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A Moment to Reflect

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I know I'm just eating up important space for this post, but it feels important to do this. So I was thinking about how long I've been on the forum and I looked up the month when I joined which is March of 2010. That means I've been here for a year and three months. I know I know, that isn't very long and yet....

So here is what I've accomplished since I joined:

1 badly done table runner

1 better table cover

3 ami teddy bears (all gifts)

1 outfit for a very cute crochet rabbit

1 unfinished giant granny

1 hat

1 scarf

1 coaster (acrylic-BAD)

Many MANY attempts at projects that were never meant to be....


I'm probably forgetting one or two, but that's still not a very long crochet resume. That kinda bums me out. I have yet to finish ANY afghan (favorite project in theory) and that bugs me the most.


Other accomplishments:

Learned to read simple patterns

Learned how to do granny squares

Understand more about turning chains and tension

Met some of the coolest





People on this forum! I swear that I couldn't have made it this far without this forum and it's members! Not even necessarily due to the help only, but the inspiration through words and show-and-tell that kept the itch going. Also, people here have often answered my questions and got me over the hump when I got confused. Thanks to all of you. HUGE thanks to our wonderful forum admin.


What memorable things have you accomplished since you joined?

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Its not always what we have accomplished that matters, but the frienships and experience we have gained thats important. I have been gifted with all the different patterns to try and experience all the wonderful thoughts and accomplishments that have kept me going.


Good Job on all you have done

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Your list is quite impressive in my opinion and as long as you're enjoying the process and making friends that's what really matters, again my opinion. So keep on crocheting and learning and most of all enjoying!

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Thank you for starting this post! What a wonderfull and thought provoking post! IN THREE SHORT DAYS, I will have been here One Year! :cheer



I have done so many things crochetwise, that Im afriad I would not be able to remember them to list them, but I too, am in awe of the helpful wonderful people here, so generous, giving, and friendly. I have met only a couple that I would say weren't true villers, in spirit, and kindness, but the good so out weighs the bad! I too hope that I too have contributed in some small way to the kindnesses, and spirit of the ville, and can only hope to have touched someone's life, as I have been touched with the comradary and kindness of the ville members. not to mention the talent, creativity and artistic ability of all of ville members, young and old, beginners or pros and everything in between! I have learned much, and continue to learn, and grow, thanks to Amy and Donna, and all the members of "The Ville!" :manyheart

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Ah, now you know why the tagline under the Crochetville name at the top of this page was selected.


Congratulations on the many accomplishments of this past year! Remember, it's not a race; there's no finish line by which you must complete an afghan. Enjoy the crocheting, enjoy figuring out what you like to make and don't like to make, and enjoy your visits here. That's what it's all about.



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Any post is important and you are not taking up space. That was a great post. The important thing is that you go at your own pace and do what makes you happy. Crocheting is not a race (unless you want to be the worlds' fastest one, that doesn't matter to me) but a craft that you enjoy as you wish.


LI Roe

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WWWEEELLL..since I joined (Apr) I've managed to complete a charity afghan, participated in a 'swap' (won't say which one, cause it would give it away and I wanna stay anonymous...:lol )

I've bought more yarn in the past 4 mnths than I did in the proceeding 51 yrs I've been crocheting, cause I have become dazzled with all the stuff on here, Ravelry and ETSY...hand painted, hand spun, silk, bamboo, milk, cotton...OMG and the COLORS !!! I'm gonna learn to knit if it kills me...and maybe even KNOOK !!!:lol

I'd like to say I know a few people on here, but I'm the 'outsider', looking in...(sorta like real life...;) )I read a lot, but don't say much...:eek

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WWWEEELLL..since I joined (Apr) I've managed to complete a charity afghan, participated in a 'swap' (won't say which one, cause it would give it away and I wanna stay anonymous...:lol )

I've bought more yarn in the past 4 mnths than I did in the proceeding 51 yrs I've been crocheting, cause I have become dazzled with all the stuff on here, Ravelry and ETSY...hand painted, hand spun, silk, bamboo, milk, cotton...OMG and the COLORS !!! I'm gonna learn to knit if it kills me...and maybe even KNOOK !!!:lol

I'd like to say I know a few people on here, but I'm the 'outsider', looking in...(sorta like real life...;) )I read a lot, but don't say much...:eek



One thing you can say about this place is that NO ONE IS AN OUTSIDER. We have lots of friends and aquaintences.

