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Finishing Off work..........

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I've taken to slipstitching garments together. Just goes faster for me for some reason. I've also used single crochet to join granny squares; it's a nice decorative effect.


But yes, I feel your pain. I love the process of creating, it's just the finishing touches that are annoying. :hook

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Now sewing up projects doesn't bother me. It's the tucking all the loose ends that makes me crazy.:( And I know I should do them as I go, but I just never do. I have actually put off finishing a project for weeks, knowing that all I had to do was tuck in the ends. That's why I won't do any granny square projects!


Good luck.



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Indeed sewing it together can be a pain. For me if it's larger than a baby sweater, I cringe.


Linda I am with you on that one! I despise tucking in the tails. I once had a baby blanket with variation of a granny changing every row, it was all done, except tucking tails. The baby it was planned for didn't get it. My girlfriend saw it a year later, still undone and found out she was pregnant and claimed it was hers. At least I had 8 or so months to get the tails in. I sent them too her to prove I had it completed. I have since learned to tuck the tails as a go.

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I don't mind the sewing, it's all the little stinking ends!! I've gotten more in the habit of weaving as I go (when I don't, it's likely to become a UFO) which makes it not so bad but those ends just stink. One of many reasons I dislike working with small skeins of yarn! :lol

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I hate it as much as weaving in loose ends! UGH! I've gotten to where I have to make myself tuck in the ends as I go and if I'm working say on a granny ghan, I'll stop and sew each row together as I make them so it's not all sewing at once. I used to whipstitch, I like the way it looks, but I'm so lazy I usually do SC's all the way around...


Either way, we all FEEL YOUR PAIN!

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