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Darski, I'm glad you've decided your patterns can stay. Our members really do enjoy them. But please make the decision because you've decided that is what you are happiest with, not because of the amount of work it would be for me. Since all the patterns are in one folder, it would just take me a couple of minutes to use the search feature to find and remove them for you, if that would make you feel the most comfortable.


Side Note: Our stance on pinning photos on Pinterest is the same stance that applies to the Ravelry pattern database. For any pattern a member has posted here, we cannot give permission to Ravelry members to add the included pattern photos to the Ravelry pattern database . That permission can only be given or denied by the member who posted the pattern. Some people who have posted patterns here have not wanted their photos posted at Ravelry. A poster can't prevent a record of their pattern (not the actual pattern itself) and a link to it here from being created at Ravelry; they can only prevent their photos from being included in the record.


Now that I've had the advantage of some sleep, I also wanted to address your reason for asking for them to be removed and offer some clarification on that concern:


My intention was to make sure there could be nothing that anyone could complain about between my Pinterest life and my Crochetville life. No connections; no problems.



Having your patterns posted here doesn't create any connection or potential for problems that wouldn't be there if the patterns weren't there. The connection is there for every registered Crochetville member, although there really isn't anything I can do to affect a registered member who never visits our site (read below for more info).


I'm pretty limited in my ability to make a "problem" for anyone despite our policies. I can't force either a Crochetville member or Pinterest to remove a pin. (Although the member whose stuff was pinned without permission CAN get Pinterest to remove it, whether it was pinned by a Crochetville member or a non-member.) All I can do is ask the member to remove the pin if the original poster has requested it, and then if the member refuses and continues to disrespect other members by pinning more Crochetville photos without permission, I can remove that member's ability to access our site.


Honestly, I don't really think that situation is ever going to happen. Nearly all our members (with the exception of those who register to spam us) want to respect the wishes of other members regarding the use of their photos.


But the policy has to be in place in advance of any issues, just like our other policies. Policies are there to establish clear expectations and consequences in advance for those who are determined to misbehave repeatedly. Yes, other members may occasionally break a policy. But we're all human, and I understand that mistakes happen every now and then. So those people just get a gentle reminder of policies, and we all move on. No big deal; no lasting consequences.

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I realize that it would make a whole lot of work to remove all of my patterns so I will not ask that they be removed. They can stay.


Oh darski your patterns are amazing!!! Losing them with be a huge loss (although we would try to understand if you ever decided to not make them available). :hug


I'd have to check but I honestly think I'd lose at least one category on CPC (your patterns make up 98% of that category!) :)

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Oh darski your patterns are amazing!!! Losing them with be a huge loss (although we would try to understand if you ever decided to not make them available). :hug


I'd have to check but I honestly think I'd lose at least one category on CPC (your patterns make up 98% of that category!) :)


This was the dealbreaker for me. It just would not be right to ask you (and Amy) to do all that work. Love youse too much to do that. :ghug

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I have just added a new, easy way for members to indicate if they give permission for their post to be pinned on Pinterest :pinterest or shared on Facebook :facebook.


I now have smilies for each that a member may add to their post whenever they are okay with it being pinned or shared. Members can even go back and add the smilies to old posts as they have time.


The smilies appear at the top of the list of smilies, and a description of the purpose of the smilie appears when you hover your mouse over it in the smilie list.


Maybe this will make it easier for members to know quickly and easily which things they can share or pin.

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will go find a pattern and try that.



ETA: Could you tell me the code for that smilie - it's a pain to have to go through 2 edits to get it.





:pinterest gets you the Pinterest smilie


:facebook gets you the Facebook smilie




If anybody ever forgets the code for a smilie, just click the "More" link at the bottom of the smilie box. You'll get a pop-up window showing all the smilies and the codes you can type in to get the smilie instead of moving your mouse over to click on the smilie you want.

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Thank you... makes it easier with a ton of patterns


You're welcome. I wish I had a way that you could find all your pattern threads, batch edit them to add the Pinterest smilie as the first line of each post, and just do the process once. Unfortunately, there's not a way to do that. :(

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You're welcome. I wish I had a way that you could find all your pattern threads, batch edit them to add the Pinterest smilie as the first line of each post, and just do the process once. Unfortunately, there's not a way to do that. :(


I'm going to work from CPC... they are pretty well all there and easy to get to. but tomorrow :wlol

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I'm going to work from CPC... they are pretty well all there and easy to get to. but tomorrow :wlol


That should work fine! If it doesn't work for some reason, another option is to use the Advanced Search option to search for threads you started in only the Free Original Patterns folder and ask the results to be sorted by Thread Start Date. That way the threads will appear in the same order each time you call for the results, since you have so many pattern threads you're likely going to have to edit them in batches. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Amy,


As you probably know, Pinterest and their terms of service is quite a hot topic within the design community


What is less than clear is the vital issue of who owns copyrights. Here on CV you make it VERY clear that copyright remains with the poster/actual owner.


My concern is a comment in this thread along the lines of "once it is pinned, it is open season".


The issue of MAJOR concern to many who are in fact a copyright holder is that Pinterest CLAIMS once posted PINTEREST OWNS COPYRIGHTS and may do as they wish.


