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Crochet -a- Quilt


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My mental picture of this thread is a huge open room, filled with chairs around tables, good lighting, swirls of motion, colorful yarn heaped about, and a hub-bub of sound - some folks you spot right away, and others are more reserved, but all with warm, welcoming smiles as one walks up to see what they are doing. What an incredible group! glad to be part of it :ghug Gotta go find an empty seat at one of those tables and settle down to some serious crochet :hook


Patricia I read this last nite and just didnt have the energy to respond. It does feel like you are in a big room with all these people and crocheting. I however will be sitting on a couple of pillows on the floor. Once my ghans get to a certain side that is where I am at. Everyone laughs at me. My son is 13. Yes I had them very close together and they want to kill each other all the time. I cant wait til they get out of this stage. Then it will be off to college. I miss them being younger. My son was a sweetie at 8 too.....:manyheart Then I dont know what happened. OH well....Just wanted to say great image of this group.

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Good Morning Everyone...I still feel really horrible...:sick But as you can see up very early to get kids off to school. Then I have to take hubby to the doctor. That is an hour away....But on the good side of things :hook I get to go to the yarn store in the Quad Cities before hand. I dont care if I have a fever and ache yarn store here I come. :yay I get a whole 50 mins to look and buy to my hearts :manyheart content. Everyones ghans are looking awesome. I got all the blue made for the next 3 blocks and will be taking my yarn with me as we end up sitting at this doctor's office for a couple of hours all the time. I have to get this done fast since I decided to give it to my sister for Mother's Day. Her oldest one is graduating from high school this year and it is very special for her. My sister had her when she was 13 and kept her and raised her so I thought it would be nice for her to get a little present while everyone else is paying attention to my niece.


Well have to gripe at my son....staying in the shower to long...Have a great day all.....:ghug

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Morning All!


Well yesterday went by in a haze and didn't get much done on my crazy fan ghan. Did begin the HUGE edging though but now it weems to be pulling so will have to block it really good I guess.


Brandy - hope you are feeling better soon. Going to the yarn store should break that ol fever real quick!


Country girl - your prairie star is loking really good. I can see the difference in the colors - the center star does show up in the picture.


Everyone's afghans are looking awsome! Aren't we a talented bunch though!:cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer



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Good Morning Everyone! I've read through all the new posts, but am too tired to reply individually, sorry! Frann...beaUtiful! and I can't wait to see everyone else's, Brandy...have fun at the yarn shop! And Julie...I really do enjoy my teens most of the time...yesterday was a struggle though..just one of those days ( I think our house has been the hang out for the past couple of weeks and I was really tired of cleaning all the messes and not getting any help....and someone ate my chocolate stash!!....that was the straw that broke MY back!) LOL Anyway all's well now and they both still love me! :hug I'm off to get some sleep so I can crochet and watch Survivor tonight! I'll be back this evening!

A happy crochet day to all!

Theresa "2"

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I know what you mean about the chocolate stash , only mine was a little different . We once had a babysitter who ate us out of house and home, which I didn't mind TIL the kids told me she got MY MAPLE NUT ICE CREAM out of the freezer and was eating it RIGHT OUT OF THE BOX .



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Good morning everyone! Well, I've hit my first speedbump. I just finished square #5 on the pinwheel and I'm pooped. I have 10 more to go. It's taking me approx 2 days to do one square so at that rate I won't finish this for almost a month. The actual "finishing" of the ghan isn't too bad though as that's why the squares take forever. You do most of the edging, weaving and everything else individually. I have also been making sure I go back after I finish each one and go through and weave in all the loose ends and such.


I need encouragement. I feel like I'm never going to finish this thing! UGH! :angry


I think part of it is that I have a nasty headache and just want to go home and get in bed... Sorry I'm a downer today. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be my usualy cheerful self!


Glad to see everyone else is coming along nicely!!!

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Hi Donna

Don't feel bad, we all have our down days. that's what WE'RE here for , is to cheer each other up .

Hope your headache goes away. I get them a lot too and they are no fun.


Keep your chin up, you'll finish the afghan .If you need a little break from it, pick up something easy to work on tonite.


It's also Survivor night ! YEA !!


and hopefully, you have a freezer with some maple nut ice cream in it.


THAT would make ANYONE feel better . :drool

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hey donna , I have had a headace for two weeks and it turned into a sinus infection . I know what you mean about wanting to go home. I left work early monday and tuesday because I just plain flat out felt bad. My whole body acked . I got a antibotic and I am starting to feel better. I am almost done my toys , I have been jumping between working on them and the 9 patch quilt . Keep up the good work . It will all get better. :hug

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Man, ladies !

We have had a rough week in here . So many of us down with the flu, colds, headaches ......

We need to think of something to do to get us all back in good health .


Maybe we should all go on an orange juice kick . :coffee


Or maybe do situps every morning to get the blood pumping ? :2rock


I'd rather drink orange juice .


Hopefully it's just the spring weather change . I know it's always kinda rough here in the spring for people with sinus trouble -- all the trees and plants are budding out and it drives your head batty .


Anyhow, up and at'em for another day. Drink your juice, do 20 situps and call me in the morning . I'll be laying on the couch waiting to hear from you . :sleep

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Hope all of you that are feeling ill, get well very soon


One row of the Around the World is done. I am using the flat braid joining technique. Boy this makes it so easy:c9 I think this is really a fun afghan.

Julie, thanks:2hug for the squre pattern. It is perfect.

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thanks Dr Julie .......

Man, ladies !