I think you have done a great job for one year. As Patty has said, there is no race or contest going on.

I also find, that at times when I am down in the dumps, I can come on here and get a good laugh at something someone has said.

This is not a waist of space, it is good to know that the forum is still what it has always been. A place to learn, show off and just have a chuckle.:hook

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I couldn't believe it when I discovered that in a few short months, I will be starting my FIFTH YEAR HERE!! It doesn't seem possible that it has been nearly four full years since I was browsing around online one night, I put "crochet patterns" into Google and the next thing I knew, I was registering here at Crochetville! Where on earth does the time go?

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You all are very sweet! Thank you for the encouragement. I didn't mean to sound like I'm beating myself up, lol. I actually am okay with where I am at in crocheting. I'm just ready to see that finished afghan (whichever it might be lol) cause those are my favorite projects (even though they take the longest). I dunno.... I just think they're special. So don't worry about me thinking it's a race. It's maybe not so much how fast I crochet, but that I have this little fantasy about giving a blanket to all my closest friends and family, but I just haven't made a lot of progress yet on that dream. It'll happen. I know. :D See what I mean about the kindest people ever?


It's so cool to hear about how long some people have been here! Lol @ Chrysantha. I felt that same way when I saw all the new things to explore in crochet. Its nice to hear that you're so involved, but you shouldn't feel like an outsider.


Katyallen8090, I am sure you have contributed to people here way more than you know. Congrats on being a "one year gone" member like me!


Elle, congrats! Lol I should tell you that is EXACTLY how I found the 'ville too! I was tired of YouTube tuts, decided to try a pattern, Googled, and *poof* here I was. I was a lurker for a long time.

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I lurked for a long time also. I was so impressed with the kind and helpful people, that I finally joined in 2007. This is like a second home to so many people. We help others when we can and learn when we can, and it's fun!


In 2009, I began a To Do list and a Done list, so I have a good approximation of my work since I've been a member here. I am really tickled to say I have made 71 items since I started keeping track up until now. This covers bath and dishcloths, coasters, potholders, microwave mitts, rugs, purses, purse organizers, totes, book bands with flowers and hearts, table mats, hats, scarves, neck warmers, slippers, ceiling dusters, ami's, butterflies and shawls.


This doesn't count my ongoing works which seem like they will never be done, namely 3 blankets. And smaller projects ~ a couple shawls, a rug, and I don't even want to look in the lower cupboard over here where I put slipper projects and such. I've been on a bathcloth / dishcloth binge in this heat.


So look at how much crochet you can look forward to doing! A pattern I really like was written and posted here by Champygirl ~ Stacked Hearts Scarf. When I first looked at it, I thought I'd probably screw it up because it looked a little too close to filet crochet, but I gave it a try because I really wanted to make it for one of my sisters. Well, the instructions were so well written and precise, that I had no problems at all! The scarf came out beautiful! Thank you Champygirl!!! I thought my sister might like ribbon run through the hearts, so I took a chance and put a different color ribbon through each heart. Well ~ the scarf was a hit, ribbons and all. You'd think I'd given her something from a boutique. She even hinted for a hat to match, so I made a hat afterwards. If it wasn't for Champygirl's generosity and exactness with her pattern, I wouldn't have been able to make this perfect gift for my sister.


Much, much thanks is due to all of those who put so much time, effort, and thought into patterns put on Crochetville for us to use.

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This is a neat thread I can't believe that this will be my third year in November and I am almost on my 3000 post on here. I made some neat friends learn a lot more of crochet ideas and patterns. I to find this forum is so fun and when I been down there is something written here that makes me smile and the love of crochet even more. I love it when I been able to help and share with others and I also have been help.

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