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Feeling the pressure?

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I was wondering, with Christmas only 26 days away, who else is feeling the pressure to get their WIP's done? I've started bringing crochet with me to work to do on my lunch break. I only get about 15 minutes of crochet time in, but it makes me feel like I"m accomplishing something.



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Yup. I'm with you. I'm working on the Crochet Dude's Monet Afghan, which is going really quite quickly. I've been bringing it to work and crocheting on my lunch hours.


When I get that sucker done, I've got some jingle bell slippers planned for a nephew.



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I totally can feel it. It doesn't help that just today I've reached a point in a pattern where I had to stop and ask for advice here, so that's stalled, and I'm stalled on another project until I can get more yarn. Two stalled projects, gah!! I'm really feeling the heat right now! :fire

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Ha. I was at a stoplight this weekend on my way to a yarn shop and I looked over at my project sitting in a bag in the passenger seat. For a moment I thought, "I bet I could get in a half a row before the light turns green!"


I only have a couple more projects that I must finish before the holidays--projects that are custom, commissioned things. If I can get those done, then I can actually make some things to give out from myself!

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I was so dedicated to my Christmas project (the Cathedral Window afghan) that I took it with me over Thanksgiving and then left it at my parents place 300 miles away. :eek Luckily they are shipping it to me and I have other projects to work on...but that's the one I REALLY need to get done.

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I am such a newbie! All I am trying to do is make 8 scarves for various people for Christmas. I have 4-1/2 done. Big Al says my Mom will cry when she gets the scarf I made for her, but I think she's made of tougher stuff than that! :lol




I've begun to try to make some bookmarks with thread, but that's even worse! After the holiday's I think I'll try to make something cool for ME! :devil

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Oh my gosh, I sure am. The problem I'm running into is that even a little bit of crocheting is killing my hands, especially my right thumb, and it hurts like the dickens. So I'm not entirely sure what I'll end up doing. :( Not to mention that I just plain have too much I want to make, lol.

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I'm so glad that this topic is here, I was going to start a rant of sorts, lol!


I am making a shawl for a friend, found a pattern that is so so, and working on the third row I noticed I grabbed the wrong size hook! I thought that Susan Bates made their hooks sizes in different colors and tried to buy em like that, and I have a pink K hook and didn't know I had a pink I hook, arrrrgh!!! I am so upset that I have start it over again that I just said forget it for tonight...I'm having one of those days today anyway. I wanted to make it on the larger hook so it will go faster, lol!


Thanks for hearing me out...I'm sure we will all get done! After all it's still November, lol!

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SSSHHHH!! :cooI didn't realize how soon it was until I read this! I too need to make up a crochet dude's money afghan, and that is for the 18th! I havent even started, so I'm glad to hear it is working quick. Other than that I'm done, except for a wallet that I'm working on now. :hook:whew

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The problem I'm running into is that even a little bit of crocheting is killing my hands, especially my right thumb, and it hurts like the dickens.


Have you tried using some of the ergonomic hooks? I love the Clover ones and they are very easy on the hands. After doing a few rows with one of those hooks and some bulky wool yarn, I realize that I'm barely holding the hook! With other hooks, like steel ones, I find I'm holding them too tight. The ergonomic hooks make sure that you're holding it in a more neutral position and not too tightly.

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Oh yeah, I'm feeling it, lol. :sweat I *finally* figured out exactly what I want to make for my holiday gift exchange partner, after mulling over like a million ideas, I need to make the partner to the sock I made my grandmother for this Christmas, and I ordered Etaria's Rugged Mountain Scarf patterns and Snowflake Winter Cap patterns today. I want to make at least one of them, most likely a scarf, as a Christmas gift for the guy I've been dating (whether or not he's actually my boyfriend appears to depend on which one of us you ask, or the time of day, or something :irk). I just popped the check in the mail today, and can hardly wait for the patterns to arrive. They look great! If I have time, I'd really like to whip up some baby clothes and a blanket, so that I can sponsor a baby for Christmas when I go home to Washington State.

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YES- Between getting the house ready for Christmas and keeping my husband fed and clothed I've not had much time to finish my "presents in progress." I too should spend a little less time here, but I've not been here long and I want to read EVERY post, and it only takes a few minutes- LOL Right! Ha ha!



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Pressure???? What pressure???? (looking around the room to see if anyone noticed that lie...)


Okay, now here is my biggest problem. I create the pressure for myself. I am way behind on Christmas gifts and do I work on them???? Oh NO!!!! I think it much wiser to stay up til one in the morning working on a shrug for myself. (okay...the yarn jumped into my buggy yesterday and told me it wanted to be a shrugalicious shrug...then the nerve of it...told me today that it must be made tonight...can you believe it????)


I WILL work on Christmas presents tomorrow. I promise, I promise, I promise. Okay, I don't promise but maybe I will try.

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Yes I am feeling the pressure- I have already had to scale back the list of projects I wanted to get done for gifts, but once I've finished a project I tend to spend ages decided what I need to get done next, what will work up quicker, which project is more important, etc.


To top it all off I decided to try to learn to knit again- on the plus side its going well so far, but its still time I should be spending getting gifts done.


Oh well at least I finished ds's ripple blanket last night- I just need to get a few more spots done to sew on.

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Pressure????? Pressure????? Oh my goodness!!!! I only have 17 days left until I am back in the US and I'll be able to do almost no crocheting......thats 9 days earlier than Christmas!!! :eek :eek :eek Once I am back in the US I know that I will be so busy visiting family, friends plus going shopping with my mum so she can buy me some Christmas gifts along with the normal hair cut, dentist trip etc etc etc etc etc that I will be unable to really complete any projects!

I still have 4 icky nasty fun fur scarves to make, 2 baby doll blankets, a super cool boy hat for my 5 year old nephew who thinks his aunt can only make girly things, 2 unknown gifts for my grandmothers, countless snowflakes......its hopeless I tell you!!! Hopeless!!! The only bright spot is the 15 hours of travel time while I am stuck in a metal tube and 2 noisy airports...... oh goodness...I still need to get Christmas cookies baked for my work mates and Christmas cards printed and mailed out...... :faint

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Yes!! I have a graph-gahn that is 80% done (last row of color changes! Then the border! Then the ends! The ENDS!), a giant granny gahn that is 60% done, a 5 1/2 hour gahn that isn't even STARTED and a xstitch project to finish. Flippin, bleepin xstitch is taking forever though! 14 letters is working out to a letter a day and I started on it on Sunday. :( Sigh.


Nope, no pressure here. Oh, three of those four projects have to be mailed to Florida. So they have to be finished in the next two weeks. Arrghhh!!

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