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crochet tote addicts CAL


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Evelyn, glad you're feeling better. But don't overdo it!


Tonya - WOOT!! Enjoy your vacation and your time with Sue!


Mama K - hope you and Baby K had a great time yesterday!


Ann - I hope you're able to sleep some.


Joanne - have a great weekend!


I'm taking the boys to karate today to see if they want to do it. We're trying to find something that the oldest one will like (he hates football and won't even try basketball). My great-nephew (whose 6) does it, so we're going to his class today. Didn't get to crochet any last night, was too tired. Hopefully I can get some done today since the boys probably won't be here.


Have a great day! Hugs to all.

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Good morning!!!


Evelyn- Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well--hopefully the antibiotics and the breathing treatments and prenisone are finally kicking in and you feel even better today than yesterday! Looking forward to seeing your baby afghan!


Sherry--That's a good idea to take him to a karate class with someone he knows. Enjoy your day


Hope you all have a good Saturday! Time for this gal to get moving!!!

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Good morning!


Ah Sue, he IS a man....what do you expect! LOL


Tonya, ya gotta quit bragging about seeing Sue and going to Disney! That are the two things on top of my wish list! Lucky girl!


Ann, hope you are feeling better rested today! Hope you slept!


Evelyn, feel better! I sure understand about those dang allergies!


Sherry and Joanne - we DID have fun yesterday! We were at Joanns 'only' about 40 minutes......I snagged some fabric that was on clearance - plus an addl 50% off it, then another 50% off and interfacings for my sewn purses for 50% off and some valentine clearance at 70% plus some odds and ends AND then used my 10% off for it all! I spent 28 bucks there and could not believe the two bags I had! Coupons = Heaven!


Baby K LOVED eating lunch out with her Mama! She felt so grown up when I had her walk over to our waitress with the payment! It's so funny how sometimes they want to be a baby again, then other times, "I am a big girl!". LOL


Well everyone have a super great day! I hope to get in some purse sewing (starting a new messenger bag, pattern is new to me although I've had it for eons), a little house cleaning, and just overall "I am not at work at least"!


Love from Mama K

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I think there are characters there dressed up in safari outfits. :think


If you stay in Orlando next year we can go shopping in Sanford!:hook




What is in Sanford?????

Good morning!


Ah Sue, he IS a man....what do you expect! LOL


Tonya, ya gotta quit bragging about seeing Sue and going to Disney! That are the two things on top of my wish list! Lucky girl!


Ann, hope you are feeling better rested today! Hope you slept!


Evelyn, feel better! I sure understand about those dang allergies!


Baby K LOVED eating lunch out with her Mama! She felt so grown up when I had her walk over to our waitress with the payment! It's so funny how sometimes they want to be a baby again, then other times, "I am a big girl!". LOL

Love from Mama K


I really want to go to the magic Kingdom, but my dh and sons would not make it a pleasant trip :( but seeing Sue way makes up for it. plus I am still trying to figure out a way to make it to chi town soon.

i love taking my kids out to eat it is usually a first/last day of school thing since they are usually half days. its been tradition since they started school.

EVelyn I hope your feeling better soon. :hug

Ann hope you are also. did you get some sleep?

hope everyone else has a wonderful day, I know I will since I have 7 days off work from that wonderful job I have :D

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Hi All!


Thanks for all your concern. I did manage to sleep thru the night last night (pretty much), and after being up for a couple hours this morning crashed for another 3 hr nap! :eek My immune system is just so out of whack these days those it can't take anything. Still fighting this cold/allergy thing and now getting a stinking cold sore on my bottom lip! UGH! On the crocheting front I managed to finish my squares for the Mystery CAL! :yay Not sure what I'll be working on today. Have a wonderful weekend everyone! :hug


Tonya, have a wonderful time on vaca and meeting up with Sue!


Mama K, glad you and Baby K had a good time yesterday! Going out to eat with the kids was always a special time when they were little. Sounds like you made a great haul at Joann's too!


Evelyn, glad you are starting to feel better! Hope today is even better. Looking forward to seeing your baby afghan!


Sherry, hope the boys like the karate.

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Hi girls! Just wanted to share my newest sewn bag.....messenger with cute HL bambi fabric! We will use it for our mini vaca in June! It is big! With pocket on the outside, pockets on the inside, pockets on the outside sides! Woot!


Mama K



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Hi girls! Just wanted to share my newest sewn bag.....messenger with cute HL bambi fabric! We will use it for our mini vaca in June! It is big! With pocket on the outside, pockets on the inside, pockets on the outside sides! Woot!


Mama K

Wow!!! Wootie, Woot, Woot! Love it!!! That will be fantastic on your vaca!

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Sue - sorry to hear about work. I know it makes you so sad when you lose one, and you've lost 4.


Mama K - Beautiful bag!!!!


Ann - glad you got some sleep. Hope you get to feeling better.


Tonya - enjoy your time with Sue! We're all jealous!!


