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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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Congratulations, Reiann! You get all the rest you can this month and let us pamper you a little with some squares!


This past week has been full of working with my replacement at the library and trying to get all my stuff sorted through so that she can have her space. I make the move to my new library on Tuesday. I'm done with all my children's programs, so it's just kind of strange now. Monday will be doing Summer Reading statistics and my adult crochet class. Next Saturday, I start my vacation! I'll have a week off and then work a week and then have another week off. It's a little crazy, but it's what worked for my current branch.

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Good morning! Slept in till 6:30! Woot! yes that is late for me and kiddles....she of course was already up and making noise so I'd wake up....


Imma - good luck with the stones!


Gonna be warmer today.....possible storms later, scattered....in other words, another typical day in Chicago!


Take care all!


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Good Morning Everyone.


I know I'll get caught up on everything but I did see that Reiann is our queen, Congratulations! and I will be sending some squares soon.


Disney World was wonderful! We all had a great time. We got back to my daughter's home yesterday afternoon and I will be heading home later today. I have one more week until I go back to work and wanted to reorganize some closets, so I will be busy. But I'm also going to find a day to sit and crochet and veg in front of the TV  :lol .


Have a great day everyone.

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glad you are doing better lacey, sheesh huh.... welcome back Carol, wish I could help do your closets, lol Im good at it!! ha ha.


HI howieann, good to see you posting, good luck with your new placement, hope it all works out well for you!!


Hi ya kuddles, my oh my all of 630  huh, I believe that was the time I was rolling over in bed.......... and yeah, we had those storms last night, not much here, but further north and east got dumped on pretty well, we got what we needed for the lawns and flowers and gardens though, so not complaining.... I am picking my FIRST home grown Green Pepper off the vine tonight to dice and add into our dinner, sooooo, will let you know how that comes out, lol


Neighbor gave us some brownies, so that is or will be desert, lol


Oh, gotta post those pics, ill be bACK.... going after camera.......

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ok, i have posted these scrap busters in the appropriate thread,  go and have a peek, and lemme know what you think, I love them, they go quickly and are so lightweight, i hate something so heavy around my neck!!




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Well i made it through my over night shift at work. went to bed about 6 am slept till 11. made my self stay up rest of the day and soon will be going to bed for i have to be at work at 5 am. kids start school tomorrow.  too tired to think..... Hope all is well where everyone is. that you all are Blessed and safe. You all are in my prayers.

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ok, i have posted these scrap busters in the appropriate thread,  go and have a peek, and lemme know what you think, I love them, they go quickly and are so lightweight, i hate something so heavy around my neck!!





Mucho pretty!!  What is the pattern?

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Good morning!


Kay, so are you in the Toledo area? Just saw the story on the water there......ugh!


Katy - those scarves are so pretty!


Immafreek - glad you got home!


Hi to everyone else. Work/camp today. Winding down, this is kiddles last week of summer camp. Then next week she has to go back to her daycare. Then the next week....boom...school! She is not pleased about that part! LOL Neither am I, not looking forward to 4th grade homework!


Have a great day all!



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Good morning!


Kay, so are you in the Toledo area? Just saw the story on the water there......ugh!


Katy - those scarves are so pretty!


Immafreek - glad you got home!


Hi to everyone else. Work/camp today. Winding down, this is kiddles last week of summer camp. Then next week she has to go back to her daycare. Then the next week....boom...school! She is not pleased about that part! LOL Neither am I, not looking forward to 4th grade homework!


Have a great day all!



Yes we are. My husband works in Toledo and we get our water from Toledo.... Or did lol. So today I am on the hunt for a washboard or some other hand wash system so I can wash our cloth diapers and clothes. A family of five cannot go this long without washing :(


Congrats Reiann on both accounts :)


Hope everyone is doing well. Off to hunt down some usable vintage stuff :)) and if I can't do that I'll buy a new plunger lol

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oh how horrible to be without water, hope it gets the ok soon to use, you can't even shower or wash clothes in it, how horrible, the showering part would kill me more than the clothes part, ha ha. but both together, sheesh, hope it comes out ok, when all the tests finally come in, how did this happen anyway, as they have an additive to stop it, if they know about it, the algae bloom i mean, ah, never mind, answered my own question, guess it took them by surprise too......hope it's okayed very soon for all of you, even then, I would be hesitant to drink it right away...I dunno just me, I guess!

