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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Hello every1!:cheer

Patricia~Great job, you can do it!

Dazy~Thank you, i'm about 76/336 squares:eek , i'll try to post an update pic. soon. That spiffy guy is my 4 yr. old, my heart & soul:blush . It's too hard to keep up with what every1 is doing so, can you remind me what ghan you're making? How are you coming along?(duh, you already said half way, sorry, my bad). I'm sure you're alot further then me, ugghhh. Oh well, it's all good:hook.

i'm doing the around the world. its 319 squares. 3and 1/2 inch squares. i may have to do more later to give it a border. i'm still debating that. i'll see when i get there.
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<HUGE SIGH> Tonight I finished the bulk of the white motifs on my PS! :woowoo I won't say "all" because there are two in each of the four corners at the end. But still, I'm having myself a little bit of a *fiesta* here! :yay:party:yay:party:yay Come join in! I'm passing out margaritas! :mug


I'm trying to figure out how to sign up locally on the other board...I have CityGirl on another local board, and it would be a major PITA to keep switching back and forth...so I have a request in with Nancy. I'm not leaving here, but I will see you guys over there! :hook

OH BOY!! a party. pass the snacks and the lampshade:dance :2rock . isn't it nice to get a big chunk done?
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i got 13 squares done tonight while watching tv. and i know i shoulda waited till i finished my motifs to start joining, but curiosity got the best of me and i put together the first 4 rounds. i :manyheart it. tomorrow i'll take it outside and try to get a picture of it to post. i'll tell ya, it's got me so pumped to get moving. :yarn:cheer:yarn . tomorrow is grocery day, so i gotta buy more yarn.

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Dazy, I appalled even myself - so last night, I got determined, and.... *BIG drum roll, please*



Here's a closeup - you can see the color I'm going to use next:



(interesting color changes; the background is a white towel, not mint...) but the pink and orchid look fairly true to color :think )


Until last night, I just couldn't convince myself that the stitches of round 2 were symmetric around the center - but when I got going, the pattern logic got much clearer - even the joining. Having some fun now!


(I know Julie kept mentioning "patience", but it never occurred to me to read the experience note at the top - :eek I'd never have tried "advanced experience needed" on my own, with good reason - without y'all's help and encouragement, I'd still be stuck on the first diamond.....Thank you :ty Ines, AJ, and Dazy!)


Way to go Patricia!! your PS looks very nice!! can't wait to see more!!




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i got 13 squares done tonight while watching tv. and i know i shoulda waited till i finished my motifs to start joining, but curiosity got the best of me and i put together the first 4 rounds. i :manyheart it. tomorrow i'll take it outside and try to get a picture of it to post. i'll tell ya, it's got me so pumped to get moving. :yarn:cheer:yarn . tomorrow is grocery day, so i gotta buy more yarn.


Yippe Dazy!! way to go!! grocery day means and is yarn shopping day:) Can't wait to see your pictures:)




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Good Morning, I hope everyone has a great day filled with sunshine:sun and crochet:hook.



I have a late start at work today so am hoping to get in some crochet after I drop dd 1 off at work, get dd 3 on the bus and some laundry in. The back deck is calling my name this morning so I think I'll park myself out there and try to catch up on some of my ghan since I didnt get any work done on it last night (we were out looking at a new horse - anyone got a pattern for a saddleblanket?lol.- and got back in too late).


Patricia - I like your colours so far, very pretty!


Dazy - you go girl! Any day is yarn day for me - seems I can't go to any store without hitting the yarn section or if they don't have one, finding an excuse to hit the other place too!:D


Well, ttfn, gotta get those girls moving!

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I can't wait to see your afghan. I loved Julie's and am thinking about making one next for my niece's new baby, BUT it seems so daunting with all those squares. I usually sew as I go, if I have to sew.


I LOVE the tumbling blocks version too. (See post #1102 by Brandy). The diamonds are not hard to make and the work goes quickly. It does take some concentration with the joining though. (for me anyway).


Well, I better get ready for WORK:P

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Congratulations on getting so far on your afghan! :cheer I can't wait to see a picture! I'll have to get a move on too.

