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crochet tote addicts CAL


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Good Morning! My DH is a sweetie! After my procedure for my back yesterday we took a little "detour" on the way home and ended up at another Michaels's! He ran in and found some of the waverly yarn I needed! :cheer I'm still missing a skein of fresh flower and breath of blue, but will just order those online. Woot! I'm back in business! :lol

I see a lot of us had beautiful weather yesterday! Wish I could have been outside to enjoy it. Did you all get the wind and snow like we did last night?! Crazy! At least it's supposed to be sunny again later today! :) Have a wonderful weekend everyone! :hug



Toni needs some prayers. She lost her Mom today. I'm sure she doesn't mind me posting it. :(



Hugs and prayers for Toni. It is very hard to lose a parent. :hug


Good morning!


It's Friday!!! :clap And I have a 3 day weekend coming up!!! :clap As Kuddles would say- WOOT!!!!

Woot!!! Enjoy the time off!

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Ann glad you found most the yarn you needed. That was sweet of DH to do that for you.


Joanne - enjoy your three day weekend!


No feeling too good today, not sure if it's the flu or allergies. Will try to get in to the dr today as I don't want to have broncitis. Coughing so much. Not sure if I'll go to work or not, oldest GS was sick yesterday too. so we may be home together today.


Have a great Friday everyone!

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Joanne, woot! I'm just so happy it is Friday! What a week!


Sherry, ooooo hope you get to feeling better!


Ann, hi honey and what a wonderful guy you have there!!!


Baby K and I will be very busy the next few months....we are moving! Long story short, we are moving from a small house to a two bed condo (rent) but it is in the preemo school district in our area and she will get the special services she needs! WOOT! Now for the packing! UGH! Anyone want to come help!?


Love to all from Mama K

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Joanne, enjoy your long weekend!! :cheer


Ann, yea on finding the yarn! :clap


Sherry, feel better! :(


Mama, I'm only going to help to move if you move here!!



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Thanks everyone! Yes, I do have a terrific guy! :c9


Sherry, boo for feeling sick! Sure hope it isn't the flu. Hope you feel better real quick! :hug


Mama K, Woot for moving to what sounds like a great place! Of course, I think you should really consider moving to Massachusetts! :D


Sue, how are you feeling? Is the headache gone?


Joanne, enjoy the long weekend!!!


Mary, WooHoo, 60 degrees! We were back down in the 30's I believe! At least the crocus and daffodils are starting to pop up! :cheer

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Hi all


That's great that you found the yarn. What a sweet hubby to stop at another michaels. Glad u are now "back in business


Mama- I'll help u. If you move to NJ---Good Luck with the move. The good thing about moving is getting rid of things u no longer need


Sherry hope you are feeling better


Sue. Thanks for the wishes for a great weekend


Off to work on Dd's shawl!

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Thanks everyone! Yes, I do have a terrific guy! :c9


Sherry, boo for feeling sick! Sure hope it isn't the flu. Hope you feel better real quick! :hug


Mama K, Woot for moving to what sounds like a great place! Of course, I think you should really consider moving to Massachusetts! :D


Sue, how are you feeling? Is the headache gone?


Joanne, enjoy the long weekend!!!


Mary, WooHoo, 60 degrees! We were back down in the 30's I believe! At least the crocus and daffodils are starting to pop up! :cheer


It was even 70 when we left town. Hubby texted me tonight...he heard a froggie!!

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Morning peeps!


Well off we go this morning to officially sign the lease and give this gal moola. Thanks for your 'offers' Joanne and Ann, but I'll stay around here....for now....this move is going to be such a great thing for Baby K and her schooling!


Anywho, we are super busy today so don't know when I can check back in.


Have a great day all!

Mama K

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Good morning!


Kuddles- So happy that you are so happy- and glad that this move will be so good for Baby K and schooling which is oh, so important!!! Will you still be close to work?


The weather is back to winter temps today- at least now it's cold, but sunny -high's to 40, but it's not raining, or snowing, so all is good. DD arrives from Beantown this afternoon!!! After I pick her up we're going over to my DD's for some Ryan time!


Hope you all have a good day!!!

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If everyone could say a prayer, do a dance, or whatever it is you do...Bruce has a job opportunity and we really need him to get it! It's at the park down the road from my work (also county). The head of that part called the head of our center (he thinks Bruce is awesome) and gave Bruce a raving recommendation.



