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Howdy Kim !


( My grown son hates it when I say that )... he always says :



I just do it to irritate the heck out of him !


Anyhow, yes, there are some squares that tend to curl up and won't lay as flat as the others . When you sew them together, that will eliminate the problem !


Wa -La ! Just like magic ! :2magic

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Kim, square 11 was not my favorite either! I seem to favor squares that are simple in design, not too thick and lay flat. There are lots of beautiful squares in this project and some truly wonky ones! 11 is one, so it 17 and 41! I just finished 41 last night and while I was working on it, I didn't have much faith that it would look much different than a wadded up hankie. However, once edged, it seemed to lay flatter and our resident expert, Julie, says that once joined, the squares will shape up nicely. :)


Eliany, the finished size of the squares has been a concern of everyone who's ever worked on this project! The size of my squares seems to be all over the board. Once again, our expert, Julie, has a few tricks up her sleeve on joining squares to make the 'ghan come out right. I may have to redo some edges on some of my squares that came out too big but most of them seem to be somewhere in the right neighborhood size-wise. ;)


Progress: I finished 41 last night, so that's 1-41 for me! Yippie! I'm approaching the final 20! Aside from a few squares that look like they use an excessive amount of green, the rest look like they'll stitch up nicely. Wish me luck! :D

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GREAT JOB SUE !!! :clap


When you get to the last 20, it really sounds like you're gonna make it, doesn't it ? It's a good feeling .

Celeste , if she's like me, is in the spastic part now-- you have only a couple squares to go --- it seems like you have been working on the same thing for YEARS~~~~~~ You just want to HURRY UP ANG GET DONE ~~~~~~

At least that's how it was for me the last few squares .


You'll be in that zone before you know it, but very glad when it's all done !!!:hook

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Happy Sunday ladies! Hope everyone's Saturday was great!


:rolleyesOnce again, I'm stuck...#13...it doesn't seem difficult at all, but I can't get it to look like the piocture in the book or look like any of the squares that ya'll have posted on your blogs...aye yaye aye!:think


What I'm doing is dc, then ch 2 on top of that, then sc at the bottom of the stich....is this right? Then on the next row, I'm doing the same thing where the ch 2 sp is...is this right? Its m aking these arches, and theres lots of holes, and.....it just doesn't look right!


Can ya help? I'm sorry to be asking yet again, but be forwarned...it probably won't be the last time...:blushLOL.

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THANKS KIM!!! I'm so excited to be finished. Now, to keep the cats out of my project bag. . . impossible!


Let me see if I can help. . . my #13 came out just like the picture, so theoretically, I should be able to figure out where you went wrong! When you say that you're "sc at the bottom of the stitch," you should be sc in the same stitch where you did your dc (if it's the first stitch of the row, otherwise you sc in the same stitch where you did 2 dc). Then, you go on to do the same in the ch2 space. There shouldn't be a lot of holes! Can you take a picture of your square?

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Congrats Celeste! Can't wait to see it done!


I'm still struggling with the idea of redoing my 4 squares (at least the edges). The OCD is starting to kick in and now I want all my squares to have the same amount of sc stitches on the edges. If I decide to do it... that'll put me back at square 1 (no pun intended!). What's your advice?




~Eliany :hook

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If they're only one or two stitches apart, keep 'em. . . when you piece it together, you can fanagle them a little and they'll fit fine. But I would make all your future ones have the same amount, because it'll save you a GIANT headache in the end! Just think about having to fit together 63 squares with different edgings! AAAGH!! It takes enough time as it is ;)

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Thanks Celeste....


I decided I'll redo squares 1-4. They're edging is quite off. But I'll do them again after I finish the rest. Right now I'm working on square 5. Hopefully I'll finish it tonight.


~Eliany :hook

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You guys are just moving and grooving along.


Ive had to put my 63 on hold temporarily. I really need to finish up my tote swap bag for my partner so Im avidly working on that.


Cant `wait to get back to business though!

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Just a post to keep things moving in here -- we can't let it slow down now . There are still folks out there working on this , so I don't want any of you to think I am leaving you all behind .

Just a little WAKE UP CALL this morning to keep things active -

:sheepjump:elle :dog :ducky:spin:bump:juggle

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Hi everyone,

I haven't checked in for a couple of weeks due to a family visit. I thought you would all have packed up your workbaskets (with finished afghan inside) and moved on to pastures new so I am glad to see this thread is still active.

I'm pleased to see there are some still in the early stages of the CAL so I am here to report on my small progress and to have a bit of a whine as well :thumbdown

I have managed to finish squares #2, #3, #4 and #5 and, after several failed attempts, have even managed to edge them to my liking.

The thing that is driving me demented is that it is almost impossible to get two squares to come out the same size! Now I was ready to throw in the towel until I saw JulieKay's rallying message re not jumping off bridges (yes, I've been on the edge) and just to adjust the edging here and there to make the edges line up.

Well, that might work for some but not for me. The difference in the width of one of my squares was so great that I had to re-do it completely adding enough extra stitches for a further repeat of the pattern. Now I'm wondering if this is just me or has anyone else had to do this? I hold my yarn and tension it the way I am supposed to so can't figure out the problem. Help!!! :rant

OK, off to do another square - only 59 to go!


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Hi Margaret, glad to see you're back! :waving


My squares have been coming out different sizes too. Most are about right but a few are very big or pretty small. Julie has some good advice on how to get things to fit by either leaving off one or two rows of edging or adding extra rows. She put hers together and it looks terrific. Celeste is also stitching hers together. Perhaps she'll give us some tips as well.


Don't worry too much about the different sizes. I made a similar 'ghan once before and everything kind of "smushed" together in the end and came out flat and even. :)


I haven't made any more progress past square 41. Hope to get back into squares today. ;)

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Hi Margaret

As I've said in some other posts, the daggone gauge problem is what throws so many people off this afghan I think. If you are a perfectionist, it'd be enough to send you to therapy for years, trying to get these things to all come out EXACTLY the right size. How much off are your squares ,like could you measure how big is your biggest one, and how small is your smallest one ? If it's just a matter of 1/4 to 1/2 inch, that can be easily corrected, like Sue said -- either add another row of edging or only use one row of edging. If the sizes are bothering you a lot, and you want to, you can use different sized hooks to try making the square turn out more the proper size .

As Sue also said, when you go to put the afghan together , it just kinda all slides into place ... they are a lot easier to put together than to make the squares if you ask me !

My sqares were all CLOSE to the same size, but not exact . They all came together just fine though .

We'll be waiting for your latest update -- don't let this thing get you down -- you show it who's boss !!!!


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Deep breath, Margaret! I had the same problem, but my afghan is going together just fine. Whew! I used a larger hook for my pink squares because the yarn was JUST A HAIR thinner than the green or white, and I've also had to do a few fewer/more repeats on some of the squares. The best advice I have to offer is to stick to the number on your ruler. If it takes you two, three, FOUR extra repeats, do it to get the right size. I have one square that's a good half inch too small, so I stretched and pulled on it, added an extra round of edging, and now it fits in just fine -- due in large part to the weight of the afghan, which pulls it right into place.

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My guage was a little off on a few sq. if one was larger I only did 1 round of the boarder if the sq was smaller I added and extra row of boarder. This didnt happen too often I just adjusted


I have all the sq done for row5 and will have that added to the afgahn tonight:clap

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