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Encouragement for Making Gifts, 2016 version ;)


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Ya'll just be safe... now I told ya'll to get headlamps so you could hook during times like this :lol

Years ago I bought some crochet hooks that have a switch...to turn on a small light! I remember using them in the car on night time trips,


I hit the wall every year making doll clothes for donation but thankfully this year I've exceeded my yearly goals.  However, my spare bedroom is overflowing with yarn that really needs to go.  I've decided to make scrap blankets for the great niece and nephews to keep them warm this winter.  About 3/4 of the way through the first one making a granny stripe afghan.  I'm thinking about a granny ripple for the next one and then maybe a granny rectangle.  I'm not sure I'll have time to get to the last one if I do it my be a square as he's still a preschooler.


Please stay safe everyone on the east coast line.  Thankfully the in-laws and DH's Aunt evacuated ahead of the crowds and were able to extend their stay through Monday at the hotel they booked.  We can only pray this storm finds a way to blow itself out quickly.  Good luck all.

Fantastic job exceeding your goal!!  Your srcap projects sound great. I've used scraps for things like that, too. 


8:47am and we are still ok. Power has not gone out so i could make coffee this morning. Watching the news to see what Matthew is up to now.

I wold be lost without my coffee! That was what I missed the most after superstorm Sandy - no electricity to make coffee. For. 13. days. :blink 


Update 11am heard from both boys at UCF in Orlando all is well there. :)Great news!

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It is finished, decided not to add the embroidered details. I tried it on one square and it just looked like a mess so i took it out.

Just need to wash it and get it ready to wrap.

So I have finished all four blankets for Christmas.

Whoo Hoo!

Wonderful. Hope I'm able to get my two done by Christmas!!!


Getting ready got Matthew to hit!

Everything is closed tomorrow as the storm makes its way up the coast.

Probably will lose power for a while.

Be Careful and good luck!

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Good Morning.  The sun is coming up and it looks like it will be a beautiful day.


Saw the news this morning and thank goodness when the storm hit, it was not as bad as they expected, but as they said a little further to the west and bad news.  Now it is in Georgia, moving up and then it will come back to visit us as a rain storm.  Must be something in Florida Matthew liked.


Finishing up the lovely and then on to some ornaments I want to try in thread.


Have a great day everyone.

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Finished a dresser scarf. It involved cross stitch, hand sewing and crochet.

The recipient says that Saint Teresa of Calcutta (mother teresa) is a personal heroine so the quote is one of hers.

 Very Very beautiful... love the quote

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Finished a dresser scarf. It involved cross stitch, hand sewing and crochet.

The recipient says that Saint Teresa of Calcutta (mother teresa) is a personal heroine so the quote is one of hers.


Very pretty and yes the quote is beautiful.

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Hi, peeps!

Good Morning.  The sun is coming up and it looks like it will be a beautiful day.


Saw the news this morning and thank goodness when the storm hit, it was not as bad as they expected, but as they said a little further to the west and bad news.  Now it is in Georgia, moving up and then it will come back to visit us as a rain storm.  Must be something in Florida Matthew liked.I can't imagine living with that weather threat over my head much of the time!


Finishing up the lovely and then on to some ornaments I want to try in thread.


Have a great day everyone.



We got through the storm just fine. Never even lost power.
Coastsal areas were not so lucky. St Augustine is under water.

Spent yesterday working on a cross stitch forgot how slowly those projects go.

The flooding looks bad....

I have some x st projects partly finished....and a new one I want to start. Maybe one day. If my eyes hold up!


 Still have power , wind...and lots of rain...... tons and tons of rain.... flooding inland here.... we are on higher ground but the creek is out of its banks....


 perfect crochet day!

I hope you stay dry!


Finished a dresser scarf. It involved cross stitch, hand sewing and crochet.
The recipient says that Saint Teresa of Calcutta (mother teresa) is a personal heroine so the quote is one of hers.



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ratdog, glad you did okay with the storm! Yes, I used to cross stitch a LONG time ago and it does take forever. I liked doing it, made a few shirts and a jacket. The shirts wore out a few years ago. I did a Pepe Le Pew and a Bugs Bunny for my mother. Dresser scarf is very pretty! Turned out wonderful.


I am definitely not ready for it to only be 76 days till Christmas!!!! But was so ready for the month of Halloween to get here!! ;)




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Wow! Love the dresser scarf! Beautiful! St. Teresa has some wonderful quotes, that's for sure.