We have had a rough week in here . So many of us down with the flu, colds, headaches ......

We need to think of something to do to get us all back in good health .


Maybe we should all go on an orange juice kick . :coffee


Or maybe do situps every morning to get the blood pumping ? :2rock


I'd rather drink orange juice .


Hopefully it's just the spring weather change . I know it's always kinda rough here in the spring for people with sinus trouble -- all the trees and plants are budding out and it drives your head batty .


Anyhow, up and at'em for another day. Drink your juice, do 20 situps and call me in the morning . I'll be laying on the couch waiting to hear from you . :sleep

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Hope everyone feels better soon!!


I'm dropping out of the cal. the lady that I'm making the afghan for doesn't like it.. and want the Lion Brand-Crochet Border instead....Glad that I didn't do more then 12 squares!!!

ohioafghan.jpgone I was doing..


the one she wants....:think I like the Ohio Star myself..

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Thanks for the reminder Julie! I forgot it was Survivor night!


Actually, I have some Blue Bunny Cookies N Cream Ice Cream in the fridge which is wonderful. Yummy! Thanks, you brought a smile to my day!!!

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it may feel like you're going slow now, but think how quick it's going to be finishing it. especially since you are weaving in as you go. i've figured out how to hold the ends along side the row and crochet it in as i go along. it's made a big difference. not nearly as many ends to weave that way. i hit a snag yesterday. ran out of yarn and with the price of gas being what it is, i'm gonna set it aside and work on my UFO project and buy yarn when i go buy groceries this friday or saturday. besides, i really want to get my poncho done and now i have guilt-free time to work on it.

you're doing great. :cheer :cheer



Good morning everyone! Well, I've hit my first speedbump. I just finished square #5 on the pinwheel and I'm pooped. I have 10 more to go. It's taking me approx 2 days to do one square so at that rate I won't finish this for almost a month. The actual "finishing" of the ghan isn't too bad though as that's why the squares take forever. You do most of the edging, weaving and everything else individually. I have also been making sure I go back after I finish each one and go through and weave in all the loose ends and such.


I need encouragement. I feel like I'm never going to finish this thing! UGH! :angry


I think part of it is that I have a nasty headache and just want to go home and get in bed... Sorry I'm a downer today. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be my usualy cheerful self!


Glad to see everyone else is coming along nicely!!!

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Ok, I need help!


Because today's kind of a crummy day, I don't feel good and just want to go home I thought I would attempt to "start" lacing the finished squares together so far. Well, I am completely baffled by them. I'm not sure if anyone who hasn't done this ghan will be able to help me out here but here goes:


To Lace CH 15 loops, lay motifs facing you forming 3 panels with 5 motifs in each panel (I got this part ok)

To lace first long vertical panels:

beginning at bottom, reach through CH 15 lp in corner of 1st motif and left, pick up loop in corner of 1st motif at right and pull through, reaching through last loop, pick up next loop on opposite motif and pull through loop. repeat to corner.


Uh, WHAT? I have read, re-read and re-read again and this makes NO sense to me! Can anyone help me decipher this code?


THANKS everyone!

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Great job on your prairie star !



You guys are doing such wonderful work . My gosh, I think we need a new NAME for this group ... how about :

the Talent Team


United Crocheters Club


The Hook,Line and Sinkers Group

* ( that one was stupid, but I like it )



Anyone got a better idea ? :hook

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It sounds almost as if you're BRAIDING them together .


Have you ever done the lace-up afghan... no that's not the name .. be back, I gotta go look it up online ..................................





Jacob's Ladder . I was a little off on the name .


It SOUNDS like the same type of method they use, which is REALLY easy ....

Just grab the first chain they mention, and pull it thru the 2nd chain,pull the 2nd chain thru the 3rd and so on-- it looks almost like a braid when done .


Hope this helps or works .

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It sounds almost as if you're BRAIDING them together .


Have you ever done the lace-up afghan... no that's not the name .. be back, I gotta go look it up online ..................................





Jacob's Ladder . I was a little off on the name .


It SOUNDS like the same type of method they use, which is REALLY easy ....

Just grab the first chain they mention, and pull it thru the 2nd chain,pull the 2nd chain thru the 3rd and so on-- it looks almost like a braid when done .


Hope this helps or works .


Yup, you're braiding it, and I can do it on each single square, it's the joining together that's got me confused. Each "finished" square has a bunch of 15CH space loops that need to be braided (weaved) together. The problem is attaching the 2 squares together... Oh, wait, I think I understand it. Lemme give it a try!

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OK, I THINK I GOT IT! Woo-Hoo! :cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer Thanks Julie! I will take a pic tonite and then you guys can tell me if you think it looks right! Thanks a bunch!!!!

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Afternoon all. I made it to the yarn store. I dont know if I was just tooo sick or just overwhelmed at the yarns. I did manage to pick some up for a purse. I posted pics on my blog page. Julie you should like it, it has green in it. Gorgeous stuff. My hubby just laughed at me when I told him I didnt know what to buy. Thinking that I may go back to Rockford this Sat and go to the other yarn store. Looked a little better up there. I got my yellow squares done for the next three blocks. Now all I have left to do is the 12 of the 2 colored ones for the next 3 blocks.


On a side note. My hubby now gets to drive the car. Yessssssss:cheer And he gets to start therapy. About 6 to 8 months of it....:eek

Well I am off to read and then crochet some more :hook I sure hope I feel better soon. Man I hate being sick, but at least I am crocheting more.... Have a great afternoon all. :manyheart

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