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What to do with your gauge?


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Thank you very much ladies :manyheart.


I actually intend to do something else with those two yarns together, a kind of halter top in the way I described here, the blue one.


For the strap I used this method

The strap is super easy to make... but super hard to explain in English :think




  • first you choose the length of your strap : you need at least four time more
  • cut the required length of yarn and fold it once
  • fold it gain and insert a pen in the fold while you hold the other end
  • if you're alone, tie the end somewhere high enough to be able to grab the pencil, let it hang and make it rotate (like the blades of a chopper), when the strand of twisted yarn begins to swirl upon itself, pull it holding the pencil and continue twisting
  • if you got help, have one person holding one end while you twist the other one, holding the pencil; when the strand of twisted yarn begins to swirl upon itself, pull it holding the pencil and continue twisting
  • when you have enough tension, grab the strand at the middle, pull the middle very tightly and fold the strand in two
  • when both ends are joined, release the middle
  • smoothe the strap running your fingers from end to end
  • you're done


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