALL OVER for a prairie star afghan pattern and I have fallen in love with the one Diane is making. I want to do mine in blues, and I want to make it square to fit nicely on my king size bed. Finally, a project that I will keep. I have tucked the pattern away in my favorites - Diane, any pointers on getting it right? Is it tricky? I'm a beginner to intermediate crocheter....


Will this CAL be around in about a month? Hopefully I'll have my act together by then and can start the Prairie Star!

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CAL's continue for as long as there is interest. If it's a popular enough CAL, it can continue on for months or more I'd guess from what I've seen. Some people finish and move onto other projects, but new people can start all the time.

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Thank you so much for your kind words, dazy, Patty, and Krystal! It is so nice of you all.




Krystal, there are a lot of people who helped me with this on this very Thread, so you can go back and look at all the good advice before me. However, this was my experience:


Once you get the diamond pattern itself (which isn't really hard), the going is pretty easy. Patricia and I both tended to mix up rows 2 and 3 a bit if we didn't concentrate. There are slightly different and it is easy to find you skipped when you shouldn't have, etc. The key is a bit of focus.


Once you get the joins, the first part ( the middle star) seems to go really fast, and you think - oh this is EASY and I will be through in no time. HOWEVER - the white section is challenging, because the diamonds are placed differently. Starting in the middle of the star's legs is the easiest. And there is a lot to go after that. Just keep at it, and realize it the easiness and QUICKNESS of the first star is a bit deceiving.


The last thing I would say it to weave in ends as you go.


For more details, just post here with questions and one of us who have done it or is doing it will be happy to help! It is a beautiful afghan. Blues sound perfect! I can't wait to see yours!

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Well, I went to bed last night all excited about my new project, but PROMISED myself I wouldn't start until I have been a good girl and finished my WIP. :devil Got up this AM bright and early thinking of colors, wanting to dive into my (hefty) stash and start out....I think I need duct tape to hold me back. Thanks for the advice Diane - I have a feeling I would have gotten the first star done just to try it and then set it aside until next week (when I have to have 2 of my WIP done) and picked it up thinking I had suffered brain damage along the way... still can't wait to start.

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I'm definately in. Tomorrow morning I"ll start putting the squares together. I have about 6 rounds of squares done and I would like to start to see what it looks like (and so I don't have 3000+ square to put together at once... well not 3000 but it will feel like it).

Then I'll buy more yarn and get more squre done! I started this afghan when the magazine came out but I have problems getting going with projects like this they become UFOs and then I found this board and it inspired me, especially with Julie finishing hers. I'll figure out later how to post photos.


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It is beautiful! Congratulations on finishing! I admire anyone who can put so many squares together. Thanks for sharing the photo.

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i've finished another round of joining and started another. just 3 and ahalf to go. but with the last 2 rounds, i have to make more squares. i need to take amore recent picture.

everybody is doing so great. and new people joining to help keep us moving along.:cheer i got a bit bogged down for a bit there. now i'm back at it. :hook

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nice picture, debbi. you're doing the around the world pattern too? thats the one i'm doing. are you doing a color scheme, or are you doing all different colrs? i'm using certain colors this time, but at some point (in the distant future) i'd like to do a wild one with every round a different color.

keep up the good work. and i hope you're feeling better.:cheer

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Thanks. Yes its is Trip Around the World. I'm using a different color for each round. I'm using most of my left over yarn. I was going to give it to one Aunt who likes yard sales, but I think I'll give it to my other aunt who loves quilts. Since Red Heart doesn't have a lot of color choices, there will be similar colors, just different shades. For example, the center is green (hard to see in the pic), the 6th round will be a frosty green and the last will be a dark green. I'll have 3 blues in there too, and 2 purples and not sure what else yet! LOL. This kind of makes it fun.

But I want to do other quilt afghans with specific colors.


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i've had alot of things to keep me busy lately, but i've taken today off to crochet. a little housework in between, but mostly crochet. i've started making the rest of my squares for my ATW quiltghan. i've got 114 more to make and then 132 to join and then i'm gonna try to put a simple border on it.

is that a light at the end of the tunnel? or is it a train?:think

how is everybody else doing?

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I' never counted who many I have to make. 421! :eek I didn't realize that! LOL. It starts with very few in the center but then adds up. I've done over 228! :eek I didn't even realize that. I've done more, because I don't know how many of the last few colors I've done, because I've just been working on those inbetween the other colors. So I'm half done in crocheting, which is a relief, if I had added them up at first I probably wouldn't have started...


I finished the 4th round of squares sewen together. I've been sick and it's been hard, Wednesday night I was just way too tired to even crochet. Last night I only had about 6 to sew on and 4 were just one sided, which is easy and I think I will save those for the last part of each round so I'll finish a round.


When I do another color round I'll add another pic to my photobucket album.


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way to go, debbi. :cheer you're coming right along. it's sounds like an amazing number of squares, but they really add up fast. i got a new skein of buff today, so i can start working on mine again. first i've got a lapghan to finish, though. i've got 9 more hexes to join and then put a border of some kind around it. i need to take a new photo of my quiltghan, too. i've added a couple of rounds since the last pic.

we're gonna get these done someday. just gotta put one square in front of the other.:cheer:yarn:cheer

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