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63 Wannabe Club


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Hi folks! I finished the Plain Square, finally! Then I finished the Flower Square AND the Cross Stitch! Watch out, Jen, I'm catching up! Started the Slant Stitch, too! It helped that I had a longish trip to a doctor's office today with my youngest daughter, then I took the kids sledding and crocheted in the car while they careened down the hill.



Now if I can get off the computer I can go work on the Slant Stitch again. Thanks to all of you for your encouragement! It really does help to have your kind words of support! :)

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Claire, You won the race today! :lol:cheer I've done 0. Maybe tomorrow will be better. I just REFUSE to do anything while watching my favorite show, Lost.


Tandi, Good luck on finishing the squares this weekend :hook How great to be so close to being done!!

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Good morning!


My sig is wrong! I should have put 23. Oh well, gives me something to live up to!


Jen, I can only crochet while watching things I've seen before, otherwise I screw up left and right. Drives me nuts to find a mistake a row and a half ago. Aargh! I'm not a perfectionist anywhere else in real life, just in CROCHET! Why is that? Maybe some of that will leak out into the rest of my life. But that will mean I'll spend more time doing housework and less time for crochet....


quirkyvirgo, that's great! Sometime I'm going to sit down and figure out how much longer before I'll be done, at the rate I'm going. I can't wait to see it!

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:) Hello Everyone,


Can I join you on this CAL? I signed up for the 63 squares about 8 months ago, and I am going to devote this weekend to working on all these projects. (I can't wait!!!:bounce) I have about 20 squares done, now and hope to be able to report lots of progress by Sunday.:hook

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Hello Fellow Hookers, one and all

I know this Order is tall .....


But you wanted to make this , remember ?

Some of us started a year ago in September !


So keep plugging along and never give in

It'd be easy to get discouraged and toss it in the Bin .


I know an old lady who wore the paint off her hook

Try and see if you can do that ... go have a look !


If you wear your hook down to a stub ,

I've heard we have a resident hook-maker, Bub !


His name is Jimbo and man, can he whittle

From really big sizes, all the way down to little .


So don't get discouraged if you wear the hook off the end

Jimbo can make you a new one that won't bend !


He makes beautiful hooks..... he's got a talent to admire

And I hear he has a never ending list of buyers !


He lives in the woods so for parts, he'll never run out

If you want a Showpiece of a Hook, give him a Shout ! :D


( In honor of Jimbo, who sounds like a really kind soul, with a heart of gold and hands that can work magic ) :)

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Wow, everyone is making great progress! :cheer


I finished #55 tonight. I really really hope to finish the squares this weekend.:scrachin We'll see how that goes.


Keep up the good work guys!


Oh my! Your so close, Tandi! :cheer If I recall correctly, the last few squares are pretty easy and the boarder goes quick. The sewing is what it is, of course. How are you joining your squares? Sewing or sl st or sc?

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Hi folks! I finished the Plain Square, finally! Then I finished the Flower Square AND the Cross Stitch! Watch out, Jen, I'm catching up! Started the Slant Stitch, too! It helped that I had a longish trip to a doctor's office today with my youngest daughter, then I took the kids sledding and crocheted in the car while they careened down the hill.



Now if I can get off the computer I can go work on the Slant Stitch again. Thanks to all of you for your encouragement! It really does help to have your kind words of support! :)


What great ways to find time to crochet! I wish I had been this interested in crochet when my kids were little and afternoon long trips to the park were part of our daily routine. It would've been nice to have something to do instead of sitting there like a DOG in the HOT SUN!! :sun Oh well, I guess I needed to watch them to make sure they didn't run in front of the swings and get their teeth knocked out!! :eek

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Oh my! Your so close, Tandi! :cheer If I recall correctly, the last few squares are pretty easy and the boarder goes quick. The sewing is what it is, of course. How are you joining your squares? Sewing or sl st or sc?


I haven't decided how to join, any suggestions/most frequently used with the least amount of cussing methods? I really don't like how the sc join looks normally, so probably either slip or whipstitch. I'd love any pointers you guys who have finished this ghan of never ending squares :nworthy have.

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I'm not real wild about the ridge that results from sc or sl st but you can't beat those methods if you're in a hurry. I whipstitched mine together. I like flat! It wasn't too bad to do. After the whipstitching, putting on the border was a breeze! :)

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Hi Tandi

Well, I sc'd mine together, but it 's totally up to you . I HATE sewing and whipstitching is too much like sewing . The SC way went really fast. I laid out my squares the way I wanted them, then took the first 2 rows and laid them good sides together, and ran a row of sc clear across the row,joining the first 2 rows together .

Then I went back and got the 3rd row and added it all onto the last 2 rows, repeating this til all the rows were joined together in one direction. Then I went back and worked vertically , sewing the rows together that way .

It does leave a ridge, but didn't bother me, whatever way was quickest was the way I went .

Do whatever Floats Your Boat !:)

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Ok I got two more squares done last night (28 to go). Does anyone have a good idea for a different edging? My sister doesn't like the frilly look of this pattern so I'm looking for something equally as interesting but not as loosy-goosy if you know what I mean? :think Though I'm not sure what I mean... I whipstitched my last one and it took forever! But I did like the way it looked.

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Jen -

I just did sc around mine since it was in orange and brown. I thought they didn't seem the right colors to have a frilly edging on . Or maybe reverse sc which would make it a little different looking .

There might be a section at CPC that has edgings . You could check there for other ideas !

Let us know what you decide .

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Would your sister prefer the basic shell edging? It will give you a scalloped finish but will be solid not open. You may want to do one round in sc or hdc then do round 2 in shell.


Shell stitch: sc, skip 1 stitch, 5 dc in next stitch, skip 1 stitch, sc, and so on.

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Thanks for the edging suggestions. I'm inclined to think she'd prefer the reversed sc to scalloped edging but I'll definitely check out CPC. I got 5 more squares done now which brings me to 40 :eek done! Only 23 to go and if I was obsessive about it I bet I could get close to finishing the squares by the end of next weekend. :clap Thanks for all your help and encouragement so far!!!!

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How is everyone doing on their squares? Huh? I hope everyone is finding time here and there to make a square or two! :hook


I didn't get a single square done this weekend. Not even a row. I found a huge sale at a local yarn store that is going out of business:cryand had all this cool new yarn I couldn't leave alone. Hope to work on some this week though.

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I got a couple more done this weekend, #s 27 and 28! :clap Had to come home early from work because my youngest daughter has a nasty stomach bug, the poor little muffin. I'm working on the spike stitch now, but I'm not happy with the way it's looking. Also, it's coming out way too wide, what with the Caron pounder yarn being bigger than the RH. I tried an H hook, then a G hook in the H hook base row, next it's going to be the G hook with a G hook base row, by gum!


I was just over in the "Waterlilies" thread. Man, those afghans are purty in that book. If I wasn't engrossed in this CAL and wasn't too cheap to pay ~$40 bucks for the pattern book, I might just try that out. Or one of the other ones, except maybe that 'ghan with the picture in the middle. I could see myself getting carted off in a straight-jacket trying to do that one. Eep!

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