I'm glad everyone weathered the storm. It made it all the way up to NH yesterday and rained alllll day. Which is good because we are in a drought up here. However, put a damper on the plans of the day, Hubby and I were going to take a fall leaves drive around. Oh well.

Have the day off today and I had some cleaning to do but now I'm on the hook! :)



EDIT: I FINISHED ALL THE SQUARES!!!  :yay All 208 squares for my brother's blanket are done! Half of them are sewn together so now I just need to finish sewing them together and do a border row. YAY!  :dance

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Here is the lovey that I made for my Granddaughter.  I know she is a teenager, but I could not resist.  She will also get a set of lighted hooks and a flash drive with some crochet magazines on it.  Her birthday is in November.  She is the only one who has taken up crochet.



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I'm in too!

I need all the encouragement I can get to finish

4- shark/alligator blankets

4- mermaid tail blankets Working on two of these.

4- Easter bunnies

1 - monkey

2 -ufo's I want to finish

2- charity blankets

Tons of hats/scarves for the foster children/battered women and homeless will continue to do these.

Pillow cases for the foster children Have over 30 made.

A tie braided fleece blanket (grandson 2 wants it)

My sister 's star blanket

Granny zigzag for daughter.

Lots of baskets( anyone have a great pattern)


Wash-clothes (made a few of these) I finished 24 already.

Angel wash-clothes

Pot holders. / hot pads (Made over 20 so far)


Not sure the list will get done for We might be moving.

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I'm in too!

I need all the encouragement I can get to finish

4- shark/alligator blankets

4- mermaid tail blankets Working on two of these.

4- Easter bunnies

1 - monkey

2 -ufo's I want to finish

2- charity blankets

Tons of hats/scarves for the foster children/battered women and homeless will continue to do these.

Pillow cases for the foster children Have over 30 made.

A tie braided fleece blanket (grandson 2 wants it)

My sister 's star blanket

Granny zigzag for daughter.

Lots of baskets( anyone have a great pattern)


Wash-clothes (made a few of these) I finished 24 already.

Angel wash-clothes

Pot holders. / hot pads (Made over 20 so far)


Not sure the list will get done for We might be moving.

If anyone in the world can do it... its you sandra, and I like I said before.... I hope its two hours in my direction!!!

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Okay, since Sandra posted a list... here is my new one...


1. finish lining and doing the appliques for the construction bags for the two older grands


2. Puppy blanket for youngest grand


3. Ghan for nephew


4 Hallowween outfit for my doll


5. christmas outfit for my doll


6. about 25 small stuffies to go into bags for the folks in mom's memory care. She happens to be one of the few who actually have family visit.. very sad.  I thought I would do a stuffie, juice box and a small pkg of goldfish for each one.   If they enjoy it for a moment, at least that is one moment they have joy...


7. neckwarmer for my grandmother


8. angels for the workers at memory care and the ladies at Bible Study


9. dish cloths for my uncles


10. cat toys


  That should do it.... for now....

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Way to go, ladies!

Here is the lovey that I made for my Granddaughter.  I know she is a teenager, but I could not resist.  She will also get a set of lighted hooks and a flash drive with some crochet magazines on it.  Her birthday is in November.  She is the only one who has taken up crochet.


attachicon.gifMadison Gift 2016001 (2).JPG


I love it! And at least one has taken up :chook

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I'm close to finished with the Scooby image and my row count on the main panel of the graphghan is 77/120. I just finished weaving in a bunch of ends - there shouldn't be too many left at the end of the picture.

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Here is the lovey that I made for my Granddaughter.  I know she is a teenager, but I could not resist.  She will also get a set of lighted hooks and a flash drive with some crochet magazines on it.  Her birthday is in November.  She is the only one who has taken up crochet.


attachicon.gifMadison Gift 2016001 (2).JPG



Adorable! I love it...




I'm close to finished with the Scooby image and my row count on the main panel of the graphghan is 77/120. I just finished weaving in a bunch of ends - there shouldn't be too many left at the end of the picture.


Wow you girls work quick!!! I'm still plugging away at the same two graphghans...

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 Well, did finish a pumpkin hat for the youngest grand bug... It was a great day to wear it at the pumpkin patch yesterday...He had a rash from an allergic reaction for his antibiotic, but that sure doesn't stop him from being happy!!!


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