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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Hi there! I absolutely LOVE your Around the World Afghan with the bright colors and the one on the book cover. Could you tell me what book this is, I would love to do that one!! It is great. So when you finish the one with the bright colors will you be posting the finished product??? :yay OF COURSE RIGHT?


This is such a nice forum.. can't wait to read later your reply! :c9

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Julie, I hope you're having a better day today. I feel your pain with thousands of little squares. The sewing together can get to you. Just keep your head up and think about how pretty it'll be when finished!


Welcome newcomers! This is a great little group and I think that even though we are all a little insane, we're having a great time together!!!


Well, square #4 is almost done. I should say that I still have the evil 4 last rows of Chains from Hell to do and didn't get as much done last night as I planned. Since there wasn't anything on TV we watched Star Wars Ep III (for the 3rd time!!!!) and since there's so much to look at watching that movie, I stopped quite a bit here and there. I also worked off and on yesterday on a new thread project. Just a quick, simple one and I've found when making a big project like this ghan I need little projects here and there to keep me going! As much as I struggle with thread, this little project is actually working up quickly and all I have to finish now is the border.


Keep going everyone and remember, it's ok to take a break now and then!!! Have a great day! :cheer:clap:cheer:clap

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Morning folks -- looks like everyone is waking up and the boards are coming to life for another busy day .


Crazy- Yes I got your pm and sent one to you regarding the Around the World .

There's a free one online if you go back to post # 1 and look through the links there . Yep, I'll be posting a photo of mine when done . Still plugging along on it .

You'll like it here- this is a nice group of ladies .


Brandy- hope your day goes ok today ~


Hi Donna- thanks for the encouragement . I'll get it done, I always get impatient like this when I'm almost finished with an afghan. I just want to get it done and move on to something else . You win the gold star for today for sticking with a pattern that is obviously pretty difficult, but keeping at it ,no matter what !

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How do you do it? All of you seem to be on the computer and yet you get your projects done. Are you crocheting while on the computer?


I received my yarn yesterday for the Around the World.quiltghan.:clap I will be starting as soon as I finish my Kitties in a Row.

I have so many projects in my head I feel like I am spinning out of control.:rock

When I am doing all of these little square, I will usually crochet about 5 and then sew in the tails. That way it doesn't get too boring and tedious.

It sure is fun to come here and read all of these messages. You all seem like my friends.:manyheart Carol

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Well I was hoping to post a picture of what I have done so far on my crazy fan quiltghan, but ------- hubby is leaving on a fishing trip tomorrow and "nicely asked" if I would be so kind as to take their grocery list and shop for them. Of course I said ok - he asked me in front of all the guys going fishing!!!! So, I'm off to the store then home to get his clothes ready to pack. I swear ----- if I wasn't here he couldn't turn around by himself! Last night he had a meeting at church to get ANOTHER group together to go fishing in Canada. I made 2 kinds of bar cookies, got pop, ice, plates, napkins and cups. Put it all, along with his fishing scrapbook I made him right at the top of the stairs so all he had to do was come home, shower and grab his stuff and leave. He ASKED ME TO HELP HIM BRING IT TO THE CAR!!!!!!!! Egads - are men totally helpless???? Sorry Drew and any other males on this forum but right now I just wish it was tomorrow and he was on his way to Kentucky Lake! Oh well, enough venting about husbands. He is taking me to Wisconsin next Tuesday to see the litter of puppies mine is coming from so guess I can help him some. Maybe after he leaves tomorrow I can gat a picture of the crazy fan afghan. I still have the border to do but at least all the squares are done!:clap



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well ladies ... bring out the drum roll :lol I actually went and (gasp) started the prairie star(greatly influenced by AJ and forines) !!! I was not even seen on this topic as I said I would come here only if I get to start this work! well now I have done (not much) the first 6 diamonds (I am slow) and its important that I don't rush things otherwise I would loose interest!!!


