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crochet tote addicts CAL


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I saw on the news last night that next year in FL there will 15,000 (not a typo) vacant RN jobs. Just saying. :D



I am very tempted. very very tempted.

Good Afternoon All! I just got the call that they are changing my formula and it will be delivered tomorrow. Fingers crossed that it helps! Maybe I'll even get some energy back. Wouldn't that be nice! :)



Don't know if your home yet or not. Hope your trip is/has been a safe one! Take care of that sunburn! Ouch!

yep i just got home, trip was a bit rocky because of storms near atlanta, and then came home to snow :(

burn has blistered. just picture a boiled lobster with blisters and you have me :angry <------actually about that color. hopefully it wont last long. oh and I did use sunscreen obviously i need a spf of like 100

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Hey Ann, hope the new formula works for ya!


Regarding the crocodile stitch.....just watch a demo on youtube and you will be able to do it, no problem!


Mama K

Thanks Mama! :hug As for the crocodile stitch, I'm gonna try, don't know when, but I'll try. Today I'm having a hard time picking up anything. Just not in a :crocheting mood. I must be sick! :lol



Tonya, glad you're home safe and sound! You poor thing, that sunburn sounds nasty! I never used to burn and now I fry just sitting in the shade!

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Glad you made it home safe and sound tonya--take care of that sunburn!


Went out to dinner with a few co-workers tonight- it was a nice way to end the work week!


Ann- We can be drop-outs together and then maybe do our own little CAL:lol I was thinking of maybe doing a ripple or round ripple or large granny:think Not sure yet


Mama K- have a good weekend!!! Glad you liked the pic of Ryan on FB-


Sue I know I know- it's not YOUR Friday- :lol you are not like lots of us who work during the week and then have off on weekends:lol


Tired- after waking at 3:30 and not being able to return to sleep. Glad tomorrow is Saturday- and I hope I sleep in!

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Ann- We can be drop-outs together and then maybe do our own little CAL:lol I was thinking of maybe doing a ripple or round ripple or large granny:think Not sure yet


Tired- after waking at 3:30 and not being able to return to sleep. Glad tomorrow is Saturday- and I hope I sleep in!

Sounds like a plan! I've been trying to think of what I could make that would have the least amount of ends to weave in! :lol Although I have been considering something like just grannies squares, but a large granny sounds better! I don't think I want to do a RR this time. This ghan's for my bedroom and DH doesn't like RR's (I love them!) Hope you get to sleep in! Me, well I hope I get to sleep! :P

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Sounds like a plan! I've been trying to think of what I could make that would have the least amount of ends to weave in! :lol Although I have been considering something like just grannies squares, but a large granny sounds better! I don't think I want to do a RR this time. This ghan's for my bedroom and DH doesn't like RR's (I love them!) Hope you get to sleep in! Me, well I hope I get to sleep! :P

:lol:lol I know what you mean about the ends. I'm just not feeling these squares and then to know I have to sew them together afterwards :eek The Bernat colors will match my bedroom and that's why I went with them and I don't think DH wants a "holey, lacey looking" afghan. I am curious to try the clue though- but if it gives me any trouble, I'm finished with the mystery CAL:hook

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Morning all---Been up since about 5:30- did a few things and now settling in with another cup of coffee and my "ville" fix!!!


I have the usual Sat stuff to get done and then hope to spend a little crochet time this afternoon before heading over to babysit!

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Good morning all!


Here is what I finished up last nite.......the crocodile stitch Ann. Teal is my second fav color (behind red) and I did it into a purse myself (no pattern besides the croc pattern). Just need to line it and I can use it!


Already started another tote....using punkrockinchick's pattern that Sue recently used (again) and posted.....I had a pair of purse handles that needed used so.....not my fault!


Well after some things around the house this morning, I will be going out to have lunch (without baby k) with my friend I haven't seen in so long and hmmmm, stop at a Joanne's that is out that way...I have my 20% off everything coupon that ends today so again...NOT MY FAULT! LOL


Well off I go (shuttie Sue) ....have a great one!


