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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Diane, your PS is really pretty! Those colors go so well together. Is it for yourself or are you giving it away?



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Good morning campers!


I didn't get a chance to read the last days posts on here (will do so later today) but just wanted to check in.


I'm a bad quilter! I didn't work on this at all this weekend! My vacation starts today and as much as it pains me to put this down for a few days, I promised a friend of mine that I would test one her new patterns for her. Considering that I won't have this afghan finished for probably another month, I'm not going to make her wait that long! We'll see how quick the pattern works up and how much free time I actually have today.


I am off to take a shower and spend all day getting poked and proded. I go first to see the Nuerosurgeon about the nerve damage in my leg and for a consult about the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in my left hand. Then after that I'm off to the cardiologist for my yearly visit. Then I have to run home before 4pm as our brand new dishwasher is being replaced (the door is faulty) and the tech will be here after 4...


I'm quite sure I'll spend a lot of time in waiting rooms today but I don't like taking "big" or difficult projects with me to the Dr's office to work on so I'm just going to take a small thread project I'm working on for my niece...


I hope everyone is making great progress on their ghans and hopefully I'll have a little time this week to devote to mine!!!!

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Donna...Good Luck with all of your appointments today! I have my yearly Thursday and it's been a few years sine my last, I dread it but is something that has to be done!


Diana.....I love your colors for your PS! Good job...can't wait to see what's next!


Mary....your colors are very pretty and a nice purse too! Keep up the good work.


Evelyn...your colors sound wonderful! I can't wait to see them together!


Maryann....glad to see you joining us on this...hard to resist huh?


I have all 80 starter squares done, now just have to add the other four colors. I have three blocks done so far.


Happy crochet day to all!

Theresa "2"

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just think dazy- that is my dad that i had to put up with for 2 years:eek and he got really annoying :no just kidding it isn't all that bad!!!

ill bet he did.:lol the summer pete was home with the busted knee for 10 weeks, our son was 15 and on summer break. 2 guys eating everything in the house, griping if the other one ate the last of something,whining cause they were bored.and generally getting on each others nerves about everything ,which got on my nerves. they both went back to work and school at the same time. i thought i'd died and gone to heaven. i had my quiet house back:clap .

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:yes :yes I just have to put in my 2 Cents worth here. What fond memories for the cold winter day this coming winter Fpr squares and hexagons and what ever else.

We will all need a To finish UFO Board for all the past crochet alongs. LOL.

Well since it is going to be another week or two off line for me again. DARN IT. I am going to be making up a bunch of squares for the Trip around the World afghan and I am also going to start the Nine Patch afghan. And in between continue on my grandmothers garden afghan.

I will have nothing else to do and it gives me an incentive to buy more yarn a week from now.

So count me in and maybe this time moving won't get me side tracked.

Please God Give me a norma life again.:yes

Mary Ann

I have to start somewhere again:yes

why don't you put "normal life" in the same dream as finishing UFOs. like either are ever gonna happen.:lol at our house we always want to go back to slightly off center.:blush
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why don't you put "normal life" in the same dream as finishing UFOs. like either are ever gonna happen.:lol at our house we always want to go back to slightly off center.:blush


Dazy, you crack me up! :rofl

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Diane, your Prairie Star is striking! :yay Nice to see it done in the colors in the pattern, 'cause it's so hard to tell what it really looks like from the pattern's picture. And doing it as a five-pointed star - How cool is that! :nworthy what a great idea - I bet the finished afghan will be more circular than rectangular?

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there are so many different colors of prairie stars on here and all of them are stunning. who would think there could be so many variations and all of them work so well.

mary, i love your purse and enjoyed your blog. you have such enthusiasm:bounce . good luck with your ghan. i'm certain you'll do great.:cheer

i got the rest of group D done on my around the world last night and started on the centers for the next group. i make all 56 grannies daughters, then put rounds 2 and 3 on them. that way i only have to drag out one color at a time instead of going back and forth.

before i clicked on this thread, i saw farther down the page that someone is starting a shrug-along. gotta resist. keep eyes straight ahead. :faint

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Morning, ladies !

Looks like everyone is up and at'em and ready to start another week. It's always hard for me to drag my butt out of bed on Mondays . BUT, I am up and have been for hours . Now to get awake..... my body is awake but my brain is asleep. My husband says that is my normal condition....Men are such SMARTMOUTHS sometimes..... :yes


Donna - good luck with all your Dr appts today. You sound so brave- I am the biggest chicken in the world about going to the Dr . My 3 year old grandson is braver than I am . :lol


Keep on hooking, ladies -- sounds like you are all hard at work . :)

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Good Morning all.


Diane your prairie star is looking gorgeous. You will have it done in no time at all. :cheer


Donna I hope everything will be fine at the doctors office. Good Luck.


Dazy just think I still have probably about another year or so of my hubby being home. I pray for the days that he goes to his friends house or takes a walk to the library. Anything to get him out of the house. He is getting ready to start phyical therapy now though. So we are getting closer.


Ok So I didnt get anything done last nite, but Mary did. She got all of her teal squares done and started on the lighter pink. And my son has picked up his crochet hook(well actually mine) and starting with learning all over again. Between Mary and I we are teaching him the granny square. Nice easy one to start with. He is doing pretty good. Well I need to do laundry and clean and then maybe I can sit down and crochet some. Have a great day all. :manyheart

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Hi everyone...just stopping in shortly to tell everyone that I did finally make some progress on the Drunkard's Path...I have 16 squares of 4 smaller squares now...so I just need to get the 16 sewn together and do the boarder.