The little one wouldn't even take his shoes off to get on the mat area. The oldest one loved it and wants to take karate all year!! Don't know the cost yet as they want to make sure he's really interested before we pay anything. They can go for free for the first month. The little one's classes are $20 a class but they don't require them to have a uniform (or whatever you call it) for a while.


UPDATE on my niece, Sherri. The blood work came back good (95% of the blood is the new blood) but the bad news is there's not as many white blood cells as there should be. She's also not physically doing well. So please continue to pray. She's still fighting but she's really tired and in a lot of pain. Thanks to all that have prayed for her. We appreciate your prayers and thoughts.

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UPDATE on my niece, Sherri. The blood work came back good (95% of the blood is the new blood) but the bad news is there's not as many white blood cells as there should be. She's also not physically doing well. So please continue to pray. She's still fighting but she's really tired and in a lot of pain. Thanks to all that have prayed for her. We appreciate your prayers and thoughts.


You can count on some prayers!


Mama K

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Hi All!


Thanks for all your concern. I did manage to sleep thru the night last night (pretty much), and after being up for a couple hours this morning crashed for another 3 hr nap! :eek My immune system is just so out of whack these days those it can't take anything. Still fighting this cold/allergy thing and now getting a stinking cold sore on my bottom lip! UGH! Ann try lysine lip stuff I get it at meijers, or CVS(its in a blue & white tube) it really works quick on them. between that abreva and one other thing they dont last long for me. Hope you feel better soon and keep getting your rest.:hug

Tonya, have a wonderful time on vaca and meeting up with Sue!

Thanks I am looking so forward to it.


Hi girls! Just wanted to share my newest sewn bag.....messenger with cute HL bambi fabric! We will use it for our mini vaca in June! It is big! With pocket on the outside, pockets on the inside, pockets on the outside sides! Woot! OMG that is the cutest bag ever. do you take orders?:D because I can barely sew a straight line.:lol


Mama K


Tonya, Sanford his the best Joann's ever. 3 huge asiles of yarn!

Fly to florida to shop at Joanns.....my family will think Im totally nuts. :thinkAlthough I could send them to universal for the day and we could shop


Haven't had a great couple days at work. 3 days, 4 turtle deaths. :(



awww Im sorry. pooor turtles:hug




Tonya - enjoy your time with Sue! We're all jealous!!

thanks I will enjoy it enough for everyone :hug

The little one wouldn't even take his shoes off to get on the mat area. The oldest one loved it and wants to take karate all year!! Don't know the cost yet as they want to make sure he's really interested before we pay anything. They can go for free for the first month. The little one's classes are $20 a class but they don't require them to have a uniform (or whatever you call it) for a while. I always wanted to do karate, It looks so fun. I hope the little one likes it,


UPDATE on my niece, Sherri. The blood work came back good (95% of the blood is the new blood) but the bad news is there's not as many white blood cells as there should be. She's also not physically doing well. So please continue to pray. She's still fighting but she's really tired and in a lot of pain. Thanks to all that have prayed for her. We appreciate your prayers and thoughts.

She will def. be in my prayers. I hope things get better for her soon and she starts feeling better.

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Hi all,

Sue -sorry to hear about the rough days at work!:hug:hug


Sherry- Definitely have my prayers!!! Maybe GS will love karate! That's great that they get to try it out for a month before committing $ to it!


Kuddles- Can I just say how much I adore that tote!!!! :manyheart It's great!!! Wish I could sew like you do! I have my hands full, just trying to sew lining into a crocheted tote!


Spent the day with DD and her BF and then my youngest DD and GS came over for a few hours!:c9


A wonderful, relaxing family day!:manyheart

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Here is the picture of the baby afghan I made, I also posted it in show and tell. Im also posting a picture of the embroidery heart I made.

This is a picture of a quilt wall hanging made, I had never cut a pattern on a cutting board and using the rotary cutter, I also done the quilting by hand.

Prayers for Sherri :hug

The bag is very pretty


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Haven't had a great couple days at work. 3 days, 4 turtle deaths. :(





The little one wouldn't even take his shoes off to get on the mat area. The oldest one loved it and wants to take karate all year!! Don't know the cost yet as they want to make sure he's really interested before we pay anything. They can go for free for the first month. The little one's classes are $20 a class but they don't require them to have a uniform (or whatever you call it) for a while.


UPDATE on my niece, Sherri. The blood work came back good (95% of the blood is the new blood) but the bad news is there's not as many white blood cells as there should be. She's also not physically doing well. So please continue to pray. She's still fighting but she's really tired and in a lot of pain. Thanks to all that have prayed for her. We appreciate your prayers and thoughts.

Maybe the oldest will come around if the younger one is really enjoying it? Hope it isn't too expensive. Prayers for Sherri will continue! Thanks for the update!


Tonya, thanks for the info on the lysine. I'll have to get to the pharmacy!


Hi all,

Spent the day with DD and her BF and then my youngest DD and GS came over for a few hours!:c9


A wonderful, relaxing family day!:manyheart

Glad you had a nice day!


Here is the picture of the baby afghan I made, I also posted it in show and tell. Im also posting a picture of the embroidery heart I made.

