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Have used crochet as a "coping skill"?

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I used my crochet as a coping device when my son suffered at TBI. Brain injuries are very stressful on the family; and my crochet bag was a familiar sight at various trauma centers, hospitals, rehabs and nursing homes during that time. When he was in rehab, I realized that many patients had nothing bright and homemade in their rooms, and my friends here and on another forum helped me brighten their lives with beautiful comfortghans, as well as warm hats, gloves and scarves.

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Wow! I'm getting so encouraged by reading how other people are also using crochet and how crochet is helping them too.


Today, crochet has helped me stay grounded and feel better. I've been struggling with my chronic pain to a severe degree and the medicine combo they have me on in an attempt to make me feel better, has left me ill. Crocheting has helped me feel human and alive and capable of sharing love. It might hurt to walk and bend and move, but I can still use my hands today to love someone else.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sure if this falls under "coping" but I have found that being able to crochet prayer shawls has helped me not feel helpless when someone else is facing a rough time.


I made a shawl for a woman at my church who was going through breast cancer treatments (she is fine now! ) I knew her and her husband but would not be considered a friend and they have a big close family that was able to help with daily needs. The rest of us were asked for prayers.


Making the shawl gave me a way to pray and let her know that she was in my heart and in my prayers. It made me feel better and not so helpless.

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I'm not sure if this falls under "coping" but I have found that being able to crochet prayer shawls has helped me not feel helpless when someone else is facing a rough time.


I made a shawl for a woman at my church who was going through breast cancer treatments (she is fine now! ) I knew her and her husband but would not be considered a friend and they have a big close family that was able to help with daily needs. The rest of us were asked for prayers.


Making the shawl gave me a way to pray and let her know that she was in my heart and in my prayers. It made me feel better and not so helpless.



ABSOLUTELY THIS COUNTS! You crochet to help you deal with a difficult situation - it gives you purpose and a way to help. You made something to comfort someone...


Totally awesome :)

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I'd definitely say I use my crocheting as a coping mechanism. It's helped me excercise my brain following a TBI and dealing with my PCS ( post concussive syndrome). The story behind that is very long and I don't want to hijack the thread. I'll just say I was never diagnosed OR treated properly. Now, my crocheting is helping me cope with my husband being laid off for the 2nd time in 3 months and for the 3rd time in a year. I can zone out while working on something and for that span of time I can push worries of foreclosure, bankruptcy, having nowhere to live ect out of my mind and calm down. This enables me to come back to reality much calmer and be able to face the situation with a clear head and continue to help and support DH and keep our household together.

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I had a stroke a few years ago and lost some use of my hands. Crocheting and knitting have helped me regain that use. My sister, who taught me to crochet, recently died. Since then, when I crochet, I feel closer to her through our shared love of crochet. It helped me get through the grief. Also, I enjoy making baby caps, booties, and blankets for the local hospital

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When I had my son a little over 4 years ago, I began to suffer from postpartum depression (for quite a while actually).. not to mention an identity crisis. I really felt like I didn't know who I was, other than the mother of a newborn. Crocheting became my one solice. I started to gain confidence and I tried my hand at "designing." :lol Nothing fancy, but it made me feel good. I crocheted quite a bit in the first 2 years especially. I had learned to crochet when I was 8, but I was very impatient and got frustrated too easily. But when I had my son, I needed it and I really applied myself. The first projects I started making were dishcloths, but I moved on to bigger things.


And, oh yes.. swapping. That was therapeutic! I felt like I had a social life. Work and school was my social life before, and is now.. I never could juggle many friends. So, when I wasn't working and staying at home a lot, I felt I had contact with the outside world by participating in swaps and wishes. :manyheart

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I use crochet to De-stress. I feel calm when I crochet.. well that's unless it's a pattern that is dead set on making me mad LOL


LOL! One of my managers and I were talking about needing a stress relief the other day at work, when work got super crazy. She said she needed a "half a pack" (she smokes at work to relieve stress and gardens lots and lots at home) and I replied, "well... I need a half a skein!" -- we both laughed! I crochet on my breaks at work when work gets really bad, so the destressing - yup, very understandable!

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