Diane...you Prairie Star is beautiful...I think I'll have to try it soon!


Donna hope all goes well for you today.


I'll be gone all day. :hook I hope everyone has a great day of crocheting!!

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Wow Julie

Those are really something... My mom quilts and both my grandmothers quilted.. But me I just love to crochet here. No fair lady I have a long list of baby projects here for baby gifts this year... Another baby year at church.

Those quilted afghans are just beautiful you are going to get me into trouble here.. Will have to think hard about this!!

Thank your for sharing and daring lol lol


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Ok I need help :dreaming


I can't decide whether I want my next project to be another Prairie Star (for me this time) or the Americana Afghan for the Patriotic CAL. (which I'd like to have done for the 4th of July):shrug


I sat in Photoshop all morning putting together different color swatches of Caron Simply Soft yarn to see what palette I wanted to use. I found the group I want (oh so pretty) and I'd love to get started on it like right NOW, BUT I also want to do the flag afghan so that I've got that done in time. AND being that that one is with Homespun (which can sometimes be tricky) I want to give myself plenty of time. :loco


And yea, I tried the pattern for the stars this morning? :confusedWOW It took me 3 times to get it right. I think I was having an extended brain fart or something because it's such a simple design for the star, but my over analytical brain was making it more difficult than it should have been. Anyway, I got it right and have one sitting here completed with some spare white yarn I had sitting around. It looks nice, but doing 50 of these will drive me crazy so that's another reason I'd like to have a good long time frame to do this afghan in.


Anyway, here's my color choices for my Prairie Star:



and here's all the possibles I put together:



So why don't I just buy the yarn for both afghans? Well, besides the fact that my hubby would about KILL me (LOL) I can only afford at the moment to do one or the other. In a few weeks I can start on the other one.


And two other factors: JoAnn's has Homespun at a killer price until the 29th, which would be one reason to do the flag afghan now, and Simply Soft is always inexpensive.:yarn


Sooooo... if you were me (which at this point I bet you're thankful you're NOT!) ;) which one would you choose? So many choices!! :bang

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You ladies are a kick lol Who said crocheting was for stuffy old ladies?? wow they have no clue lol lol... I am sure glad I found Crochetville. Still being tempted here to try one of these crocheted quilts but have such a full list here of projects..ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....................:blush:think


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Evelyn, that's beautiful!


Darlene, LOL yea, I agree, crochet is definitely NOT all about stuffy old ladies! This group has been so much fun. Without this place, I've got no one to chat about crochet to (well, I *could* but it bores them and they tune me out after a while!) ;)

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:lol :lol:laughroll :rofl :rofl :rofl:laughroll:lol :lol


Let me wipe the tears of laughter out of my eyes and first say - thanks to you all for your nice comments on my Prairie Star. I am lifting myself off the floor to write this because I just read Patricia's comment below...



Diane, your Prairie Star is striking! :yay Nice to see it done in the colors in the pattern, 'cause it's so hard to tell what it really looks like from the pattern's picture. And doing it as a five-pointed star - How cool is that! :nworthy what a great idea - I bet the finished afghan will be more circular than rectangular?



First I panicked, then I got out my afghan and looked ... yes it is a 5 pointed star and NO I didn't do this on purpose. Believe it or not, I am not one to miss something like this. Thank you, Patricia for your amazing powers of observation!! I had a great laugh about it.



NOW, I need your help too. - I would only have to take 3 diamonds out a BIT to add the 6th point. My perfectionist tendencies make me want to do this. I have no idea what a 5 point will eventually look like and am wondering whether it will be big enough. Should I change it to a 6 point, or strive ahead with the 5? Thanks everyone, I am going back to work, but will check out the votes when I get back!

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The Photoshop I have is Adobe Photoshop CS. I'm a photographer also and had to have Photoshop for photo editing. I had to pay for it (and it's expensive) :(


There are lots of photo editing programs on the net that are much more reasonable in price and a lot more user friendly, and there's also some to be found that are a free download. Gimp, last time I checked, was still free, and I believe InfranView is also free.


Hope you find one that you like!:)


Here's a list on About.com of free photo editors for Windows:


**Linky for photo programs**

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Diana, your prairie star is beautiful, 5 or 6 point. BUT, having done that pattern, if I were you, if it's really only 3 or 4 diamonds you'd have to undo to make it a 6 point, I'd go ahead and do it. The colored diamonds around the white diamonds will get kind of tricky if you've only got 5 points rather than the 6... it might come out.. a bit, lopsided? Unless you're good at dramatic rewrites:)


Of course, you could go ahead with the 5 and make it your own, instead of doing the rectangular shaped afghan, you could do borders of the colored diamonds around the white and keep it in a pentagonal shape. That might be kind of neat, too!


Keep us posted on what you do!

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Donna- I hope everything goes well on your appointments. Hope we will be seeing you bake here in fine health. Your pinwheels look great - and those joinings have to try your patience, but look very pretty.

Evelyn Your 6 pointed Prairie Star looks fantastic:manyheart - those colors look like they will be perfect together... I'd love a Drunken Path Pattern myself. I'll be looking for one too.

AJ - I love the colors you chose for the Prairie Star. What a dilemma you have. I know what I'd do...I would determine which afghan I should start, given the amount of time and money I had, then I'd do the one I really wanted to do the most at that moment. However, that has got me working on 8 afghans now, so I wouldn't advise taking any advice from me. Good luck!:)

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