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Neck/shoulder pain and headaches?

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I was just wondering if anyone else out there gets headaches, stiff neck etc. when crocheting? I've always been headache prone, but recently I've been getting them every night, along with soreness in my right shoulder and that side of my neck. I finally figured out it's got something to do with how I sit and/or hold my head while crocheting. I tend to be too lazy to get up and find a clip or something to keep my hair out of my eyes, so when my bangs get in my way I cock my head to see around them (or blow 'em out of the way but that only works for a second or two lol) because I don't want to stop crocheting long enough to actually use my hands to move the hair. Part of the problem is that for weeks I have been crocheting nearly non stop for a craft fair (in 8 days) so I'm not giving myself much of a break. My neighbor, who just recently started crocheting has noticed the same thing happening to her so, I was just wondering if anyone else has the same issue?

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Yes I do have that sometimes. Usually because I tend to let my shoulders creep up and I hold them in an unnatural position. It helps to do some good stretches every once in a while. I also bought a great percussion massager and it works wonders.

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First off ... put the hair up before you start!!! LOL Second ... find a good chair to sit in, and sit with your feet on the floor (crossed is okay, indian style probably not). No sitting on the bed or squishy soft chairs. You want your back to be straight, or curved forward just a little. Stop every now and again - at least once every hours, more is better - and walk around - get a drink, go to the bathroom, pick up a room - you'll probably find that that short break will make you more productive, too.


While you're working - neck rolls and other limbering stretches while you work will help. But seriously, you've gotta stop and take breaks. You can cause some serious damage if you aren't careful.


I realize I sound overly dramatic - but having dealt with some serious RSI's as a teenager, I know what they can do to you. What you're describing can be just the beginning.

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My right shoulder seems to give me a lot of trouble when I crochet non-stop... I generally sit in 2 places when I crochet. Either in my chair in front of the computer with my feet on a footstool or in the living room on my chaise lounge. I get the most trouble when I sit in my lounge and crochet. I'm sure it's because this chair doesn't have any arms on it... Until we get a different couch that's the only place I can sit as our couch is super uncomfortable and hard and if I sit on it for more than a few mins my back starts to hurt...

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Yep, happens to me. I have neck problems (severe muscle spasms/tension, tension headaches, some kind of freaky nerve pain when the muscles get too tight) and if I'm not careful of my posture and whatnot when I'm crocheting my neck will start to hurt something awful. Usually it's from sitting with my legs curled underneath me, so I end up twisting to the side a little to crochet--which is really comfortable right up to the point where I realize my neck has seized up and I have a blinding headache.


Being more careful of how I'm sitting helps, and so does stretching. But if I didn't take my muscle relaxer three times a day, I probably wouldn't be able to crochet (or get much of anything else done, for that matter...)

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Yep, happens all the time. You generally tend to sit in the same position, hold your head the same way, etc. I have tried to adjust the way I sit, but end up int he same position. I usually have to stop crocheting for a couple days to give myself some recovery time on the neck. It tends to happen when I use a bigger hook or a repetitive stitch.

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I wondered if that happened to everyone. :think

I definitely have the neck/shoulder pain when I crochet for more than 30 min. or so. I try to watch posture, keeping your head bent down that long is very hard on neck and facial muscles, but it's so hard to do.

But so far the benefit outweighs the pain! :blush

And I always crochet on the squishy couch that I sink into, I think it would help if I moved to a straight chair. Oh, and I tend to curl up in odd positions, I'll have to try the feet on the floor tip and see if it helps.

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I have found that with my neck injury I have to to take a break for about fifteen minutes after thirty minutes of crocheting. Also one reason our shoulders and neck get stiff and sore is the position of our arms and how we hold our work. I have been placing a couple of pillows on my lap to keep my arms up and my head at a more normal postion it has helped tremendiously, if you have a Boppy pillow (breastfeeding pillow) that would work great. If your short like me a footstool is a must and follow your mothers nagging sit up straight! :lol I must confess because me feet don't reach the floor I tend to slouch.

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i too get them . i find what works the best for me is to do as faith said and take a break every now and then. since my car accident when i recieved a horrible whiplash and 3 herniated discs, i now use a rice thing i made. i took flannel and made a oblong tube out of it then filled it with rice, then sew it shut, you can do it either by hand or with a machine.then nuke it for 2 minutes and put it around your shoulders and neck as you crochet and that does help some. stretches also are a must. one good one is to slowly roll you head around. start on one side when it is starting to tighten up and do a few head and neck rolls. also tuck your chin down into your chest. this also will help stretch those muscles.. i hope that it works for you:hug :hug:manyheart :manyheart :manyheart :manyheart also sit with a pillow behind your back to help with posture. i know it is hard to think that you should sit straight, but my pt says that is the best thing you can do for yourself:hug :hug :hug :hug:manyheart :manyheart :manyheart

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Wow, glad to know it's not just me lol.


Normally I don't crochet as much or as steadily as I have been the past couple of months. I honestly haven't done housework or anything but schooling the kiddo and crochet (ok I cook on occasion rofl) for about two months now, but next Sat. is the fair and I'm mostly done with the constant hooking. I do get up at least once an hour, between going outside to smoke, getting a refill on my coffee or soda and going potty, I'm up a lot lol.


I have one of those wedge pillow things, you know, those pillows you prop up in bed to read or whatever? I use that here on my couch because my couch is *very* deep and the pillows that are on it just don't do the job (too soft and squishy) of keeping me upright. Even with that though, there's still room enough for me to sit indian style or with my legs curled under me. I don't crochet curled up, but I do sit indian style a lot. Mostly because my legs are short and even on a normal chair or couch my feet don't reach the floor lmao. On this couch, even with the pillow behind me, my legs barely bend over the edge *g*


I do make sure I have enough light, I have a huge window behind me for natural light during the day and hubby installed a clip lamp to the window sill so it shines over my shoulder at night.


When this fair is over, I'll give myself a break for a while and let everything go back to normal. I'll try the pillow on my lap trick and see if that helps in the meantime =)

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