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My Weekend At Home ARRRRRRGH!!!!!!

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Oh It is so wonderful to be home and back into a world that crochet is more than just a way to pass the time away. I have been in crocheting purgatory these last 5 day's.:eek I had to go home and help move my parents, :manyheart Don't begrudge that in the least. Just you know, Family and all the issues. I got all of an hour and half to crochet and a cold shoulder when I did. :shrug


:tup The only good part of the whole experience was I got to take home most of my grandmothers and Great Grandmothers crochet thread and bits and pieces of crochet that where in three boxes . My youngest sister thinks I am positively nuts for hauling it all the way home. " It belongs in the trash. " :2nono Out of this box of trash, I got a tatted doily she made ( complete just needs to be cleaned and blocked, ) An almost complete original top with the pattern. It's lovely, { Now I know where I get the skill to create.} Made out of size thirty thread in two colors. :rose But best part of that is that the chart she did is with it. I have full intentions of redoing the chart in a more permanent manner. Then recreating her design and finishing it. Two dresser scarfs made for the Crinoline lady, complete with instructions. I could go on, but I wont, But ther is lots to drool over believe me. Most I will treasure forever and hope someday one of my granddaughers willl be thrilled to recieve them. :worried What scares me is that If I hadn't been there and claimed them they would of been just trash. My family decided they were going to thin out moms stuff.:think And they knew best what was important. :eek I very definitely let my mom know that anytime she wanted any of it back it would be right here. But it was safe with me.


I quess my point is Thank You one and All for being here.:rose I am so glad I have a place to share my love of this art and know I am not nuts for thinking it is important and wonderful. :hug

Right now I have a little :cat Who is wanting my attention. But I needed to share my joy and fustration with someone who might care.:hug

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I am so glad:cheer you got your grandmother and great grandmothers crochet


stuff for youself, and prevented it for going into the trash:eek



I really understand what you are saying, I have had similar family experience myself:(


Well , happily the patterns and yarns are now save with you:manyheart


Have a nice day

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yea grandmas stuff is safe. i know exactly what you mean, when my grandma passed away the family was going to throw out her hooks and the yarn she had and also the doilies and stuff, well thank goodness my dad asked me first, so i to was able to save them. isn't it cool that we had such talented grandmas and didn't even know it. i am amazed at some of the needlework that went into the patterns. i am so happy for you:manyheart :manyheart

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So glad you got back with your spirit intact. Family's are fun aren't they, now I'll bet you are glad that you did go to help because now you have a crafting history that you can love and appreciate. I miss my mom so much now that I am crocheting more and remembering how she use to help me when I was learning. I am still working on the purse but had to take a break for a bit, I will get back to it as soon as possible. So glad your back.:cheer


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  • 2 months later...

As usual, I missed this when it was first posted, just ran across it while hunting down something else and I just had to comment!


It's hard for me to fathom the attitude of people like your sister's, I've got to be honest. I know they're out there, but must admit I'm glad I don't have to deal with that. That would have been a real tragedy to have lost such precious heirlooms had you not been there! I'm so glad you were, though, so you could rescue them from the hands of someone who has no clue!


Maybe it's our "disposable" culture that breeds sentiments like that, but in my opinion, these are things that are essential to maintaining our sense of continuity with history, and people are fools to throw that away so blithely. Of course, I was always brought up to respect and honor those things that people did "so long ago", and have always been interested in vintage stuff, even before it became fashionable for awhile. Someday maybe my skills will improve to the point where I might be able to reach maybe half of the ability of our ancestors, at least I'm trying!


While you express appreciation for this lovely community of like-minded souls, I want to take this opportunity to express my appreciation of your sharing of your incredibly talented gifts. It is a real pleasure to see the things you've created, and I am always anticipating seeing what new wonders you will come up with next! You inspire many of us!

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Why are families so stressful - they are the people we really do love the most (maybe dont like them all the time) but I would do anything anytime anywhere for my family


I am also very sentimental and love to get things that were in my family for a long time. We dont have much of those type of things. I am surprised that your family didnt think of you right away when they found that stash. I just know you from this site and right away would have thought that you would love to have it.


Oh well, you have us here at the site to understand where you are coming from.

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Thanks for sharing that beautiful story. I'm so glad you were there to preserve those heirlooms! I have a granny afghan that my Great-Grandmother made. She was married in 1900, so I suppose this was made somewhere around that time. It's pretty much intact, too. I cherish it! Sometimes, some people just don't "get it"! It amazes me that they just see "trash", when it's actually a priceless heirloom! It's a connection to our past.... I, too, am very thankful for Crochetville! I feel like I finally belong :manyheart and that someone out there cares.... it's a wonderful feeling - you're all so sweet!:hug

Oh It is so wonderful to be home and back into a world that crochet is more than just a way to pass the time away. I have been in crocheting purgatory these last 5 day's.:eek I had to go home and help move my parents, :manyheart Don't begrudge that in the least. Just you know, Family and all the issues. I got all of an hour and half to crochet and a cold shoulder when I did. :shrug


:tup The only good part of the whole experience was I got to take home most of my grandmothers and Great Grandmothers crochet thread and bits and pieces of crochet that where in three boxes . My youngest sister thinks I am positively nuts for hauling it all the way home. " It belongs in the trash. " :2nono Out of this box of trash, I got a tatted doily she made ( complete just needs to be cleaned and blocked, ) An almost complete original top with the pattern. It's lovely, { Now I know where I get the skill to create.} Made out of size thirty thread in two colors. :rose But best part of that is that the chart she did is with it. I have full intentions of redoing the chart in a more permanent manner. Then recreating her design and finishing it. Two dresser scarfs made for the Crinoline lady, complete with instructions. I could go on, but I wont, But ther is lots to drool over believe me. Most I will treasure forever and hope someday one of my granddaughers willl be thrilled to recieve them. :worried What scares me is that If I hadn't been there and claimed them they would of been just trash. My family decided they were going to thin out moms stuff.:think And they knew best what was important. :eek I very definitely let my mom know that anytime she wanted any of it back it would be right here. But it was safe with me.


I quess my point is Thank You one and All for being here.:rose I am so glad I have a place to share my love of this art and know I am not nuts for thinking it is important and wonderful. :hug

Right now I have a little :cat Who is wanting my attention. But I needed to share my joy and fustration with someone who might care.:hug

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Since this thread has resurfaced I thought I would add an update.

I have the top that I mention charted out. I did change some things that I thought would make it more attractive. But the essential idea is still there. I feel like I am collaberating with my relative. I feel very connected to this design anyway. I just recieved the thread to do it with. Now I need that precious commodity of time. I also need to find out from my mom just who designed it in the first place, so I can give proper credit when I get it done. Keep forgetting to ask. Things are a bit rough for her and other matters are more pressing. It could be one of three, possible four. It may even have been designed by my aunt who taught me this art form.

It was also an inspiration to another piece I have designed, again waiting for me to finish up some of my other items. That and I haven't decided on the right thread yet.

I also pulled out that chart and showed my sister what nearly went into the dumpster. I don't know if she got it or not. But I felt better showing her how special that piece of paper was.

It was wonderful though to come back from such a rotten trip, and know that you were all waiting to share the love of crochet with me.

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