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Clown puppet made in the 80's

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Oh, my goodness! Wish I had more time to look tonight, but I have crocheting to do. :D I haven't looked at the toys here in a long time and there are some great ones!!!

I recently unpacked this clown puppet I made my son when he was about 8 yrs old (he will soon be 36) after we moved here in May. Thought I would share it. I can not find this pattern anywhere among my things but since I have a billion patterns, it could still be found someday. I have made Big Bird, and teddy bears and tall bunny rabbits, but to me this is the cutest toy I've made.


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Clowns aren't my favorite either.. Bad experience at a circus as a child.. *shudder*

Anywho, you clown is actually quite cute! I think it's fabulous that you still have it after that amount of time! He looks brand new to me!

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I have looked at this clown quite a bit since I came across it recently and don't think DS could have played with it much because you're right....it looks new. He was almost out of the puppet stage but I just couldn't resist the pattern.

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I always liked puppets...especially ones that you could put along with a book. I made the clown too...and big bird....sadly I didnt save the ones I made...glad you still have yours.its so cute :)

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Thanks......I also made Snoopy, anyone do that in the 80's? I made it for DS, too. I have a picture somewhere. Took a picture of DS holding it. It was pretty big, I would think about 2 ft high and had green and blue shorts on it with suspenders I think. I had forgotten about it till just now!

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