I also found that I have baby co0ordinates(bernat) and some redheart baby yarn so I am coupling thise with a few of the baby yarn I found here in India. So without much ado here is a picture :hook




let me see if this works:blink




edited to add if the pic is too big please feel free to delete and I will :thinkhow to post one smaller:)

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I've finally started on my ghan after yarn hunting for days! During the hunt I changed my pattern & colors. Okay, i'm doing the patchwork sampler quilt & i'm using country blue, windsor blue, claret, & soft white. I've only gotten 8 squares done:eek , but i'm gonna keep chuggin:hook . I hope to get enough together to take a pic., i'm hoping by tonight.



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Vims -

VERY pretty ! You will no longer be only a STARTER . We have a BIG OLD GROUP of people in this CAL -- we will not let you rest til you FINISH AN AFGHAN . OK ????

Come on ladies-- we need to keep after her this time . YOU CAN DO IT VIMS .


If I have to sew together 500 postage stamps, then you have to finish yours too .:D

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well ladies ... bring out the drum roll :lol I actually went and (gasp) started the prairie star(greatly influenced by AJ and forines) !!! I was not even seen on this topic as I said I would come here only if I get to start this work! well now I have done (not much) the first 6 diamonds (I am slow) and its important that I don't rush things otherwise I would loose interest!!!


I also found that I have baby co0ordinates(bernat) and some redheart baby yarn so I am coupling thise with a few of the baby yarn I found here in India. So without much ado here is a picture :hook




let me see if this works:blink



Vims this looks superb ... I love the colours so far and cannot wait to see what others you will play with. This is a spectacular quilt and it is a pleasant adventure making it. Top marks and an extra credit for finishing your ends as you go. :D

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:wavingHi just want to give ya'll an update on my progress. Well I have finished all of my squares for the neon pinwheel and now just have to put them all together and the :c9 baby afghan I have been working on I am just about ready to start the edging on it. :applause


Vims-- The start of your prairie star looks really good and I like your color choice.

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Nice work, Vims! I'm looking forward to seeing your progress. :)


My yarn arrived about 1/2 hour ago, and after unpacking and organizing, I've started my Prairie Star, too. I've figured out the pattern without too much trouble and have got my first two motifs joined. I guess I'm kind of surprised that the motifs only get joined in the 4 spots...I was expecting a much more complicated process!


The colors I'm working with are Royal Blue, Amethyst, Dark Orchid, Lt. Orchid, Periwinkle and Soft White (all RH SS, in the order they'll appear in the 'ghan). I'm hopefully going to take a break to go get some perennials from the garden center across town, but I'll post a pic later once I have some actual progress to show for my work! :)

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Vims You are doing great....:cheer Love it so far. I know you will finish it for sure...:cheerTabby Love the colors you have choosen. Cant wait to see yours.


Frann Your colors also sound great.


So far I have had a much better day. I even managed to get some more squares done. And I was a good little girl and bragged about crochetville to a lady at the bank who liked my afghan. I told her all about this place so hopefully she is going to sign up. She was also interested my quiltghan... Well I am off to the bank and pay bills and who knows what else. Have a great afternoon all.:manyheart

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Linda- wow, getting 2 done at once ~ Good going ~~~


Frann - your colors sound very pretty !


Brandy- good for you -- I also mentioned this place to a lady at walmart one morning . Don't know if she ever signed up or not. We get so many new people in, I can't keep track of them all . :)

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Boy, everyone's colors sound beautiful! I just love purples and blues together.


VIMS - Your prairie star looks wonderful! Keep posting pictures as you go so we can see how it progresses.


Well, so far haven't gotten to do any more on the crazy fans. Wish it were DONE!!!!!



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Now I'm in trouble...my DH just called and the couple for whom I'm making the drunkard's path afghan (the one I can't seem to get off my rear end to finish) are pregnant...so I need to finish their housewarming present before I start their baby blanket...huh :blush


Anyway...I might have to put a concernted effort towards finishing it this weekend...or at least getting all the squares sewn together!

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JULIE ------ its beautiful! I don't know how you got that done so quickly! Congratulations!:clap:cheer:clap




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let me see if this works:blink





Hey, nice job, Vims! That's going to be really pretty!

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