I would encourage both those who hold copyright and those understand that understanding the need and in fact routingely do respect the rights of others to read these articles:








My concern and it effect EVERY USER of Pinterest is their TOS including rights to sell any and all information and rights.


Thank you for listening







It has also recently been found that more there are several very very gray areas related to the sale of information both about products and users that is being sold by Pinterest.


CV has shown the utmost respect for copyrights of its member and of the design community. I would hate to see CVers inadvertently harm the property rights of the design community.

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The ddkportrait link is especially interesting. About 8-10 paragraphs down it discusses the user being financially responsible for not only themselves in the case of an infringement lawsuit but also financially responsible for Pinterest and their legal representation.


It's an article well worth reading.

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The ddkportrait link is especially interesting. About 8-10 paragraphs down it discusses the user being financially responsible for not only themselves in the case of an infringement lawsuit but also financially responsible for Pinterest and their legal representation.


It's an article well worth reading.


I also find that part of their TOS concerning. However, I'm not at all sure that could hold up as a signed legal contractual agreement in a court of law. I have a feeling Pinterest would not be allowed to pass off their legal costs if a court determined that pinning without permission was copyright infringement, and that Pinterest had been expressly encouraging their members to pin things they found on the Internet.


Just because a company can SAY you're assuming such responsibilities on their behalf doesn't mean they have the legal capability to avoid their responsibilities by assigning them to you. There have been plenty of cases where the courts have decided a particular contract, even though signed by two parties, was not actually legal and could not be enforced.

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The issue of MAJOR concern to many who are in fact a copyright holder is that Pinterest CLAIMS once posted PINTEREST OWNS COPYRIGHTS and may do as they wish.


I almost feel as if Pinterest didn't have a lawyer go over any of their terms before they opened.


I would HOPE that what Pinterest meant to say is that by pinning something, the copyright owner is giving Pinterest limited license to display that photo on their site to others in an unlimited manner, and possibly even to use it in promotional materials for their site.


If they really mean they expect copyright to TRANSFER to them (which is what owning the copyright would mean), then not only could they do whatever they wanted with the photo, but then the designer could not use that own photo again in any manner, anywhere, without Pinterest's permission. That is a huge, huge problem if that is what they mean and how their TOS must be legally interpreted.

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Given the great Yahoo and some others over the last ten years or so. I'll give dollars to donuts they know exactly what they are claiming.


Just as Google, and many others know - bottom line, TOS is a contract, if you accept it, then you may very well be stuck with it, or will very deep pockets to get to where the courts say it is "not your fault/expense".


That is why the "once pinned" comment set off my "I was gonna keep quiet but OMG that can't be allowed to stand" meter went off the charts. <G>



who is really getting tired of certain being considered too stupid to know better.

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The issue of MAJOR concern to many who are in fact a copyright holder is that Pinterest CLAIMS once posted PINTEREST OWNS COPYRIGHTS and may do as they wish.


Member Content from Pinterest ToU


We may, in our sole discretion, permit Members to post, upload, publish, submit or transmit Member Content.


By making available any Member Content through the Site, Application or Services, you hereby grant to Cold Brew Labs a worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable, royalty-free license, with the right to sublicense, to use, copy, adapt, modify, distribute, license, sell, transfer, publicly display, publicly perform, transmit, stream, broadcast, access, view, and otherwise exploit such Member Content only on, through or by means of the Site, Application or Services.


Cold Brew Labs does not claim any ownership rights in any such Member Content and nothing in these Terms will be deemed to restrict any rights that you may have to use and exploit any such Member Content.


Nothing in these terms will be deemed, please. With a licensing statement like that how can it not?


I guess technically - they're really not claiming copyright ownership- just the ability to do anything thru a licensing agreement. An irrevocable, forever and transferable license. So - If you post your own pics to your stuff they can not only do whatever they want to it they can also transfer the license to others.

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I read an interesting blog post earlier from a lawyer/photographer who actually had a conversation with the founder of Pinterest about these issues. She raised all the concerns we have mentioned here.


He told her he is working with his legal team to rework their TOS to make them more clear and acceptable to users.


I hope the revised ones are published soon!

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Cynic that I admit to be, sound amazingly like Yahoo when it got caught. As I remember, it took several years (and many public announcements of the a change) before anything really happened.


Until then, those who are concerned just have one more headache to contend with.


Ask me again why I would rather do custom couture and teaching only - but then even teachers are not safe

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Another thing to remember - by placing the pin symbol or the 'allowed to pin' symbol you are creating a licensing agreement and allowing others to pin your work. Thru that you are giving them the license shown above.


I look forward to seeing the new ToU.

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How wonderful that some of you are on Pinterest! I felt like re-pinning all of you. What I like about the place is the almost immediate response I've been getting from the public. I have had the experience of posting something and not even 20 minutes later I'm already getting re-ins and people are looking me over. I never had such a quick response from StumbleUpon, Twitter or Facebook, although I love the support I'm getting there. It seemed to me that to get any support on those other places you had to work really hard and wait for a looooong while! Wish you all the best.

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I am addicted to Pinterest. Everyone said to get one, it would help my new business, but it's actually become more of something I do for fun than for my business lol. But yep, I have a link to my Pinterest in my signature, the more the merrier!

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