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crochet tote addicts CAL


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Oh Sue honey! Here's some :manyheart and might I add a :hug for you as well! What a weekend and now you might be sick! Yes skip the speech, tell them Mama said so!


Sherry of course more :hug for you!


Evelyn :manyheart the blanket!


We did some running around today and I scored some addl fabric from Joanne's (of course). And Sue, found some of that batik turtle fabric so had to buy 2 yards! :eek


I hope everyone can sit down, relax, :crocheting, and above all, find some peace tonite!


Love from Mama K

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Hi All! Challenging day, nuff said.


Hi my girls!


Well I left with enough time to go to the Joanne's near the Panera where I met my old friend. AND took my 20% off entire purchase with me. AND remembered I had two big boxes of books in the back trunk and the Joanne's is sitting next to one of those used book stores that also buys books AND I took them in and got $40 for the books AND then promptly went to the Joanne's next to it and spent $41! WOOT!


So yes Mama K had a great day! Oh and bought Baby K a new movie at the used book store. The Incredibles. Never seen it but she say part at school and wanted it.




Thanks all on the lovely compliments on my bag.......


Mama K

Woot! Great shopping!


Not sure if I'll crochet or not today, still really tired. It's been a hard week at work which hasn't helped anything.


Have wonderful weekend everyone!



Yes, it's a freebie: crocodile dishcloth

Thank you!


I had a good day yesterday- got lots accomplished and then my middle DD came down and we both went to babysit- it was an unexpected surprise! She got lots of schoolwork done which was her intent and I had so much fun with my GS!


I started a clue #2 square from the Mystery CAL before heading over to babysit and I had 6 loops instead of 8 on round 3:eek I ended up bringing a seed stitch infinity scarf I'm working on for my DD's friend and almost finished. I want to finish it this morning before she leaves so I'd better get off the computer!


Have a good day!!!:hug BBL!

What a nice surprise to have your DD visit! That round on the clue can be tricky if you don't pay attention. Ask me how I know! :lol


update on my friend, she had to be airlifted to a different hospital. she ended up having her little girl last night weighing in at 3lbs 14oz. she was only 31 weeks pregnant. baby is in the nicu and she is asking for prayers that she stays doing good.

I had the reality of going back to work last night. crazy times and I am so not on the midnight schedule I was like a walking zombie:tired. I have moved almost past the hurting stage of my sunburn it is now to the itchy peely phase. hope everyone has a great day I am off to sleep before heading back to work tonight

Prayers for your friend and her baby girl. :hug



Went to the viewing last night, she looks so pretty and so at peace. Tomorrow is the funeral. Will be a very hard day tomorrow. At least I have the whole day off, don't think I could function if I had to go back after the funeral.




It's been a long weekend. Friday birds had a juvenile bald eagle come in that was hit by a train. It's right wing was broken with the bone sticking out. I went over to give them a hand with it. Absolutely gorgeous creature. I got to give it some injections. My first bird injections and it's to an eagle. Unfortunately today we had to euthanize it. Showing signs of spinal injuries.


Now I feel like I'm coming down with something or my TMJ is having a royal fit. Bad headache, ear ache and sore throat.


The Daytona 500 was rained out and will run tomorrow. No biggie right? Wrong. I have class tomorrow and campus is right down the road from the track. I think I'll pass and stay in bed. I'm suppose to give my speech tomorrow, but oh well.


I don't say much lately but know I'm always thinking of you all. :hug




I think you should definitely stay home. You don't need to deal with all that traffic! Hope you feel better. :hug:hug:hug


Here is the picture of the puppy blanket, I just put the binding on it was a precut panel, but she likes it.



Hi all,

Another nice day here- didn't get too much crocheting done, but such is life! My DD stayed until around noon- and then headed home. I finished an infinity scarf she had wanted for a friend, so I was glad about that. This afternoon, DH and I went shopping and then hung at B&N for a while reading and enjoying some coffee--then I went to see the little guy for a bit (with a quick pop in to ACMoore for midnight madness 20% off inc sale) and now I'm home.



