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You're Intelligent!


"Hobbies that require a lot of exacting behavior also require a lot of intelligence, and these people are detailed thinkers," says psychologist Salvatore Didato, Ph.D., author of "The Big Book of Personality Tests". You're also family oriented, adds psychologist Patricia A. Farrell, Ph.D., author of "How to be Your Own Therapist". "These aren't just hobbies, they're labors of love."




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You're Intelligent!


"Hobbies that require a lot of exacting behavior also require a lot of intelligence, and these people are detailed thinkers," says psychologist Salvatore Didato, Ph.D., author of "The Big Book of Personality Tests". You're also family oriented, adds psychologist Patricia A. Farrell, Ph.D., author of "How to be Your Own Therapist". "These aren't just hobbies, they're labors of love."





Hmmm...interesting. I read that creative people (like us) are more "right-brained" because creativity is a right-brain function, and detailed (and linear) thinking is a left-brain function. Kinda contradicting. I also have adult ADD, so details are out the window for me :)

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I recently started reading a book about visual learners (in the hope of helping my kids understand schoolwork better). It is amazing the difference between linear and visual thinkers, and I think both are creative in their own way. My husband is an extreme visual thinker and it wasn't until I read this book that I really began to understand why he has such a hard time understanding me (a linear thinker) when I am trying to explain things to him.


If you know of a visual thinker (or someone that is the opposite of whatever you are), play this game. Say a word "boat" for example, and then ask the other person to describe what pops into their brain. For my husband, he sees every kind of boat that he has ever run into, and from there he narrows it down to a single boat, but the boat has incredible detail to it and he sees the landscape around the boat, etc. Me, I see a simple sail or row boat, no color or detail. Only one thing pops into my head and there is no surrounding landscape or anything.


He is extremely creative with wood, metal, etc and never really needs a blueprint to construct stuff. I also am creative but find I work best if I plan everything down to the detail before starting, where he will just jump in and figure it out as he goes.


So I'm not sure that creativity is limited to one side of the brain, but the type of creativity will vary between different types of people.

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Hi smartcat, I started out in the sciences, biochemistry, and that was exacting for sure. Then I got bored to tears and went into the arts. As a child I had no artistic skill but, as an adult, using visualizing techniques, I honed my creative skills and now I'm very, very happy!PaganBaby69

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  • 3 years later...

Merry Meet Pagan,


Concidering how so many of us will have more than 1 wip going and be able to remember where we are on each, and the details; I'd have to definitely agree w/ being intelligent. Thanks for the fun info :)


Blessed Be,


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Gee yeah! I always have numerous projects going ~ at least 2 of which are big, like blankets ~ a couple medium, such as shawls ~ smaller still, like totes ~ and the everpresent small items, such as face cloths, cat toys, small drawstring bags, you name it!

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Thanks for that.


This is always an interesting topic for me. Because I was never good in school with regular subjects sometimes I don't think I'm too smart, but then when I think what I do with my crochet (an "art" that's hard to grade) I think I am.


Smartcat with crochet I may use a pattern to get me started, but somes I even just think of a stitch and what I want to do like my White Socks, I thought of the granny square stitch and did these up. However there are other patterns I follow like the Cable Purse, although I changed the amount of stitches across, I had to follow the pattern just about exactly as written to get the cable stitches correct. So I do both. Make up my own or follow a pattern with diagrams (love the symbol crochet for doilies).



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