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Rant- Why?

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Ok so I just need to get something off of my chest to other people who crochet. First, I want people to know....

-that I am all for people expressing their creativity

-that I know what is good for one person may not be for another

With that in mind, please don't think I'm narrow minded. Ok now I can move on.


I like it when people come up with new ideas for crochet that sort of break the barrier so to speak. Making new patterns that appeal to today's trends is really cool. I'm young. I love that stuff. I also enjoy the traditional forms of crochet. Also, I used to be a really big goth type person and I have been known as a very rough sort of person as well. But.... Does anyone ever feel like people take crochet to far?

I was on a website and I saw a crochet pattern. I'm not going into too much detail, but I will say this. The pattern had a word spelled out on (in the project) it that I view as a very vulgar and degrating to women. I was so appalled when I saw it I was almost sick to my stomach. I just dunno how anyone could take something as beautiful and positive as the craft of crocheting and turn it into something so hateful and disgusting through inappropriate language like that. Now I know today there are people who don't mind vulgar language like that. Somehow it seems that many people have been numbed to what other people say, or possibly some people even like it. I just don't know why. I don't understand how someone could create it, how anyone would sell it, or how anyone would even look at it. I dunno why someone would want to throw a message like that in everyone's face. Do people do that a lot? Find something mean or vulgar and make a crochet project? It makes me so sad and kind of mad too.


I should say that all of the content in this post is my opinion only. I have no intention of offending anyone or contributing to the defamation of another person.

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you've never been around the military ??? they used to have words for their uniforms that you would not believe...I told my husband if he EVER called his 'cap' that word when I was around I was gonna slug him...he said he was told to call it that and I said the military doesn't live with me...they had nasty names for airplanes, food, you name it, it has a nasty name to go with it's real one...I think sometimes people don't use what brains they have, they think it's 'cute', 'funny', 'trendy'...I'm all for a LOT of things, but calling things nasty names isn't one of them...

So I'm with you !!!:angry

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It is sad, and yet I still really, REALLY LOVE people so fiercely! So with that comes the understanding that some really are "born in a barn", so-to-speak. Due to their experiences they are who they are, some from upbringing even, which isn't even really their fault. I know I have a few "born-in-a-barn" ways myself, as I had a Pastor's wife tell me so! LOL! No, it wasn't about filthy language, just in living. ~sigh~ It still haunts me...

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I understand what you are saying and do tend to agree, but at the same time I guess if we are to have creativity and freedom of expression, we have to "put up with" the occasional thing that isn't to our taste/moral views etc...I guess its all just part of life's rich tapestry!


I do think too though that some people deliberately do such things to shock, so to not let them affect you actually makes the action pointless, and hopefully makes that person think it isn't worth trying to do the same kind of thing again, if they don't get a reaction ;)


I have a tongue piercing and some of the words people put on those bars, that people actually buy and wear, make my mind boggle...I always think if you can't be interesting without feeling the need to upset others, then you sure as anything won't be interesting when you ARE trying to upset people! :lol

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We live in a world where there are people who disrespect human life, family, marriage, commitment, justice, peace, nature, and beauty. It's a sure bet that you will find people who disrespect crochet and other hand-crafts in the mix.


Sandi, I'm finding myself rather perturbed with the woman who criticized and walked away leaving you feeling like that! Hope you can let it go, forgive, and move on.

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No typo, I know the item we're talking about. I slapped my daughter for using that word towards me when she was a teen. She quickly learned that "just because everyone else uses it" is NOT good enough for me.

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Karen, thank you for putting these sentiments so eloquently!!!!!! It is a very sad state of affairs.

We live in a world where there are people who disrespect human life, family, marriage, commitment, justice, peace, nature, and beauty.



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I get tired of coarse language used casually, anyway. I would certainly never want to crochet something like that. At the same time, I guess we all have the right to say or craft what we want.

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