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Slouchy Time


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I made this slouch hat recently following a few different patterns ripping it apart 3-4 times until I found the RIGHT pattern & Hook some of these patterns called for a J or K hook w/ some decreases later yet when I crochet with a J hook they fit perfect w/ no decreases needed so I figured I needed to increase to a K hook...So I tried a M hook that a few hats suggested WOW was that hat was HUGE would be an understatement..however my DD thinks it is too big still, to slouchy is she right? Thanks






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I think yours looks great. That is the maximum I would want mine to slouch but there are plenty of patterns that have more! I've seen some very big slouchy berets/beanies! I like just a little slouch to about medium like yours. I have made lots of these and have 4-5 of my own. I've made some for girl friends of my son when he was still in high school. Here are my favorites and two that I haven't tried -- just showing the larger end of slouch. :)


http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/the-weekender-slouchy-hat This is my favorite quick-to-make hat and it has about the same amount of slouch as yours. You can see though, that not all of them look exactly alike. A little difference in tension or even the difference between yarns can make a little more or less slouch. :)


http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/galway-slouchy-crochet-beret-pattern These are my all-time favorite slouchy beret patterns and they might have just a little less slouch than yours. I love the way this one turns out -- a pretty stitch that is fairly tight. I imagine you could vary the size of it easily too. But I kept mine looking just like her picture. This one is very similar and I've liked it just as much as the Galway: http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/kelechi-slouchy-beanie-hat -- In fact I think maybe I have even used it more often, now that I think about it.


http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/raspberry-beret-4 This is one I have made and liked the way I made it. But if you look through the variations that turned out of the same pattern, some are HUGE! I read reviews that said many turned out large, so I took that into account and crocheted with one size smaller of a hook than the pattern called for and then used the pattern's size for the hat band part (I have a larger than normal head so I didn't want it too tight on my forehead.). I liked the pattern so much, I searched around for the issue of Crochet Today that it was in and then subscribed to the magazine from there.


Here is one I have never made but it will show your daughter that they do make them with A LOT of slouch :)http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/beret-with-a-simple-cable-stitch-free-pattern A little too much slouch for me but many like it this way.

Here's another larger sized one - that I've not used, even larger because she is wearing it down farther on the forehead than most do: http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/hot-cross-slouch-beret


I put all of these variations here so that you can see (and show your daughter) the large differences in slouch amount. That sounds funny, but you know what I mean. ;) I would just do as you did -- use what makes you happy. If you like the amount of slouch, then you are right! Varying hook size is the easiest way to change the size, just watch carefully when you get to the last rounds around the head, so that you aren't too loose or too tight there. Everything else can slouch as much or as little as you prefer! I really like what you came up with! Sometimes using a little from several pattern is the best way to get what you want! :)


EDIT: I just read the other responses and had to laugh at myself. Tiffany basically said the same thing I did and she did it with 3 sentences! "I have seen some with even more slouch. It's all personal preference. You hat looks great!" I really have to work on getting more concise and less long-winded! Sorry!

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Thanks everyone even your long winded post Debra just kidding I prefer more then pretty or good job replies :O) since I am still new to crocheting even at 3 years but I like to read what people have to say it does so to encourage or discourage crocheting I see all tips suggestions very helpful since all the things I make are just for something to do I have a whole box of misc projects that I have made lots of hats that are simple/quick yet allows lots of creativity and forgiving if you mess up better then a huge blanket :O)

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I am lovin' that last one. Which pattern did you settle on? I like a lot of slouch but I have hair down to my rear. :P My daughter's hair is not quite as long as mine but she likes a little less slouch. I made her 2 hats and she likes the least slouchy one but to me, it looks too small for her hair length. :P You're doing a great job though!

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