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crochet tote addicts CAL


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I'm about 60 rows into the "brain dead afghan" and I'm really liking it! I think I may give this to DD and SIL for their Anniversary in June since the colors will look GREAT in their family room!


Wow, that's fantastic! You're moving right along! I'm sure DD and SIL will love it too!


Ann - I ordered 4 hooks, G, I, J, & K. I already have H and N. I really love my Jimbo hooks!


DH is now sick with this crud that GS and I had. He's really sick, he's missed 2 days of work and will not go again tomorrow. It's not the flu but it acts like the flu, you hurt all over, have a fever, cough. Hopefully he'll be able to go back to work on Thursday. I'm feeling better but still tired from this stuff.



Have a great evening.

OMGoodness! I'm so jealous! You've got a whole set of Jimbo hooks now! Lucky you! :clap I have an H, I and K and a chophook which I love!

You're poor DH, I hope he feels better soon! The weather is getting nice, no time to be sick!

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Good morning! Can't believe I 'beat' Joanne!


I think we can safely say we are ALL so happy for Bruce and Sue! Lots of Woots!


Sherry, your poor hubby! This winter has been so bad!


Ann, why were you up in the middle of the nite honey??


Well, today is hump day, and Chicago will hit a record of 80 today! WOW!!


Hopefully last floor hockey game tonite.....they are playing the top placed team so probably lose (which is fine!) and get her little trophy.


Should get to it! Later lovelies!


Mama K

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Good Morning! I'm up (again, lol) Mama K, I was up most of the night due to pain and nausea (my regular stuff, nothing new). Finally got to sleep around 5:30 for a couple of hours. I'll try to nap during the day, hubby will make sure of it, lol!

Wow, 80 degrees in Chi town! I know it's supposed to be warm here too, but I don't think it's going to be that warm. I just know that it feels like spring and I'm soooooooooooo happy! :cheer Baby K gets a trophy tonight? Oh, I bet she'll be beaming! They all love to receive a trophy for their hard work! ;)


Congrats again to Bruce. I am so happy for the two of you Sue! WOOT!


No post from Joanne? She must really be busy this morning! :lol


Sherry, hope hubby is feeling better!



Have a wonderful day ladies! :hug

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Hi all, I tried to post last night , but something happened to it, so Im here this morning for a minute. We are having a nice day today 70 degree for a few days, the weekend is only going to near 50, wierd weather.

Glad Bruce got the job.

grannyanne I hope you are feeling better, and hope all who are not feeling well get to feeling better.

Everyone have a good day!

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Ah Ann, you poor thing! Glad you can nap!


Yikes Mary! Yes, we may reach a record today.....and in the 70s thru Monday at least! So odd! Scared for summer....at least our new place has a pool!




Mama K

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Hi all!!!


Sorry I missed my early morning hello!!! I got up at 2 and then was tossing and turning- lots on my mind--and finally fell back asleep about an hour before the alarm- and then hit the snooze a couple of times!!! Had just enough time to quickly shower, grab some coffee and head out to paradise!!! Thank goodness I had gotten my lunch ready last night! I've been taking salads all week to work-my new addiction is adding pear to the salad and using raspberry vinagrette dressing! I had some left over turkey burger so cut that up and threw it in too. It was delish!!


Today was in the 70's I think- it was Gorgeous outside!!! A friend and I took a walk at lunchtime- They had mapped out a mile path around the parking lot, back of the building so we walked a mile and it felt great!!!! Energized me for the afternoon!!!


I am now settling down to hopefully do a little hooking! Didn't even touch the hook/yarn last night!!


That's great that Bruce starts this week!! WOOT!!!!!


Kuddles- Yay for having a pool (that you won't have to take care off) I was debating not opening the pool or even selling it, but DH said we should open it- so that DD and I can bring Ryan into the water!!


Ann- Hope you had a good day- did you get to sit outside at all today?


Evelyn- I agree- the weather is wierd and I'm a little apprehensive about what kind of summer we are going to have!!!!


Have a good night everyone!!!

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Hi all! Still don't have all my energy back yet. I had both Grandsons tonight. Little one out by 7:10 and oldest one out by 8:10, yea!!! Now if MeMo can get to sleep earlier tonight it will help. I was up until almost midnight last night and then I didn't want to get up this morning.


Got my thread and book from Mona today!! WOOT!! Was hoping to start on it but I'm just too tired. Maybe tomorrow at lunch.


Joanne - sounds like you had a night I did. Hope you can sleep better tonight.


Ann - hope you're doing better.


DH will be going to work tomorrow. He's feeling much better but I'm sure he'll be really tired tomorrow night.


It was 80 here today. If it's this hot in March, what's it gonna be like in June, July and August???? It was soooo hot last summer. Hoping that it's not a repeat of last year.


Well, I'm gonna try to get some sleep. Have a great evening all.

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Good morning!!!


I did get a good night's sleep and feel so much better this morning! The mile walk at lunch time I think helped. Hoping to get in another walk at lunchtime today, although the temps have cooled down- and it's supposed to rain later on- hopefully AFTER lunch!!


