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B's crazy slippers


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Made these out of the wool my son and I dyed, he has Crazy sock/slipper Day at school soon, so I promised him some funky footwear.... I almost over shrunk them *g* one just barely fits his foot. I was hoping they'd come out a bit bigger, so he could give them to me in a couple of months when he outgrows them... but I guess I put them through the wash one too many times lol.







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It's basically the socks from the sock tutorial Slady put up, only instead of doing the heel, when I got to that point I turned at each row, leaving about 8 stitches across the top of the foot empty, I think I did several rows like that, then did a row 10 hdc, then decreased several times (4 or 5 I think) then 10 more hdc, turn and the next row did about the same, just less decreases (2 or 3), then a third row with two decreases. That forms the little cup for the heel. Once you fasten off, just fold the heel in half, sew up the back with a whip stitch. I didn't go back and add any rows for a cuff on those, but you can if you like after you sew the heel. By not doing that, I ended up with slip on slippers. In the before pic it looks like theres a sort of cuff, but once it felted down that went away, leaving just a little ridge right behind his heel.

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Heheh the kid hasn't taken them off all day... guess he likes them lol. If I ever get them off his feet though I'll try stretching them out.


Now of course my question is this... the child has the stinkiest feet ever, and wearing wool on them will probably not help matters lol. They will have to be washed at some point.... cold water in the washer? Or do I have to hand wash them? (didn't even think of this when I made them lol.)

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