This is a picture of a quilt wall hanging made, I had never cut a pattern on a cutting board and using the rotary cutter, I also done the quilting by hand.

Prayers for Sherri :hug

The bag is very pretty


OOPS forgot the picture so here it is now I hope

They are beautiful!!!

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Good morning!


Ah Sue, he IS a man....what do you expect! LOL


Tonya, ya gotta quit bragging about seeing Sue and going to Disney! That are the two things on top of my wish list! Lucky girl!


Ann, hope you are feeling better rested today! Hope you slept!


Evelyn, feel better! I sure understand about those dang allergies!


Sherry and Joanne - we DID have fun yesterday! We were at Joanns 'only' about 40 minutes......I snagged some fabric that was on clearance - plus an addl 50% off it, then another 50% off and interfacings for my sewn purses for 50% off and some valentine clearance at 70% plus some odds and ends AND then used my 10% off for it all! I spent 28 bucks there and could not believe the two bags I had! Coupons = Heaven!


Baby K LOVED eating lunch out with her Mama! She felt so grown up when I had her walk over to our waitress with the payment! It's so funny how sometimes they want to be a baby again, then other times, "I am a big girl!". LOL


Well everyone have a super great day! I hope to get in some purse sewing (starting a new messenger bag, pattern is new to me although I've had it for eons), a little house cleaning, and just overall "I am not at work at least"!


Love from Mama K


Wow!! What a haul!! My daughter is always asking if she can pay ~ even when I'm using my debit card. She's funny, because she doesn't swipe the card at the right speed and it never reads right for her... They grow up too fast, don't ya know??


Hi girls! Just wanted to share my newest sewn bag.....messenger with cute HL bambi fabric! We will use it for our mini vaca in June! It is big! With pocket on the outside, pockets on the inside, pockets on the outside sides! Woot!


Mama K


That's AWESOME!!! :manyheart


Tonya, Sanford his the best Joann's ever. 3 huge asiles of yarn!


Mama, love the new bag!


Haven't had a great couple days at work. 3 days, 4 turtle deaths. :(




:hug:hug I hope it gets better...


Sue - sorry to hear about work. I know it makes you so sad when you lose one, and you've lost 4.


Mama K - Beautiful bag!!!!


Ann - glad you got some sleep. Hope you get to feeling better.


Tonya - enjoy your time with Sue! We're all jealous!!


The little one wouldn't even take his shoes off to get on the mat area. The oldest one loved it and wants to take karate all year!! Don't know the cost yet as they want to make sure he's really interested before we pay anything. They can go for free for the first month. The little one's classes are $20 a class but they don't require them to have a uniform (or whatever you call it) for a while.


UPDATE on my niece, Sherri. The blood work came back good (95% of the blood is the new blood) but the bad news is there's not as many white blood cells as there should be. She's also not physically doing well. So please continue to pray. She's still fighting but she's really tired and in a lot of pain. Thanks to all that have prayed for her. We appreciate your prayers and thoughts.


You definitely have my prayers for Sherri!! :hug


Here is the picture of the baby afghan I made, I also posted it in show and tell. Im also posting a picture of the embroidery heart I made.

This is a picture of a quilt wall hanging made, I had never cut a pattern on a cutting board and using the rotary cutter, I also done the quilting by hand.

Prayers for Sherri :hug

The bag is very pretty


That's a sweet blanket, Evelyn! I'm sure it will keep the little one snug as a bug in a beautiful afghan!! :hug


OOPS forgot the picture so here it is now I hope


Nice!! :tup


Ok I just checked her stats and she hasn't been on since Jan 31st. Does anyone know how to get a hold of her? Just want to know she is ok


I have her snail mail addy - I will send her a snail mail card!! :hug

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Good morning!

Beautiful projects, Evelyn!!! Thanks for posting the pics!!!!


Forgot to mention yesterday that that my youngest was using the SBT that matches the blanket I made for my GS!!! And my middle DD was wearing an infinity scarf i had made her. I guess they really DO like the crochet goodies I make them!:manyheart

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Good morning!


Tonya.....a friend saw my new tote and said 'you could sell those!' ....which I probably could but 1) could never get paid back for my time and 2) it then is not 'fun' like it is for me now. I love to constantly be creating! Speaking of, finished up my new tote bag last nite, I'll get a pic up soon.....


Joanne, thanks! I hear ya on having your hands full! I only sneak in some sewing here and there....crochet will always be my number one!


Evelyn - gorgeous!


Mary - I've known others on here that 'take a break' so here's hoping Ducky is simply doing that!


Ann - Sue - Sherry - Jana - and all my other peeps ...have a great day!


Mama K

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Alrighty then here is a picture of my new tote...this will be for my mother for mother's day. I will line it with awesome blue and black material I bought today at Joanns (pockets and a snap as well) and a fabric handle, most likely black.


This tote worked up fast, was not as hard as I thought it would be and has spike stitches which usually hurt my hands but I took my time and this didn't 'hurt'!


I bought it off etsy from the nutsaboutknitting shop.


Mama K


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