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Divine hat


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Well, I tried it out and it seemed like I was doing something wrong. I had a problem of the stitches between the fpdc poking out (they were bumping up). It looks good ON, but it was annoying me that it wouldn't lay flat.


I'm wondering if I did something wrong.


What I was doing was this: doing the fpdc, then in the space right after it I was doing the 4 dc. I was understanding that in those rows, the regular dc all go in the one space right after the fpdc and the rest of the stitches were just skipped. Did I do it right or wrong?


Here's my divine hat on my DD (even though you can't see her because I had to get her right under the light to get a good pic)


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It looks great! And you did the pattern correctly. It does look a little "puffy" in the last rows with the 4 dc together when it is not on, but that disappears when you're wearing it. Great job!


Here are the ones that I made. There is one in the first post & two more a few posts down.

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