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Lace & Bobbles Crochetalong


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Morning, everyone!


I'm back after a weekend of work work work around the house. I finally put away Christmas - which took all day Sat. Sun, spent the day prepping for my dd's 23rd birthday - cooked a HUGE pot of Cioppino - yummy. We had a wonderful houseful of family and friends for dinner. Not much crocheting got done but I did organize my stash a bit. I should see the arrival of the yarn for this afghan... it sadly did not arrive Fri or Sat...


I feel like I need a nap already!


Cheers, M

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I'm on round 55. Got through a few rounds this weekend. I've been trying to do my all my school work durring the day while my son is at day care and my husband is at work so I've been crocheting at night. I have a few things I want to make for a friend who just had a baby in Dec so I can get them sent out to her this week. So I need to take a little break from the LB but hopefully not too long :lol Well I have a ton of reading to do for school so I gotta get going and do it.

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- cooked a HUGE pot of Cioppino -


OOOO my momma used to make Ciopinno! My question is, is there any other way to cook it othr than in a big pot? My mom used to use her canning pot for the final assembly!


What do you put in yours? I remember crab, clams, shrimp, mussels..... OK, I'll go get breakfast!

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Morning gang -


Good to see the boards coming to life again for another day .


Mare, i'm gladsomeone else asked what the cipilinions are-- whatever you called it. The only word around HERE close to that is Cappucinno . I didnt think you'd need a big pot for that .

Shelain - you get the Bravery Medal today for watching 4 kids of that age ! I watch one and some days it's all I can get done to keep him occupied !


Danielle, what are you taking school for ?


Cristin - Welcome to the Anal Club . I'm not only a Member, I'm the President, and Sue is vice president . You can be honorary Secretary/Treasurer .

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I don't know how you could get away with not using a huge pot unless you were making a small batch in which case you'd still need a smaller and yet still BIG pot :lol :lol :lol


I usually use home canned tomotoes but this time didn't have any (terrible tomato season last year in So Cal) so I used 4 big cans of diced tomatoes, 2 cans of tomato paste, Lotsa water (enough to take my big pot - same size as a canning pot or a tamale steamer) up to half full. Add some wine (2 cups???), vinegar (about 1/2 cup), a little olive oil, stick of butter, and seasonings (kosher salt, freshly ground fennel seed, alspice, nutmeg, tarragon, black pepper, red pepper and a couple of bay leaves)... chopped bell pepper, onion, celery and mushrooms. This should look like a watery soup, not a thick sauce. Cook that all afternoon at simmer, then about 20 minutes before it's time to eat, throw in the seafood in this order: in the shell - black mussels, cherrystone and little neck clams and King crab. then add octopus tentacles, squid rings, oysters, fresh scallops and chunks of cod. Cook till the fish is opaque and the shellfish has opened.


Serve it with a salad and extra sour sourdough bread. Can be served over rice if you want to serve it on a plate. Otherwise, better get some big bowls!


Dang... I'm hungry again!

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Only two cups of wine, Mare?


Man, is this good eatin', even if you do have to take a second out on the house to buy the ingredients. We didn't use the octopus or squid, but definately had the rest. But you forgot the best part- teh bread needs to be a crusty french loaf UNSLICED- you just tear off hunks and dip it in the broth. OMG. You gals ain't lived.


My mom had serving bowls she would use for individual bowls, then we would put mixing bowls at either end of the table for people to throw shells in. She would also set the table with handtowls instead of napkins!

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it was all sounding REALLY good up to the "octopus tentacles and squid rings"

I suppose you *could* just leave them out though, huh? lol

*oh, sounds like Julie B did* :D

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Cristin - Welcome to the Anal Club . I'm not only a Member, I'm the President, and Sue is vice president . You can be honorary Secretary/Treasurer .

I knew I was in good company here in this CAL - but I had no idea that it would be TWO reasons!! First, a bunch of non-drinking gals is hard to find (in my experience anyway - or people think you're really WEIRD if you don't) and now the Anal Club?!!? MAN, I'm sooooo loving this place!!!

