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Help I can't stop

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Help I can't stop buying yarn almost every other day I go to Walmart and buy yarn and now I have so much that Iam working on several differnt projects, I have become addicted once again is there a support group for us that buy too much yarn.:eek:think

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I TRULY get agonizing pains whenever I DRIVE BY the Hobby Lobby and can't stop- LOL I too am a yarnoholic. Fortunately (for me, and nobody else!) I have no intention of willingly giving up this habit. LOL!



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I know that feeling well- I visit the local yarn shop at least once a week, usually twice. The main selection of yarn she has is very uninspired but she gets odd balls and unusual stuff that she has in baskets outside the shop- I'll buy some and use it then want to rush back to buy more before it all sells.


But I have being using most of what I have bought recently and my stash isn't that big so I'm not feeling too guilty. More worrying is the fact that I've started to lust for some of the more expensive yarns- was searching for some silk yarn to make my mum a christmas gift and have found some gorgeous yarn I want for myself.

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The support group here ENCOURAGES you to buy more yarn....not stop buying! lol! I also have this problem. My LYS has a 30% off all yarn sale going on right now. I stopped yesterday and only came out with 4 skeins! I was so proud of my self control! I could have spent a fortune there!

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I also can not stop buying yarn.:2eek I eat sleep and drink yarn. (well, maybe not, but you get the point) I am at JoAnnes about twice a week..and HAVE to check out the yarn section at any other store I might be at.:loco Normally, I do not leave a yarn section with out bringing some home. :hook

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Our Big Lots store gets in yarn rather frequently, which is a very dangerous thing for a yarn-o-holic. Last time I went they had eyelash yarn for $1.99 a ball and I brought home 2 bags full. :blush Oh well. Everyone has to have a hobby. :hook

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DH went into one of the bedrooms where I store my yarn. He was looking for something he thought would be in the dresser and found that each drawer was filled with yarn. He said "Why do you need so much yarn? Don't ever complain about all my fishing tackle when I buy more" I said, "Well, now you understand why I need to buy more yarn. I have to have the right yarn for the project, just like you have to have the right tackle for the fishing conditions"

What he doesn't know is that all the grocery bags on the bunk beds, in the crib, and on the changing table and floor are also full of yarn. :)

And he didn't look in the dressers in the other 2 bedrooms - they're full too:blush

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Hi, I'm Jimbo, and I'm a whittleaholic. I'm addicted to making long curls of wood. Not many of you will succomb to this because of your own addictions but if you ever start whittling you're in danger of becoming a shaving junkey and you'll end up wasting your life away like me. It started innocently enough... just a few shavings on green sticks fresh pruned from the tree. Then i put some on a lathe and with a very sharp gouge before i knew what was happening, i was up to my neck in long spirals, standing there shuddering slightly and with this curious urge to have a cigarette. Sure, it starts off innocently enough, a curl here, a shaving there. Before you know it.... well its not a pretty picture. I'm one of the lucky ones. I could remember my first shaving of the day and was able to somehow pull myself back from the abyss. But then just as an experiment, mind you, i tried making a green birch bowl (hooks came later after i started mainlining). Before i knew it the little bowl i was making turned into a nub and i was standing in a huge pile of very long shavings with a cigarette craving along with a notion that i could no longer respect birch. So here I had this pile of beautiful aromatic shavings but no use for it aside from kindling. I know. And I'm still ashamed. So wasteful, but i couldn't help myself... Its addictive I tell you! I remember trying to justify my irresponsibility, thinking that those pretty, springy shavings would make really unique Christmas tree ornaments. And all that led me to the hard stuff... crochet hooks. Its hopeless for me, but save yourself..... don't start!

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Hi, I'm Sue. I haven't bought yarn in 6 days....


Don't worry! You're in good company!! Whenever I start feeling guilty, I attack the projects that I bought all that yarn for...it always makes me feel better. :lol

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I think we are all yarn a holics here..... I avoid the part of town that has the yarn shops so that i don't get tempted to buy more yarn unless I need something for a project... It's really hard.. But, it helps the budget out some... My biggest problem is that my husband is an enabler of my yarn habbit... ( Every since he got his first hand made iteam... )

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oh my Linda!!! that isn't how you store your yarn is it? I personally think car companies would sell more full-sized pick-up trucks to women with advertisments like yours!


To be honest I"d be afraid to take a picture of all my yarn .... I have about 8 large plastic tubs (think of the biggest ones you've ever seen) plus 2 big boxes (the ones kids carseats come in) plus a small tote-thingy-one wheels and about 15 copy paper boxes full ... and of course the garbage bag-full that my mother-in-law is winding for me at her house. BUT IT'S NOT MY FAULT!!! My father "helps" me buy yarn and I have a nasty habit of finding terrific deals AND I asked for yarn for my birthday & Christmas .... :::whispering::: 'cuz I NEED more.


Just remember ... there's no such thing as "too much yarn"



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I give away yarn to my friends so I can justify buying more. So for every two balls I give away, I'm entitled to buy four. Isn't that what karma is all about?


Well isn't it?


Big Lots sells yarn? Well I guess I know what I'm doing tonight ...


April :yay

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I think I am definitely addicted. We are packing to move and I have about five or six big boxes (plus a big laundry basket full) of yarn. And, this was after I gave a bunch away, too. Then, Wednesday, someone paid me for a scarf I made them. What did I do? Drove straight to Michaels and bought some more yarn. :blush


Yup, it's an addiction.. At least it doesn't hurt anyone, break up families or cause divorces. (At least not that I'm aware of..) :hook


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I am also a yarn aholic, but I buy yarn by the cones, several cones at a time weighing in at 2.5-8.5 a piece, I have at least 1000 lbs at present, and counting.I have tried not to buy yarn for several weeks at a time, only to buy the same amount in one swelt buy. My husband just keeps bringing in the boxes and saying where will this go, I shrug my shoulders and say somewhere. My craft room is filled to the rafters, my storage room is busting out all over, but the yarn keeps sneaking in at a slow but sure pace. We live in a large house, just 2 people in 10 rooms, and I've caught myself looking at larger houses, and saying if only we could find just the right one we would sell:) l our little house and buy a bigger one, does this mean I am really addicted? Or am I in a dream world filled with nothing but yarn, hooks and books. Oh my gosh I am starting to scare myself, so I will close for now.



So much yarn so little time.

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