Ann- Thinking about you:hug


I've decided that I'm not going to continue with the Bernat CAL. I didn't like the 2nd clue square- not my style and since I have so little :chook time, I don't want to be stressing about making something I'm not all that fond of. I found a pattern I'm going to use the yarn on- and actually the name of the pattern is what did it for me---http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/stashaholics-brain-dead-afghan



Thanks for the hugs! Sounds like you had a wonderful day! I love the pattern you picked out! I haven't started my search yet, been on the couch all day.


We did some running around today and I scored some addl fabric from Joanne's (of course). And Sue, found some of that batik turtle fabric so had to buy 2 yards! :eek


I hope everyone can sit down, relax, :crocheting, and above all, find some peace tonite!


Love from Mama K

Another good shopping day! Woot! Good for you! :hug

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Rise and shine- time to "make the donuts":lol


I started the afghan last night- and so far, so good, and it is living up to it's name!!:lol Had to pay attention on the first row after the chain, then it's 'auto pilot' from the 2nd row on----until I went to pack it up this morning and see where I forgot to put the "ch3" on some of the last row-:lol--that's because I was finding myself drifting off to the land of nod:lol I'm going to fix it as soon as I get off the computer and it's coming with me to craft club tonight!


Make it a good Monday- and to those who need them- take a few:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning!


Hi Ann and Joanne....didn't see your posts to say hi to ya last nite......


This morning will go straight to the state office for some face time. Don't know if my boss will be in the office or not when I arrive late morning...here's hoping not!


I need some sewing time soon! I have my next sewn purse cut out and interfaced, now it is time to sew it! Perhaps one day this week I can put in half an hour......hard during the week but we'll see!


Have a great day all!


Mama K

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Good Morning! (again, lol) at least I napped off and on during the night so maybe I can make it thru the day today! :lol I'm pretty sure I'm going to go with a Grannie Ripple for my substitute blanket pattern. My head was spinning after looking at so many patterns during the night and that one "hooked" me! :lol Have a great Monday all! :hug


Rise and shine- time to "make the donuts":lol


I started the afghan last night- and so far, so good, and it is living up to it's name!!:lol Had to pay attention on the first row after the chain, then it's 'auto pilot' from the 2nd row on----until I went to pack it up this morning and see where I forgot to put the "ch3" on some of the last row-:lol--that's because I was finding myself drifting off to the land of nod:lol I'm going to fix it as soon as I get off the computer and it's coming with me to craft club tonight!


Make it a good Monday- and to those who need them- take a few:hug:hug:hug:hug

Awesome! If the ripple doesn't work out maybe I'll go with this one! I've had it saved forever! LOL!


Good morning!


Hi Ann and Joanne....didn't see your posts to say hi to ya last nite......


This morning will go straight to the state office for some face time. Don't know if my boss will be in the office or not when I arrive late morning...here's hoping not!


I need some sewing time soon! I have my next sewn purse cut out and interfaced, now it is time to sew it! Perhaps one day this week I can put in half an hour......hard during the week but we'll see!


Have a great day all!


Mama K

Hope you have a "boss free" day Mama! Looking forward to seeing that new purse! :cheer

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Cute blanket Evelyn!


Thanks ladies. I'm staying home. I think it was just my TMJ acting up since I feel better this morning, but still not going to deal with the traffic and it doesn't even look like the race will run today anyhow...who's brilliant idea was it to put a race track in the middle of town...or a town around the race track. :eek


I hope everyone has a great day! Yes, I know it's Monday. :lol





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Cute blanket Evelyn!


Thanks ladies. I'm staying home. I think it was just my TMJ acting up since I feel better this morning, but still not going to deal with the traffic and it doesn't even look like the race will run today anyhow...who's brilliant idea was it to put a race track in the middle of town...or a town around the race track. :eek


I hope everyone has a great day! Yes, I know it's Monday. :lol





Glad you're feeling better! No comment on the race track :lol


I just posted the baby dresses in show and tell if anyone wants to look.


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Glad you're feeling better! No comment on the race track :lol


I just posted the baby dresses in show and tell if anyone wants to look.



