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It finally happened. I was making some progress on my DD#2's blanket, with my D bamboo hook, since the rest of my hooks were under a pile of laundry waiting to be folded. I was struggling with a particularly tight stitch when... SNAP! And I sat there staring mutely at headless crochet hook....snapped cleanly right off at the neck.


It forced me to fold the laundry to acquire my aluminum D hook, and after crocheting a bit with it, I realised why I like my aluminums better!

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I have to admit, I first thought you were referring to House (when he says Oh Snap) on the tv show. Duh, it has been a long couple of days.


Using the smaller hooks on tight stitches can be a challenge. I have the acrylics but I only use the large hooks when I am in the mood. I am an aluminum gal right now. And I have tons of multiples of every one (acrylic, aluminum, wood) because I know that someday I would be using the only hook and it would go boom and break and that would be it. So I protect my sanity. So far, it hasn't happened but I know it's lurking around for that perfect time.


At least it made you fold the laundry (like you really wanted to stop what you were doing).


LI Roe

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BTDT. Stepped on a plastic hook (freebie, came with a kit). I bent a steel doily hook under my rocking chair. It broke when I tried to straighten it :angry. I have multiple sets of plastic and aluminum. I've never used acrylic ones, are they good :think?

Ellie 13

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I have to admit, I first thought you were referring to House (when he says Oh Snap) on the tv show. Duh, it has been a long couple of days.


Actually LI Roe, that was where I heard it (I'm a House fan too :)), and when the hook snapped on me, it just ran through my head.

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It finally happened. I was making some progress on my DD#2's blanket, with my D bamboo hook, since the rest of my hooks were under a pile of laundry waiting to be folded. I was struggling with a particularly tight stitch when... SNAP! And I sat there staring mutely at headless crochet hook....snapped cleanly right off at the neck.


It forced me to fold the laundry to acquire my aluminum D hook, and after crocheting a bit with it, I realised why I like my aluminums better!


Thanks, I needed that laugh! :lol I have found myself in that position of "staring mutely" before when things went wrong and I needed to say "Oh Snap!" but the words did not even come out. I loved the added aggravation of having to fold laundry (one of my own evil dreaded chores) before you could retrieve the other hook. I actually lost a hook, searched the whole house and wound up having to go to Walmart to get another hook late at night, once. Soon after, I made sure to buy another one of the Boye Master sets so that I would have a duplicate of every hook! So, now I have 2 full sets, plus lots of singles here and there that I tried out of different brands + my two prize Jimbo hooks. No more late night Walmart runs..... at least not for crochet hooks. :)


The kids all around the age of my youngest (just turned 20) all use that "Oh Snap!" euphemism or slang. That along with: "My bad," "Duh," "BFFs," and "What's the 411?" are all slang from the same generation, I guess. I read that Biz Markie was the rapper who popularized "Oh Snap" but it makes most of us think of House! LOL! I guess it depends on which generation you are in, as to who popularized it. My son was saying it long before House, but I didn't repeat it until House kept saying it. Not that I think just because he says or does something that it is okay!!!! Wanted to clear that up right away! :D

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