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here's a picture of my quiltghan so far. the second picture isn't as true to color, but i thought you might enjoy seeing a picture of one of our 2 cats. his name is eustus p. coltrane.(our last name is horton). hubby never gets to name an animal again.




have a happy crochet day. i'm going to buy more yarn :yarn:yay

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thanks shelley and vims. its the around the world pattern. i'm still trying to get up the courage to do a tumbling blocks. now that i've seen some of my ghan joined, i can't wait to finish it.

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Wow, Dazy -


Your quiltghan is gorgeous (and eustus p. is pretty adorable as well!) Gazillions of squares to join and they have more than one color which means double the ends to weave in. You have no need to be afraid of the tumbling blocks, it will seem like child's play after your present work of art! :nworthy

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Dazy that is just GORGEOUS! I really really love those colors! Neutrals are my favoites.


Please keep us posted with piccies as your progress grows - it's just stunning!:clap

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i must confess. i'm not weaving in many ends. when i change colors or join, i hold the tail along the row and as i stitch, i stitch around it, too. so that it weaves it in as i go. i may not know much, but i know how to cheat :blush . anything to make life easier. about the only thing i have to do is snip off the end pieces that stick out. :hook

thanks for all the nice words. i wanted something calm for our bedroom. they have come out with a RH sand print that goes perfectly with these colors, too. i may do a row or 2 when i get done just to give it a finished look and give me an excuse to buy some of the sand print. it's beige and cream variagated.

got 16 more done. now i've got enough to put on another row. so much for the make all the motifs then join idea. right out the window.:yay

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Hello All -- I've read through about 1/3 of the posts, and the pictures are so beautiful that I thought I'd join in, if it's not too late. This will be my first CAL and my first quiltghan, so here goes something!


I would like to do the prairie star and the around the world. I think I'll start with the ps first, but not sure yet. I need to look at the yarn I have and see how much extra I'll need to buy - also need to pick out colors.


I don't have a pattern for the around the world - but love the one that Julie posted on the Yahoo pictures (looks like Dazy is doing this one as well). It seems pretty self-explanatory. I just need to find what kind of square I want to do and pick colors also.


Since it's Friday I'm going to head to Michael's, Ben Franklins and Jo-Ann's this weekend to look at yarn and try and pick out something.

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hey, bookchick. welcome. it's never too late to join this cal. i think it's going to be around for quite some time. there is always somebody joining or starting a new one.

yes, i'm doing the around the world. i didn't have a pattern. i just printed off a picture of one and use it for the diagram so i have something to keep me on track. then i picked out the pattern of square i wanted to use. i think it's called a rainbow square. and i'm making a little bigger square so i don't have to do so many. mine are 3 and a half inch squares. one girl did hers with 2 inch squares. talk about a brave soul. and she finished before i did :think .go figure. there are several doing the prairie star. you can get lots of good tips and advice on that one, too. i think my next one is gonna be the tumbling blocks.

whatever you choose, i'm sure it will be lovely. good luck in the yarn search. that's always the hard part for me.:yes:yarn:no:yarn:think

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I saw your pictures and it's beautiful. I really love how you're using the colors. Where did you get the pattern for the rainbow square?


Also, forgot to add my real name in my last post - it's Tiffany. Nice to meet everyone.



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:welcome Tiffany!! Yes, I'd bet this CAL will be around for a long time to come.

I'm doing the Prairie Star as my first quiltghan (and am just over halfway done). It looks like a daunting thing, but for the most part, it's been enjoyable to work on. :hook Good luck! :)

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Tabitha --- Your blocks are coming along beautifully! Can't wait to see it finished!


Dazy --- I just love those colors! Looks like they were made to go together!


Tiffany --- Welcome! Glad you can join us!



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I saw your pictures and it's beautiful. I really love how you're using the colors. Where did you get the pattern for the rainbow square?


Also, forgot to add my real name in my last post - it's Tiffany. Nice to meet everyone.



cool, tiffany. here's the rainbow square: http://home.wideopenwest.com/~sag55/rain.html

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