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Lace & Bobbles Crochetalong


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Well here I am going full speed ahead with this one ....I do one for a little while then I hop to the other for another while ....check my corners out see how nice and straight they are....:clap and check out my bobbles....:lol :lol just kidding here.th_sq.jpg



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Thank goodness it is ....I was ready to bobble myself for gettig into this...but I am enjoying it...I don't regret it one bit.


Very nice, Olga !


Looks like it is finally working for you this time !!

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Thank you linda ,,,well...I wasnt doing anything wrong...I always got the number of stitches it said I was supposed to have ..but some how on the row where the cross stitches started.....thats where the problem started....i had the number of x stitches ...18 I think it was....well.... I eliminated one cross stitch on each corner leaving one less than it said ...and everything straightend up...:hook

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Thank you linda ,,,well...I wasnt doing anything wrong...I always got the number of stitches it said I was supposed to have ..but some how on the row where the cross stitches started.....thats where the problem started....i had the number of x stitches ...18 I think it was....well.... I eliminated one cross stitch on each corner leaving one less than it said ...and everything straightend up...:hook

Olga -- Thanks for the information. I am curious -- in case a problem like that pops up somewhere for me some time -- what did you do on the next row? Did you try to make the following row counts the same as the pattern count or keep them less too? (I know, I know, I ask too many questions -- like a pesky kid.)

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:lol No...your not asking to much...you should have seen me wailing all the time and no one could come up with a solution....well....i just kept on going and up till now...it's going ok....so that means I have one less stitch on all the corners..I really don't know how this is working out but it is and that is all that interest me ....:lol and really...I did have the counts right...and just in case you want to know...the first time I frogged it I was up to row 43 ...I frogged till row 19 .....didn't work ...and on the 5th frogging....i just ripped it out completly and started all over again.:hook
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Hang in there, Nancy! You'll be in my thoughts :hug



Hey ladies! Can I ask for prayers from the praying women here? When I fell down our stairs about 5 months ago, I messed up my foot and ankle. Didn't think of anything else. Well, when I started walking and biking about 4 weeks ago, my low back started really hurting. I had x-rays done yesterday and found out that my low spine is really screwed up. I had a treament yesterday and I am in big time pain. Came down to email and let everyone know I'm not allowed to sit (or am I able to comfortably) at my puter.



I guess I'll be getting my afghan finished sooner than I thought! hahaha


Hugs all and I'll check back when I can.:manyheart

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Would a size smaller hook work or not ? I know the suede is probably pretty thick and needs a bigger hook, but would it work if you used a size smaller ?


Good suggestion Julie. ;) I'm not sure if going down a size hook would work. If it starts to stretch again I can try that. For now I've adjusted some of the stitches.



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Hi Guys

I am going to post this in here and also the other crochetalongs I started . Just in case you didn't read about my new crochetalong group that is starting up , I am looking for a donation of any square from the 63 afghan book one OR two , made in Caron Simply Soft, off white . I am also asking for a postcard from your area along with the square. These will be combined into an afghan to be donated to the Silent Auction held to help Crochetville pay the expenses of keeping the site up and running .

I really need your help gang, and know if you appreciate Crochetville as much as I do, you'd want to help us out if possible .

Any questions, please post them here or you can EM or PM me . I'll get back to you right away on it .

Thanks very much !!:)

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I know that i havent been around in a while, im sorry. My L& b has stalled so I could get swap things and baby gifts done. But dh fixed the camera last night and I can fineally show you what i have done so far:cheer


I am going to have to rip the last 3 rows cause they are ruffly for some reason


and you can see the colors better here


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Wow, Shelain - that is really pretty ! What kind and color of yarn is your center circle ( the turquoise ) . that is really beautiful !


Yea, it looks like maybe the last rows might have too many stitches ,but besides that , it is lovely !!! :c9

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Shelain -- is that Loin Suede? LOVE the colors!

Don't be so fast to :frog .. I think it'll flatten out.


Everyone's looks really fantastic!!


I still can't find my yarn to finish my LAST ROW -- I'm calling different LYS today -- cross your fingers for me ladies!! I've been to two other stores and NO ONE HAS THIS COLOR!!

Looking for TLC Essentials Warm Brown -- anyone know if it got discontinued or something?

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Julie, it is lion suade, the color in the middle is teal. I love it, it is so soft. Somehow I ended up with to many stitches in that last round so I am going to have to sit down and count, yuck! hope to get back to it in the next week or so.

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