Oh, Ann - those are adorable!! :hug I have a little girl I could make one of those for, she was born last month and only weighed a little over 5 pounds when she was born (tiny to me since my smallest was 8 pounds 10 ounces! :lol) and I'm wondering if I made it sized for a 3 month old if it would fit her later in the year when it's a bit warmer... :think or should I go with a larger hook so it might be a little bigger... thoughts?? :)

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Hi Sue! Good call!


Ann, those are SO precious! LOVE LOVE LOVE!


Home for lunch after the state office, then to my office. Boss IS out!


Mama K

Thanks Mama :hug. Woot for a boss free office! :cheer


Oh, Ann - those are adorable!! :hug I have a little girl I could make one of those for, she was born last month and only weighed a little over 5 pounds when she was born (tiny to me since my smallest was 8 pounds 10 ounces! :lol) and I'm wondering if I made it sized for a 3 month old if it would fit her later in the year when it's a bit warmer... :think or should I go with a larger hook so it might be a little bigger... thoughts?? :)

Thank you! Hmm, I had that same dilema wondering what to do with the twins, lol! I was going to go smaller thinking that twins usually come early, but DIL talked me out of it saying that they would grow into the dresses, so I went with theses. She says they look about 0-3 months. I think I'd go with a slightly larger hook or a ww yarn to get a larger size so she could were it later in the year. She might just start putting on the weight! Don't know if I helped or confused you more! :lol

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Hi all ,

Thank you all for looking at the puppy blanket, It really is a puppy blanket,

my friend bought the material and had me make it for her dog Oscar, hes a little chi-wa, and she says he really likes it.

Hope you all have a good day

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Thanks Mama :hug. Woot for a boss free office! :cheer



Thank you! Hmm, I had that same dilema wondering what to do with the twins, lol! I was going to go smaller thinking that twins usually come early, but DIL talked me out of it saying that they would grow into the dresses, so I went with theses. She says they look about 0-3 months. I think I'd go with a slightly larger hook or a ww yarn to get a larger size so she could were it later in the year. She might just start putting on the weight! Don't know if I helped or confused you more! :lol


:lol Yep, I think I'll be checking to see what I have that will look nice for her, and use a larger hook... I'll make sure to let you know how it goes for me!!

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Hi Ho Ladies!!!!

:whew ... What a busy weekend!

My sweet little super hero Michael... (who by the way has been in remission for going on a whole year now... come 21 March 2012) Got his first PIN in a Wrestling tourament Saturday.

I totally have to share these pics.... they are a bit blurry.. .but you'll get the idea......

This is Michael PINNING his opponant



This is Michael showing credit to his coaches for his first Pin



And this is Michael's coaches (the two guys in yellow shirts).............. Notice the one on the right... that would be his big brother! Serious proud moment here... for boys and mom!



So anyway.......... got some crocheting done... also got some organizing done for some more fundraising I need to do for hubby! We have a long expensive road ahead of us!!!!




Good morning all!


Here is what I finished up last nite.......the crocodile stitch Ann. Teal is my second fav color (behind red) and I did it into a purse myself (no pattern besides the croc pattern). Just need to line it and I can use it!

OmGosh... thats beautiful!!!!

Already started another tote....using punkrockinchick's pattern that Sue recently used (again) and posted.....I had a pair of purse handles that needed used so.....not my fault!


Well after some things around the house this morning, I will be going out to have lunch (without baby k) with my friend I haven't seen in so long and hmmmm, stop at a Joanne's that is out that way...I have my 20% off everything coupon that ends today so again...NOT MY FAULT! LOL


Well off I go (shuttie Sue) ....have a great one!


Mama K


Here is the picture of the puppy blanket, I just put the binding on it was a precut panel, but she likes it. How sweet is that!!!!


Glad you're feeling better! No comment on the race track :lol

Oh miss Ann.......... those are so precious! you did a great job!

I just posted the baby dresses in show and tell if anyone wants to look.





love you guys



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evening everyone. I have decided that reality sucks and I want to go hang in florida. Keldon, my youngest, agrees he says as soon as he graduates high school we should move there.