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Hi everyone!  :hi  Nothing going on here, I'm being lazy as I'm still tired, I need a vacation to recuperate from my vacation  :lol  but I am getting some crocheting done.

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oh how horrible to be without water, hope it gets the ok soon to use, you can't even shower or wash clothes in it, how horrible, the showering part would kill me more than the clothes part, ha ha. but both together, sheesh, hope it comes out ok, when all the tests finally come in, how did this happen anyway, as they have an additive to stop it, if they know about it, the algae bloom i mean, ah, never mind, answered my own question, guess it took them by surprise too......hope it's okayed very soon for all of you, even then, I would be hesitant to drink it right away...I dunno just me, I guess!

Haha we are just a bunch of dirty hippies here :rofl

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its funny how much we use and need water for, and dare I say take it for granted, Until we can't or don't have it, washing dishes, clothes, toliets flushing, tap water, cooking, showers, cleaning even, just washing your hands, I mean sheesh! Makes me sad for all of you!

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kuddles those embroidery items were all cute but the owl is just adorable


pinknott, been busy here too, lots of projects going on and lots of appointments and errands


Imma-wishing you a speedy recovery


reiann, congrats on the baby

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Good morning!


Today will finish up my Halloween blocks for making a Halloween quilt. I'm in a swap and by the end of September should have all my blocks back to start on the top. I love Halloween... I need to make the granny square pumpkin afghan . Maybe I'll find the pattern and get the yarn out and start it. We will see.


Hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday.

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Hello everyone!


I finally got 2 closets cleaned out and reorganized. I also cleaned out 2 dressers. Then did a run to Salvation Army with stuff I don't need. I am tired! Tomorrow I plan to take the car in for an oil change and then clean out the refrigerator and pantry. For now it's time to relax and crochet.


Have a great evening.

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ooh the fridge, that reminds me, I need to do that too, lol, sounds like you got a lot done Carol, doesn;t it feel good to get organized, i love it, I too did a little moving around,and purging today, going to goodwill tomorrow with what I found I don't need, and the craft room, looks much more tidy now, if only I can remember where I put stuff, when I need it, Ill be doing good!!


Hi kuddles, and owlvamp, hope you find your pattern owlvamp, show us some pics!

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whomever asked, (owlvamp)  there is a similiar pattern for those scarves, Bobwilson123 has  a great tutorial out on you tube. Looks very simialr to what I did, but I do the fringe different...thanks for the comments on them, I loved doing them, they seemed to go so fast, and this year, seems i lost a couple helpers (moved, and one got transfered) for the donations to the shelter, so I guess I am on my own, I will do what I can, but it might not be as much as previous donations of hats, and scarves and such, but I shall carry on as normal.... So starting a bit early, to try to keep up.


The peppers from the container pepper plants, was delish, makes eveything taste better with fresh picked peppers...We had corn on the cob, now that I looked it up how to freeze it, lol, from the gal that gave us 2 dozen a week or so ago, picked fresh that morning, it too, was great, the best corn I have had for a while, usually I just buy it from the store, to prevent any live things being in or on it, as that happened one time, when I bought from a roadstide stand, so I was a bit hesitant about it, but cleaned it and it was clean as whistle, cooked it, and froze some, and wow, it was just so good!!.


So, i made up some potatoe salad too this aft, we like it cold, so made it early to put in and cool real well, even put fresh peppers in that, and it was very good too, and Handyman grilled some steaks, so all in all, Im stuffed this evening, lol


Supposed to rain tonight, overnight, and for the next couple days, we could use it, lawn is starting to show some heat stress, and flowers get a shower with the hose each morning and evening, as well as the peppers, but still rain is so much better for the plants, than all the chemicals in our water everywhere, but at least I have water, so not complaining!


well, hope all is well in your part of crochetville, ha ha.......later squares..OH, I have a package ready for our new queen, probably go out tomorrow, so heads up Queen Reiann, in about three days!!!

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