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Whoo hoo! The yarn is here!!!! I wasn't sure about the colors since I was doing the ebay chenille thing, but they are perfect! I'm gonna start round 22 tonight, hopefully. I have two projects going at one time that I am really excited about, and I'm having a hard time choosing what to work on!


And hey Cristin, I'm a nondrinker too. Thankfully, most of my friends either don't drink or can at least have fun without it. But my hubby's family on the other hand... I'm definately the odd duck!

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Here's a :h5 to all the non-drinkers out there! I quit drinking 18 years ago and never looked back!


I found out you actually have MORE fun without drinking! I don't think any of my friends drink either. At least they don't around me. :think


Anywhooot! :hug to you all!

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Taking a break from reading and checking in to see how you are all comming along :)


Julie - I'm a paralegal major and this semester I'm taking Bankruptcy Law (which just recently changed so everything is new, even to the teacher), Real Estate Law, NY Civil Procedure, and Astronomy. I'm really thankful to have that Astronomy class just so its not all law, although I do enjoy it :)

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Wow, Danielle.

I think you win the BRAINS award for the day ! Good for you ! :idea


and to all of you that used to drink and think you were having fun , betcha can't remember half of what you did while you were having fun . I guess I like to know what I'm doing at all times. It's a scarey thought to put yourself in a situation that you are not in total control of all your mental powers , and you do it willingly .

Not saying anything against people who drink. It's YOUR business, not mine . ( JUST SO YOU DON'T DRIVE ) :soap

It's not for me, though !

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Here's a :h5 to all the non-drinkers out there! I quit drinking 18 years ago and never looked back!


I found out you actually have MORE fun without drinking! I don't think any of my friends drink either. At least they don't around me. :think


Anywhooot! :hug to you all!

It's true!!! And when I first quit, I thought I'd NEVER have fun anymore!!?!? :lol

It's been almost 5 years for me and life is SO much better today than it ever was before.

The coolest thing was when my new friend (now best friend) invited my family over to her place for Christmas a year ago she asked what we drank, I told her Diet Coke and Coke. She was like "you don't drink alcohol?" She said "Oh good! We don't either and I've never met another couple that doesn't" Since then, we've pretty much become insepearable!! Neither of us have family down here, so we do Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays together too.

They are the first couple we've met where we all get along and like eachother!!! And our girls are best friends too!! It's crazy! It's such a blessing - so hard to come by!!

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I grew up in a non-drinking family. So to me, it's strange to hear about people being surprised when people don't drink. It's the norm to me.


I don't drink every day, but do have an occasional alcoholic drink now and then. (like 1 on the weekend, or more recently when I broke my tooth and had NO pain meds available).


My family was so non-drinking that it took me till age 40 to have a single glass of beer with my dinner in front of my mom. And even then she was shocked.



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Hi everyone...Oh man....I was not able to put down not one single stitch today....I am so :sick today all I have been doing is :sleeping. I just got up about an hour ago so I decided i'd come on and read some post and see if I can get some strength to get a couple sc on my L&B...check you out later.:hook


ps..hey julie ...you see the queen of frogging sittin on that mushroom.?lol,,I put that there for a while so I can remind myself....maybe someone else wants to do the honors and take my crown..lol

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Hi Olga

So sorry to hear you are sick and hope you are soon feeling better . i don't think anyone here wants to knock you off your frogging mushroom throne. i know I don't !

Anyhow, get lots of rest, drink orange juice and hope you are soon feeling well again. that flu is nasty stuff this winter!

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Thank you Julie!:hookYou know what....I think I know where I went wrong on my L&B...it's looking much better now ....I will only tell you where I went wrong if you promise not to :lol ...............ok.......If I am correct...I think I went wrong cause I SKIPPED ROW 10 ALL TOGETHER! I noticed I didn't do row 10...no wonder the no so good stitch counts at the end and the loppsidedness...cause right now it doesn't look bad at all....I hope that was the problem..:hook

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I'm on row 71 now. have run out of yarn, will have to wait until payday. I still have lots of scrap yarn that I'm making with my second one. on row 33, the second one. my daughter love the first one. the first thing out of her mouth was its mine.

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