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What should I make for nursing home residents?

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I work at a school and every year one of the clubs adopt a local nursing home and set up an angel tree. It has an angel for each resident with a few items that they would like to receive written on it. Most of them don't ask for much; powder, calendars, kleenex, etc. I thought it would be nice to maybe make lapghans for the men and shawls for the women. My question is, do you think a triangle shaped shawl would be OK? I wonder if the extra "fabric" in the "point" would be too bulky for a wheelchair. I thought about a rectangular stole, but I worry that it would fall off their shoulders. Any thoughts?

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I think small lapghans would be great, smaller than the normal lapghan so it doesn't drag on the floor. Also small pillows that they can use in their chairs or sitting at a table. I know my grandma sometimes falls asleep in her chair leaning on her little tray table and pillow is a great thing to have.

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We own and work in a nursing home and the smaller than normal lapghans are a good idea as well as yarncat's cape. They definitely should be made of machine washable and dryable yarns as resident's things don't get TLC in the laundry. Slipper Socks for wheelchair bound residents would be great. Non-slip coating on the bottom is necessary if they will be walking in them. Many residents like a small colorful blanket folded at the foot of their bed to look pretty and to wrap up in for naps. Cancer caps are also good as would be soft, loose shrugs - nothing with a lot of fabric to drag in dinner but easy to put on and take off. Crocheted flowers, necklaces and bracelets and scarfs and other pretties are always enjoyed. Remember, elderly people are always cold. Wonderful idea to "adopt" the home - wish we could find a group to adopt ours in Waco, TX. Anyone interested?



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Wow... what a good thing to do. Way to go.The following is my list of suggestions.

:manyheart Lapghans are always good or even small throws for their beds.

:manyheart Stoles that either could go over their heads or they could wrap around them are a great idea.

:manyheart Slippers are kinda iffy... they may be too slippery for the residents to wear. Even if they don't walk, they still may stand for short bits to transfer from chair to bed or the like. That said a nice pair of warm socks may be nice.

I think calling or even scheduling a stop by your intended nursing home and talking to either the nursing director or the activities director on what they recommend would be a good idea.

Good luck in your endeavor


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Slippers are a great idea for nursing home residents! Most people who can't get around too good have poor circulation especially in their feet and get soooo cold they shiver. (My dad isn't in a home yet, but he's in a wheelchair quite a bit and only uses a walker for short steps. His feet are always cold, even in the middle of the summer) I would think that making slippers and lapghans out of wool or heavy yarn would be even better as it's much warmer...

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I make lapghans,slippers and capes for a local nursing home.The cape is short and has a closure using a spring-type hair clip so it stays on better than a shawl.




This is beautiful!!!!! Where can I get the pattern???????? My grandma would love this!

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I agree that small lap afghans are a great idea.

A couple of suggestions, check with the home and see if they need them first. Many get lots of crocheted or quilted things every year. Many don't.

Also don't make everything out of wool like someone suggested. Some people are allergic to wool. Some people do not get cold at all.

You might consider a sturdy bag for their wheel chair or walker, to carry things in when their hands are full.

Try not to make this a use up left overs project with colors that don't match.

These are only my suggestions. ;)


I can't wait to see all your finished projects. :)

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Slippers!!! I have a post about donating them. ALOT of residents do not have them!!! Or lap robes!! I sugest you make one of each and take it to the staff. ask thier opinon. They will know best. or maybe do a variety and let the resident choose!!!

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I agree that small lap afghans are a great idea.

A couple of suggestions, check with the home and see if they need them first. Many get lots of crocheted or quilted things every year. Many don't.

Also don't make everything out of wool like someone suggested. Some people are allergic to wool. Some people do not get cold at all.

You might consider a sturdy bag for their wheel chair or walker, to carry things in when their hands are full.

Try not to make this a use up left overs project with colors that don't match.

These are only my suggestions. ;)


I can't wait to see all your finished projects. :)


I should have been a little more specific... Yes, many people are allergic to wool... But Wool-Ease is acrylic and feels very warm like wool... There are other yarns that do the same thing. That's what I was suggesting... Also, to make slippers less slippery, you can take fabric puffy paint and put little dots of paint on the bottoms of slippers that helps grip a little easier...

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A wheel chair/ walker bag, small lap robes, shawls without fringe, pretty much anything that keeps them warm. Slippers are a no-no, they have certain guidelines for slippers, no flip-flop kind, have to have tread to prevent falls, etc, all that good safety jazz. Some of them even just like a small something to cuddle with. Whether it be a cozy cloth or pillow. This is such a wonderful thing to do, good luck. Tonya

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I make lapghans,slippers and capes for a local nursing home.The cape is short and has a closure using a spring-type hair clip so it stays on better than a shawl.








Is this the pattern book you got this cape out of? There are 2 on ebay right now and I think I'll bid on one if this is correct. Here is the link:



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I would talk to the nursing home in question. The one my grandmother is in does not recommend slippers (unless they are non-skid). Something like a bag that will attach to the front of a walker is a wonderful idea; a small lap robe; a stole would be nice.


My grandmother is always cold - even in the summer she is using the blanket I made for her out of homespun.

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I should have been a little more specific... Yes, many people are allergic to wool... But Wool-Ease is acrylic and feels very warm like wool...


I know about Wool-Ease. ;)

Yeah you just said wool so it's easy for a misunderstanding. Although I stick by my other statement that some would find it far too hot. My mom doesn't wear slippers. She wears those mesh shoes you get at Payless, Kmart, or Walmart. :lol

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