Mama K


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Good morning all!


Here is what I finished up last nite.......the crocodile stitch Ann. Teal is my second fav color (behind red) and I did it into a purse myself (no pattern besides the croc pattern). Just need to line it and I can use it!

Mama K

Very pretty! I have a pattern for a dishcloth in the crocodile stitch. I figured that would be a good way to learn the stitch, but I haven't gotten to it yet.

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:lol:lol I know what you mean about the ends. I'm just not feeling these squares and then to know I have to sew them together afterwards :eek The Bernat colors will match my bedroom and that's why I went with them and I don't think DH wants a "holey, lacey looking" afghan. I am curious to try the clue though- but if it gives me any trouble, I'm finished with the mystery CAL:hook

Good luck! I'm thinking of giving it one more try, just because I'm stubborn! :lol


Morning all---Been up since about 5:30- did a few things and now settling in with another cup of coffee and my "ville" fix!!!


I have the usual Sat stuff to get done and then hope to spend a little crochet time this afternoon before heading over to babysit!

Aww, have fun with Ryan! He must be getting so big, I know Maddie is! They grow like weeds! :lol


Good morning all!


Here is what I finished up last nite.......the crocodile stitch Ann. Teal is my second fav color (behind red) and I did it into a purse myself (no pattern besides the croc pattern). Just need to line it and I can use it!


Already started another tote....using punkrockinchick's pattern that Sue recently used (again) and posted.....I had a pair of purse handles that needed used so.....not my fault!


Well after some things around the house this morning, I will be going out to have lunch (without baby k) with my friend I haven't seen in so long and hmmmm, stop at a Joanne's that is out that way...I have my 20% off everything coupon that ends today so again...NOT MY FAULT! LOL


Well off I go (shuttie Sue) ....have a great one!


Mama K

Love the bag! I'm going to have to learn that stitch! Sounds like you have a fantastic day planned! Enjoy! :devil


Very pretty! I have a pattern for a dishcloth in the crocodile stitch. I figured that would be a good way to learn the stitch, but I haven't gotten to it yet.

Ooohhh, that sounds like a great way to learn! Is it a freebie? Can you share?

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Hi my girls!


Well I left with enough time to go to the Joanne's near the Panera where I met my old friend. AND took my 20% off entire purchase with me. AND remembered I had two big boxes of books in the back trunk and the Joanne's is sitting next to one of those used book stores that also buys books AND I took them in and got $40 for the books AND then promptly went to the Joanne's next to it and spent $41! WOOT!


So yes Mama K had a great day! Oh and bought Baby K a new movie at the used book store. The Incredibles. Never seen it but she say part at school and wanted it.




Thanks all on the lovely compliments on my bag.......


Mama K

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Mama K - beautiful bag!! Sounds like you had a great shopping day!


Ann - hope you're feeling better soon.


Joanne - Enjoy your weekend!


Tonya - take care of that sunburn!


Took the boys to karate again this morning. Little man stood at the line but wouldn't do anything, but at least we're making ssssslllloooowww progress! My great-nephew was also there this morning. He got two new stripes, and was so proud. My nephew didn't come, my DD brought him, but he will be happy to see the new stripes as well.


Not sure if I'll crochet or not today, still really tired. It's been a hard week at work which hasn't helped anything.


Have wonderful weekend everyone!

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Mama K - beautiful bag!! Sounds like you had a great shopping day!


Not sure if I'll crochet or not today, still really tired. It's been a hard week at work which hasn't helped anything.


Have wonderful weekend everyone!


Thanks for the kudos!


:hug for ya........here's hoping you get some rest and next week is not as hard!


Mama K

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Love that bag Kuddles!!!:manyheart


I had a good day yesterday- got lots accomplished and then my middle DD came down and we both went to babysit- it was an unexpected surprise! She got lots of schoolwork done which was her intent and I had so much fun with my GS!


I started a clue #2 square from the Mystery CAL before heading over to babysit and I had 6 loops instead of 8 on round 3:eek I ended up bringing a seed stitch infinity scarf I'm working on for my DD's friend and almost finished. I want to finish it this morning before she leaves so I'd better get off the computer!


