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Have you ever done this?

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I don't believe it, (I haven't told my husband yet, either, he's going to kill me!) I bought a crocheted shrug tonight at Target. Not only that, it's a MATERNITY shrug--I am NOT pregnant! But, I loved it, so I went and tried it on, and it fits me. I am not big at all; what do they think this is going to fit, the pregnant womans' boobs maybe and that's it? Well I guess so... Anyway... I wanted to buy it, so I can crochet one myself from it, too. It's a tie in front crocheted one. Wish I could take a picture of it, but my computer keeps eating my pictures, and I don't trust it with the pictures I have on there. (Need to take it in the store and print them first...) Have you ever bought something to crochet another one (not to sell, but just to have one!!)



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YES!! That's it! I got it in a teal color, though. I LOVE it! (Now I know how it would look on a pregnant woman, too. I was wondering that... duh...) Thanks for that link. I was thinking about it just a couple of minutes ago, even if you had a pattern and bought the yarn for it, it would be just as expensive, or more, than buying it in the store. (He still doesn't know... :eek ) How am I supposed to wear it to the baby shower I bought it for tomorrow?? I guess I'll have to sneak it out somehow.... (He's driven me to this...) :angry



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I haven't done it yet, but I have thought about it countless times......there is so much in the stores now. I have wanted to buy one and take it home to study it and take measurements and etc etc....:lol ...but that one is really cute. Hmm...I may have to go to Target tomorrow:D

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Well, I haven't done that exactly *coughs and looks guilty* ok ... actually I've bought something on eBay so that I could examine the pattern and try to duplicate it, which is at least as bad :devil It was really really cute and super cheap though**!




**Yes, justification is a skill that I've developed to an art form.

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I just tell my hubby that I found itin the back of the closet. Then I say....don't you remember when I wore/bought it? He won't admit that he doesn't remember/pay attention. :blush



If you don't like the little white lie.....I also say that I want to spend $$$ or already spent $$$, now you can spend the same amount for yourself. :devil

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I've done that already, 'It's been in my closet forever'... :lol Now even my kids are against me. I tried to sneak it in and hid it in one of the cupboards in the kitchen. Our eight year old said, 'Mom hid something!' (Now the next time he wants me to buy him something when we are shopping.... grrr...) I said, 'Yea, it was a surprise for you, Eli, now I guess I'll take it back' (little b*at...) I think I've tried everything womanly possible to come with, 'I bought it for myself since you never buy me anything', 'I bought myself an anniversary present (shoes, a purse, a bathing suit, some toys for the kids....) :D since you didn't get me one...' (You'd think these would make him feel guilty, but it doesn't work....) Oh well... I think this time I will try, 'It's payment for all my services: cleaning, cooking, taking care of the kids and the dogs, doing laundry, not being appreciated.....' :lol (I've really been stressed out lately, too, with trying to housebreak the puppy, and potty train our youngest son....) I got a few... Now to think of one when I buy yarn to make another shrug.... :think








I just tell my hubby that I found itin the back of the closet. Then I say....don't you remember when I wore/bought it? He won't admit that he doesn't remember/pay attention. :blush



If you don't like the little white lie.....I also say that I want to spend $$$ or already spent $$$, now you can spend the same amount for yourself. :devil

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:lol Hee hee-- I could just leave out the part that it was by myself!! If they didn't get mad at us for buying things once in a while, we wouldn't have to do this kind of stuff, so it's all their fault, anyway. :devil


Hey! Cut the tags, tell him you got RAOKed!!! THAT could work, he'd never know. :devil
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