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Grandma Dottie left me her yarn!!!

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We had a death in our family 11 days ago and sister Cheryl and I went to her house. I was suppose to pick up my bedside pottie, walker and shower chair. Also I was suppose to get the family irons and her yarn. Well I filled up the trunk of the car and the back seat with yarn, patterns, ribbon and craft supplies. Then I went back with the truck and filled it up. Never did get the pottie, walker and chair, have to make another trip. I can not believe what all I have. There is over two hundrend skeins of new yarn, never opened! I know she was laughing her butt off as we discovered hiding place after hiding place! I have patterns dated back to 1973! She had some really good stuff!:manyheart

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Wow, is she ever smiling down on you! She must have wanted to make sure you didn't forget her; and now you won't be able to with all that wonderful yarn to work with. :hug I'm sorry for your loss; but do you think she's shopping in the world's biggest yarn store right now? With unlimited store credit; and no worries about having a dye lot run out? Now THAT would be heaven.

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:roflOHMYGAWSH:rofl .... Maybe it's my morbid sense of humour or the fact that I work in criminal court, but I was laughing SO hard, I was afraid DH was gonna come in the room and say, "That's IT. You are going to the looney bin NOW!"....


Here's the picture in my head: "Wow, sorry gramma's DEAD, but look at all this great yarn!!!!:dance And she left it all to ME:woo ! Watch and weep, sisters:drool."

Seriously, firstly, I am sorry for your loss. I never had a gramma nor do I have brothers or sisters and no aunts and uncles (I am the only child of an only child who was raised in an orphanage - wow - now THAT sounds pathetic:rolleyes ). But to have someone leave you a yarn stash like THAT:angel that is truly a living legacy!!!! And patterns going back to the '70s!!! I'm sure she fully intended to make every pattern she liked and use all that yarn ~ I know I'm about 397 patterns back-logged right now :ohdear but I'll get to 'em!

You will surely be 'channeling' Grandma Dottie as you enjoy the beautiful gift of her yarn, and she will be smiling upon you! Now get buzy!!!:jumpyay

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By the time I sorted out all the yarn, hooks, books and accessories, it took me only four hours. I have 4 big plastic containers full (of yarn), two trunks full (of yarn)., a basket of assorted balls, a basket of material, beading materials and books, crossstitch books and material, doll heads and arms around 30 spools of ribbon, a glue gun and glue. Around 50 hooks and knitting needles. She left me three big containers of buttons, two big containers of thread for my sewing machine, oh and I forgot about the full container of thread for doilies. There are a lot of little things like belt buckles, appliques, feathers, etc, I'm sure you get the picture.


I'm sure Grandma got a good laugh! My sister looked at my like I was crazy. I was clapping my hands and squeeling! Grandma told me the day she died that she had a whole drawer of fun fur scarfs she wanted me to sell. But they aren't going anywhere but around all the familes necks! I passed them out to my four daughters and my sister took some for her two daughters. We have lots of good memories of Grandma. She made me an afghan that is used daily and stays on the back of my couch, so I have her with me always.:manyheart

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i am sorry for your loss, i know how hard it is, thats so awesome that she left her wonderful craft supplies to you.i am sure your grandma is smiling down from heaven saying she loves it, she loves it:hug :hug :hug enjoy her legacy.:manyheart

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I think this is a great parable to pull out when someone starts on you about your own slowly growing (and never diminishing) stash. Just let them know that it'll be left behind for someone to appreciate and remember us by.


Thanks for the great story and enjoy her legacy.

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Such a beautiful thought :)


I think this is a great parable to pull out when someone starts on you about your own slowly growing (and never diminishing) stash. Just let them know that it'll be left behind for someone to appreciate and remember us by.


Thanks for the great story and enjoy her legacy.

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