Have a great day EVERYONE!!!

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Good morning and hi Joanne! Missed ya girl! Yes walking is my form of exercise and because of the floor hockey last nite (they lost, thank goodness LOL) didn't get one but the temps are staying up so should get one every day for the next week, hoping at least!


Sherry, hope ya get some sleep!


Hi Ann honey! Hope you wake up today feeling good!


Sue - is Bruce over the moon? I know YOU are!


Everyone else, have a great day! I will! My boss leaves today around 9 and he won't be back till Monday OF THE NEXT WEEK! At a conference then some vaca days. Can you give a big WOOT!


Mama K

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Kuddles- WOOT, WOOT, WOOT for boss- free days!!!!!!


Didn't get the walk in today- the temperatures dropped and it was cloudy and just kind of 'blah' outside. Hoping for better weather tomorrow- but not looking promising. The weekend, however, is supposed to be great!!! And the weekend for me is what counts!!!!


I'm actually going to attempt some crocheting tonight- the last two nights I've barely done any and I'm missing it!

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good evening everyone.

I picked up an afternoon shift today. those 4 hours flew by and it was crazy. dont know how the day people do it everyday.

i am finishing up the tote im making and hopefully the blanket tonight and then i think im making something for me.

storms are suppose to be coming in so I better get off the comp.

Kendra is still here which means my puppies are also I am having a blast with them. they leave sunday :(

Hope everyone has a good night

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Yea, it's finally Friday!!!


Tonya - glad you've had Kendra and the pups with you this week. Enjoy the rest of your time with them.


Mama K - Enjoy your day!


Joanne - Have a great day!


Hoping today will be a quiet day so I can get my filing done. Everything else is done for the week, so I need a nice quiet day to get it done.


Did crochet a couple of rounds on the RR last night. Only 1 more dc round and then the edging and I'm done with it. Have a request for a SBT, so I need to get that started too.


Everyone have a great Friday!!

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Bruce starts his new job today! :cheer


Tonya, enjoy your time with Kendra and the pups!


Sherry, how's hubby feeling?


I hope everyone has a good day! :hug



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Hi all,


It's the weekend!!!!:clap:clap:clap


Hope Bruce had a good first day at work!!!


Ann- Thinking about you!


Hope you all enjoy the rest of the evening!!! I know I will- I'm taking it easy tonight:)

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Sue, definitely let us know about Bruce's first day!


Joanne, relaxing sounds good....maybe after I take care of the dishes and fold all the laundry......better than watching Lazy Town with DD!


Tomorrow......the zoo! Supposed to be perfect out and we have a membership so want to use it!


Have a good nite! Mama K sends her love!

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Hi Everyone! Sorry I haven't been around. Thanks for thinking of me though. I've just been hanging on the couch and napping as much as I can. Not sleeping well at night so trying to make up for it during the day in bits and pieces. The new formula is not working out so well, but I'm playing with it to see if I can make it work. Between watering it down and adjusting my feed rate I might get it to work. Sorry if this is too much info. I finished another baby blanket last night, now I need to get going on the scarf and purse for the gds!


Sue, I'm so glad that Bruce got the job and he started today! :cheer


Mama K, Woot for your new place having a pool! And best part is that you don't have to clean it! I miss having a pool. Ooohh, enjoy the boss free time too! Woot! Have a great time at the zoo!


Joanne, it will be fun having your DD and Ryan over to go swimming in your pool! Glad your walk at work helped you sleep better. I used to walk at lunchtime with one of my co-workers too. It really helped.


Tonya, enjoy your time with Kendra and the pups!!!


Sherry, hope you get your filing done, lol! BLEH! Hope you and DH feel better soon!


Evelyn, hope you are feeling better.


To all of you, please know that even if I don't make it on here as often as I was that I am thinking of you all. You are all wonderful and special to me! Have a fantastic evening and weekend! :hug

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Ann, so good to hear from you! Keep doing what cha gotta do girl!


Thanks for the kudos on both the pool and the boss being gone! Of course he just had to call me first thing this morning, but he'll be too busy to do that after today! LOL


Mama K

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Just a quick check in to say hello and let everyone that isn't feeling well know that I've got ya in my prayers, send some :hug to everyone that needs one, and then another to everyone just because... and a big :U to all those having fun doing whatever!!


Arielle is wrapping up basketball season this weekend. She had a game yesterday afternoon (they won, and it went into overtime! Is 3rd grade girls basketball supposed to be that exciting? :lol) and another one tonight (they lost that one :() and the final game is tomorrow morning. Michael also had me hopping this week; a concert Tuesday evening and another one Thursday evening... Oh, and we're all going to a play Sunday afternoon. (Snow White)


After tomorrow morning's game, I think Arielle and I have plans to sit around and do nothing! LOL Well, I plan to play in the yarn, so we'll see how that goes! I'm sure Dmitri will be playing the Wii... that's his favorite pastime lately...


Have a fabulous weekend everyone! It's been summer-like here, which just boggles my mind since the calendar hasn't moved into Spring yet... :think



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