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If everyone could say a prayer, do a dance, or whatever it is you do...Bruce has a job opportunity and we really need him to get it! It's at the park down the road from my work (also county). The head of that part called the head of our center (he thinks Bruce is awesome) and gave Bruce a raving recommendation.



:elle:elle:elle:elle Dancing and thinking positive thoughts!!!! That will be awesome when he gets the job!!!! :cheer:cheer:cheer

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Good morning!

Kuddles- So happy that you are so happy- and glad that this move will be so good for Baby K and schooling which is oh, so important!!! Will you still be close to work?


Thanks and yup, I will be only an addl 5 minutes from work so instead of 12, it will be 17. Still so close to Baby K!


If everyone could say a prayer, do a dance, or whatever it is you do...Bruce has a job opportunity and we really need him to get it! It's at the park down the road from my work (also county). The head of that part called the head of our center (he thinks Bruce is awesome) and gave Bruce a raving recommendation.




You got prayers, dancing, spitting, whatever you need! I agree, we'll all celebrate WHEN he gets the job! What a wonderful thing for you guys! YIPPEE! and WOOT!


Heck, you need a .....




Love ya!

Mama K

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Morning!!!!!!!!! We have wintery, sunny day here too! Sure will be nice when spring finally arrives. It was a mild winter, but I'm ready for the warm temps and flowers! :)


It was even 70 when we left town. Hubby texted me tonight...he heard a froggie!!


Morning peeps!


Well off we go this morning to officially sign the lease and give this gal moola. Thanks for your 'offers' Joanne and Ann, but I'll stay around here....for now....this move is going to be such a great thing for Baby K and her schooling!


Anywho, we are super busy today so don't know when I can check back in.


Have a great day all!

Mama K

I'm so happy for you! Glad that you will still be close to work too! Sounds like it is going to be a wonderful move! :hug


Good morning!


The weather is back to winter temps today- at least now it's cold, but sunny -high's to 40, but it's not raining, or snowing, so all is good. DD arrives from Beantown this afternoon!!! After I pick her up we're going over to my DD's for some Ryan time!


Hope you all have a good day!!!

have a great time visiting with DD and Ryan!!!


If everyone could say a prayer, do a dance, or whatever it is you do...Bruce has a job opportunity and we really need him to get it! It's at the park down the road from my work (also county). The head of that part called the head of our center (he thinks Bruce is awesome) and gave Bruce a raving recommendation.



Will say a prayer, sing, dance, light a candle and do what ever else I can! Will also join in the celebration WHEN Bruce gets the job!

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Me going for my yearly doctor appt = everything is great!


Me signing our new lease = fabulous future


Me watching Baby K out the craft room window playing in the dirt = priceless!


Mama K

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Toni - sending healing prayers! I lost my mom last year, and it sucks. :hug


Mama K - Woot for everything!! :)


Ann - Woot for your hubby!! :)


Sue - Dancing and getting ready for the big "new job for Bruce" announcement!! :yay


Joanne - Sounds like Christmas in March - hanging with the DD and Ryan?? Woot!! :hug


Evelyn - :hi Good to hear from you! The weather has been insane...


Everyone - sending you all :hug and smiles!! I made a little bag for the little girl I watch on Friday's yesterday, and then she took it home and I forgot to take a picture of it. She loved it, though! :heart If she brings it back I'll try to remember to snap a pic of it and post it... :lol



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well I had a good day at the rabbit show. Not only did I take BIS with my little polish rabbit in Show A..I also took it with her in show B too!


Congratulations!!! :cheer:cheer

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Finally feeling better, still have the horrible cough but hopefully it will soon go away. It's not the flu, just allergies that got out of hand. Little one woke up at 2 (or it is 3??) with a bad dream, and he went back to sleep. Hopefully I can go back to sleep soon.


Took the boys to karate yesterday morning. Little one stood out there with his class but didn't do anything but at least we didn't have to stand with him. Hopefully he'll start participating soon. Oldest one got a uniform, so we have to get it ready for next week.


Mama K - congrats on the new place. :clap Hoping it works well for you and Baby K.


Sue - praying that Bruce gets the job!!


Ann - hope you're doing well and staying warm.


Joanne - enjoy your time with family!!


Everyone have a great Sunday!

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