Have a good day!!!:hug BBL!

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update on my friend, she had to be airlifted to a different hospital. she ended up having her little girl last night weighing in at 3lbs 14oz. she was only 31 weeks pregnant. baby is in the nicu and she is asking for prayers that she stays doing good.

I had the reality of going back to work last night. crazy times and I am so not on the midnight schedule I was like a walking zombie:tired. I have moved almost past the hurting stage of my sunburn it is now to the itchy peely phase. hope everyone has a great day I am off to sleep before heading back to work tonight

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update on my friend, she had to be airlifted to a different hospital. she ended up having her little girl last night weighing in at 3lbs 14oz. she was only 31 weeks pregnant. baby is in the nicu and she is asking for prayers that she stays doing good.

I had the reality of going back to work last night. crazy times and I am so not on the midnight schedule I was like a walking zombie:tired. I have moved almost past the hurting stage of my sunburn it is now to the itchy peely phase. hope everyone has a great day I am off to sleep before heading back to work tonight


:hug:hug all around!


Mama K

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Just a quick good morning to everyone, Im not really good at getting here everyday but Im feeling much better hope it stays that way.

mama k that bag is really pretty love that color.

I just finished putting binding on a blanket for my friend, Im taking it to her today. but will post a picture later it is machine sewed.

have a good day

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Mama K - hope you enjoy your good weather! We are at 62 today. Crazy weather, the frogs and other critters are coming out like it's spring and we still have lots of time for cold weather. Hope this doesn't mean another scorching hot summer!


Evelyn - looking forward to seeing your blanket.


Joanne - WOOT for getting to see GS and DD yesterday!


Toyna - will be praying for your friend's baby and for her. Take care of that sunburn!


Went to the viewing last night, she looks so pretty and so at peace. Tomorrow is the funeral. Will be a very hard day tomorrow. At least I have the whole day off, don't think I could function if I had to go back after the funeral.


Have a wonderful rest of your weekend.


Hugs to all who need them!

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First I want to send Sherry a :hug


It's been a long weekend. Friday birds had a juvenile bald eagle come in that was hit by a train. It's right wing was broken with the bone sticking out. I went over to give them a hand with it. Absolutely gorgeous creature. I got to give it some injections. My first bird injections and it's to an eagle. Unfortunately today we had to euthanize it. Showing signs of spinal injuries.


Now I feel like I'm coming down with something or my TMJ is having a royal fit. Bad headache, ear ache and sore throat.


The Daytona 500 was rained out and will run tomorrow. No biggie right? Wrong. I have class tomorrow and campus is right down the road from the track. I think I'll pass and stay in bed. I'm suppose to give my speech tomorrow, but oh well.


I don't say much lately but know I'm always thinking of you all. :hug


Lastly I think Sherry needs another :hug and Mama needs some :manyheart



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Hi all,

Another nice day here- didn't get too much crocheting done, but such is life! My DD stayed until around noon- and then headed home. I finished an infinity scarf she had wanted for a friend, so I was glad about that. This afternoon, DH and I went shopping and then hung at B&N for a while reading and enjoying some coffee--then I went to see the little guy for a bit (with a quick pop in to ACMoore for midnight madness 20% off inc sale) and now I'm home.




Tonya- Seems like yesterday you were still on the countdown to vacation and here you are already back to work! hope tonight goes by quickly for you.


Sue- :hug sounds like you need a hug too- I would skip the class too- with the Daytona 500 going on tomorrow- who needs to deal with all that traffic? And hopefully the earache, sore throat and headache are very short lived


Ann- Thinking about you:hug


Kuddles- Hope you had a good day today!


I've decided that I'm not going to continue with the Bernat CAL. I didn't like the 2nd clue square- not my style and since I have so little :chook time, I don't want to be stressing about making something I'm not all that fond of. I found a pattern I'm going to use the yarn on- and actually the name of the pattern is what did it for me---http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/stashaholics-brain-dead-afghan



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