My friend stacey let everyone know today that addison is doing well,and breathing well enough on her own that she was taken off the vent tonight . I am busy making a blanket for her thought i had a bit more time so i guess i better get a move on.

I am also working on the tote I started before leaving.

hope everyone has a good day tomorrow.

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Great news about your friend's baby, Tonya!!! Positive thoughts and prayers for her that Addison continues to do so well!!!!


Ann- love the dresses you made- they are so cute!!!


Mama- Lucky you- no boss yesterday!! Makes a Monday so much better that way!!!


Sue- Read about all the action at the Daytona 500 yesterday! Wow! Glad that you are feeling better


Tam- Congrats to Michael on his first Pin!!! Exciting times for sure!!!!

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Good Morning! It's back to work today. Gonna be a long day since I missed yesterday, a lot to catch up on. Thanks again for all the prayers and thoughts for Sherri and her family. She wanted 2 things done at her funeral, one play an Elvis song and 2 - be late (she


Sue - glad you're feeling better! What a race (only saw on the news what happened!


Ann - love the dresses! they are so cute.


Joanne - hope your day goes well.


Tam - congrats to your son on his win!


Well, I'd better get busy, I have 2 boys to get up and get dressed. Have a great day all!



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evening everyone. I have decided that reality sucks and I want to go hang in florida.


I'll go with ya! :hug !


Mama- Lucky you- no boss yesterday!! Makes a Monday so much better that way!!!


Sure does! Thanks!


Good Morning! It's back to work today. Gonna be a long day since I missed yesterday, a lot to catch up on. Thanks again for all the prayers and thoughts for Sherri and her family.

Well, I'd better get busy, I have 2 boys to get up and get dressed. Have a great day all!


:hug:hug honey!


Yup I too need to get moving and get my gal going! We have to practice for her math re-test (hard for her) so no more time to play on here!


Have a great day everyone!


Mama K

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Tonya, I'm not feeling well and need a nurse...just saying. :D


Joanne, it was a crazy wreck. Bruce said he's sure there'll be new rules. I said "Yeah, Montoya isn't allowed on the track anymore period!" That boy causes more accidents. I think the 500 was jinxed from the start.


Sherry, :hug If I had a funeral (I don't want one) I would want to be 10 minutes early and have Bruce ask everyone who's late what took so long.


Hi Mama, Ann, Melani, Evelyn and everyone one else! :hug



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Sending hugs :hug and prayers out to Jana and Keri... I just read the update on Caring Bridge and they have not received the best of news; the fight continues... :ghug

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Howdy! Busy day, started with dr appt, bleh, home to lay low and let the meds work. Been working on the grannie ripple blanket while watching tv. BORING! :lol I'm liking the blanket though and I'm happy that I gave up the Mystery CAL.


Thank you all for the sweet words about the baby dresses! :hug Melani, can't wait to see your's! I know others have made them for size 2 and up I believe! I'm just not that creative! :lol


Tam, congrats to Michael!!! (for the Pin and 1 yr remission!)


Tonya, wonderful news about Addison! Continued prayers going out for her.


I don't know what happened at the Daytona 500, guess I should watch the news! :think:lol



Sending hugs :hug and prayers out to Jana and Keri... I just read the update on Caring Bridge and they have not received the best of news; the fight continues... :ghug

Oh no! Prayers going out to them also. :hug


Hugs and prayers for all that need them. Wishing you all the best day possible! :hug

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Ann :hug Feel better! :hug


Sending hugs :hug and prayers out to Jana and Keri... I just read the update on Caring Bridge and they have not received the best of news; the fight continues... :ghug


Jana texted me last night to tell me the bad news. :(



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Sending hugs :hug and prayers out to Jana and Keri... I just read the update on Caring Bridge and they have not received the best of news; the fight continues... :ghug
Hugs, positive thoughts and prayers-so sorry to read this news!


Ann :hug Feel better! :hug




Jana texted me last night to tell me the bad news. :(



Please let Jana know that I'm thinking about her and praying for Keri if you hear from her:hug

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