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Chemo Caps


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This has been a heartfelt project. Lost my dear Mom over 20 years ago and still miss her. Wish she would have had some of these instead of a poorly designed wig that she never liked. I delivered part of them last week to a local cancer center. I was kind of nervous as I entered the center but felt soo good when I left. Thank you for looking.


Adding a couple more. They are fun and quick to make. I am thinking of continuing off and on with this project.





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They are beautiful. I lost my mom 6 years ago from cancer and she hated those wigs too.. she was much happier with the chemo caps that the hospital had given to her (that had been donated) and were beautifully made like your's. I wish I had been crocheting back then so I could have made her some, but I'm so happy that there were people who were who had donated to that hospital so she could get some. :) Great job!

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Very nice chemo caps. I too lost my Mom last year to cancer and miss her dearly. What a wonderful tribute to your Mom's memory.I think I would like to make some hats and donate them to the cancer center here. Dil mother is going through chemo now and has lost her hair, I am sure she would like a few hats and a few to share with the others going for chemo. Can you tell me what pattern you used for you great hats?


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made a couple of the Divine hat-added a couple extra rows to make it go down a little more and also made the Lattice

http://www.coatsandclark.com/Crafts/Crochet/Projects/Accessories/LW2253+Chemo+Cap.htm made this and then just used a safety pin to put flower on as some may not want the extra embellishment

http://mssunflwr.blogspot.com/2009/05/level-beginner-materials-one-skein-red.html-made this one with extra rows on the main pattern and a few extra on the finishing rows.

http://lilustudios.blogspot.com/2010/12/twilight-inspiration-bellas-hat-crochet.html--loved this bella hat and made in couple different colors

Cant remember them all right now but the other pattern was from the book Love Stitches


forgot this one.....was soo pretty worked up and sure it will be light and soft done in SS yarn.

Main things I learned from gals here were......ever so softest and light yarn, adding a few extra rows to some patterns to make them fit better, tight patterns that are not "holey?" Hope this helps and feel free to pm or post if you cant understand this as it was awhile ago that I gathered patterns

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Thank you Janni for the pattern links and tips on how to make the perfect hats. Going to gather up some of my soft yarns and see what I can come up with. You have given me lots of ideas. Thanks again.


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