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Valentine's Day Dishcloth


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Although I'm sure many of you have seen this pattern, I came across it today and thought it would make a wonderful and inexpensive Valentine's gift for friends. I think it's so pretty, especially for a dishcloth!



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That's a beautiful dishcloth as well. I'd almost be tempted to use it as a facecloth though. I wonder if I could find some cotton yarn that was soft enough for a facecloth. Wouldn't want to rub my wrinkles out! :lol

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I made the dishcloths to give my grown children for Valentines Day along with a pot holder, towel topper and magnet. I can't wait to give it to them. I used Janet's dishcloth pattern, and Linda Lanning's Heart Pot Holder pattern.http://kaleidesigns.com/crochet/patterns/archive/poth003.html

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ok, I'm having a DUH moment, we made a lot of the first one last year at work, and had a blast; WHY didn't I think of those to send my Elder at Pine Ridge??? She's diabetic, so candy is out for Feb. gifting, but I know she would LOVE a few soft cloths for face or dishes. Maybe a few bars of a nice soap...and that will be a perfect gift.

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I made the dishcloths to give my grown children for Valentines Day along with a pot holder, towel topper and magnet. I can't wait to give it to them. I used Janet's dishcloth pattern, and Linda Lanning's Heart Pot Holder pattern.http://kaleidesigns.com/crochet/patterns/archive/poth003.html


oh, that was a link and a half. i went there and printed the pattern and then clicked on the crochet patterns on the left side. that opened up a whole bunch of goodies. thanks!!:clap

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Hey I just did the second one yesterday as this discloth concept is new to me.

Here is the result: Cos thick crotchet cotton is sooo hard to find here I had a lonely one ball in my stash. I added a few extra rounds to use up the thread and added a loop. It is a bit pucky, but I am happy with it.

click on it to see the bigger version.





I was sort of thinking that you could use finer thread and the same pattern make 2, join together and put pot pourie or soap in.


By the way, without sounding too ignorant, what is this Pine Ridge that you all seem to mention?

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Living in Australia, it's not surprising you're not familiar with Pine Ridge. :)


Pine Ridge is an Indian reservation in the state of South Dakota. The living conditions there are horrendous. This is a brief summary from the American Indian Relief Council:


Life on the Reservation: The Pine Ridge Reservation has been designated as one of the poorest areas in the United States. The Reservation has few natural resources and no industry. Many residents travel more than 120 miles to Rapid City for seasonal employment. Tribal and federal governments provide the few jobs that are available on the Reservation: only one Oglala in five has a job. Medical care on the Reservation is inadequate, and many tribal members forego medical attention because of the long distance to medical facilities. In addition, housing on the Reservation also does not meet the tribal members’ needs. A severe housing shortage forces hundreds into homelessness while thousands of others live in overcrowded, substandard accommodations. Sixty-nine percent of Pine Ridge residents live below the poverty line, and residents must make do on $2,600 per year, less than one-fifth of the national average income.


There is a group called "Crafting For A Cause" that a number of us Crochetviller's belong to. We sponsor elders and children and send donations of handmade clothing (hats, scarves, mittens). We do other things as well but I could go on forever. Here is the link for the Yahoo group for our little gang:




I encourage you to check us out, there's a lot of really wonderful people in this group who are making very real improvements in the lives of these noble people.

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I know we are not supposed to talk politics or religion, but I find it amazing that in a country with so much wealth and goodwill as the US that you would have such a place.


It sounds to me a little like the situation of some of our indigeneous communities living in remote places. I admire your efforts to assist these people. Diabetes is a terrible disease to live with, particularly in an improvishered environment. I can see now why your gifts would be so valued.

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