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crochet tote addicts CAL


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Good Morning!!!!!!!! I managed to finish the potholder! :yay Two days crocheting and that's all that I accomplished! Oh, well, at least it's something! :lol



well out to work outside for awhile. Not to bad..except it's 16 degrees outside.


Finished more divine hats for chemo patients over the weekend. Have to figure out what kind of edging I want on a prayer shawl I'm making. The edging the pattern calls for doesn't look good to me. It's the half moon shawl if anyone else has ever made it with an alternative edging...let me know if you have!


Off to the great outdoors....

I've never made that one. Good luck!


Glad to hear your yarn decided that it wanted to be a potholder Ann!!!:lol Yes, I finished the scarf and gave it to DD to give to her roomie on her actual birthday. She'll be surprised that it was for her. She saw me working on it, but has no idea I was making it for her!!!


What a wonderful surprise the scarf is going to be for DD's friend!!!


Well, anyway, no grandbaby yet! The contractions were going no where so they sent her home about 1:00 this afternoon and said for me to bring her back at 5:30 tomorrow morning for her scheduled induction. We will all be so glad when he is finally here! :D I will have my laptop with me at the hospital and will let you all know what is happening as I am able. :ghug



I have to go out to a dr's appt this morning, but I'll be looking for an update when I get home! Hope there's good news! :yay


finished a divine hat this morning. Didn't quite use up all the yarn...grrrr. I may have to start some kind of scrap 'ghan with the self striping yarn..maybe with black..maybe a RR. Since the self striping yarn is different than say rhss I don't think it would look good added to my granny scrap 'ghan that uses the more standard ww yarn like rhss or caron pounders. But I have to do SOMETHING with these yarn ends. Not enough for another hat...


Went to walmart..bought more self striping yarn :lol for more hats for the cancer center. -8


wtd: -7

That self striping yarn can be tricky! It makes beautiful hats though! :clap


Stay warm everyone! (unless you need to stay cool, Sue! :lol) Have a great day! :hug


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:sleep Boy do I ever wish I could have stayed in bed this morning!


Joanne, didn't buy any yarn! Just fusible fleece for some more purses I am sewing. Bought 3 patterns from a girl on etsy and want to get the prep done.....which I did mostly after I got home!


Baby K made a snowman. One hour later his head fell off cause it was above freezing here! :eek


Been raining so all of our snow is about gone, but no fear! Changing to snow soon and can get up to 4 inches today! Uh......I'd rather not!


Back to work today......hope everyone is safe, warm and happy today!


Mama K

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Good morning!


Chrisite- Can't wait to see the post that your new grandson has arrived!!!


Ann- I love the potholder! Did you make the "turn on itself" potholder? That's what it looks like to me anyway. I love that pattern and have made a few of them!


Kuddles- Good for you restraining yourself from getting yarn. Glad you had a nice relaxing day yesterday! Have a good one at work!

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finished a divine hat this morning. Didn't quite use up all the yarn...grrrr. I may have to start some kind of scrap 'ghan with the self striping yarn..maybe with black..maybe a RR. Since the self striping yarn is different than say rhss I don't think it would look good added to my granny scrap 'ghan that uses the more standard ww yarn like rhss or caron pounders. But I have to do SOMETHING with these yarn ends. Not enough for another hat...


Went to walmart..bought more self striping yarn :lol for more hats for the cancer center. -8


wtd: -7


:rabbit this is the tote CAL not stashbusting. We having a rought day? :hug



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:sleep Boy do I ever wish I could have stayed in bed this morning!


Joanne, didn't buy any yarn! Just fusible fleece for some more purses I am sewing. Bought 3 patterns from a girl on etsy and want to get the prep done.....which I did mostly after I got home!


Baby K made a snowman. One hour later his head fell off cause it was above freezing here! :eek


Been raining so all of our snow is about gone, but no fear! Changing to snow soon and can get up to 4 inches today! Uh......I'd rather not!


Back to work today......hope everyone is safe, warm and happy today!


Mama K

Aww, no yarn? :eek Poor little skeins must be crying in the store! :lol Hope you don't get too much snow tonight! Stay warm! :hug


Good morning!


Ann- I love the potholder! Did you make the "turn on itself" potholder? That's what it looks like to me anyway. I love that pattern and have made a few of them!


Yup, I used Bev's pattern. This is the first time I've tried it and I love it! I'll be making more!


Oh well, we all have *those* kind of days!


Today is WW weigh in day.....hope it is better than last week!


Mama K

Good luck!


:think:think:think :eek:eek:eek:eek:eek


:rofl it was COLD out there and apparently it froze my brain too!! :hook

:lol I have those days all the time! :lol

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Thanks Ann, weigh in was okay, lost....but just .2 pounds! Oh well, I was good all week, hopefully it will show better next week!


And.......I think I finally caught the cold going around! Sneezing, coughing and just 'feel' it coming. Grrrr................


Oh well, could always be worse!


Mama K is going to go relax for the nite!

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:think:think:think :eek:eek:eek:eek:eek


:rofl it was COLD out there and apparently it froze my brain too!! :hook

:lol:lol Happens to me--even when it's not freezing outside!:lol:lol


Thanks Ann, weigh in was okay, lost....but just .2 pounds! Oh well, I was good all week, hopefully it will show better next week!


And.......I think I finally caught the cold going around! Sneezing, coughing and just 'feel' it coming. Grrrr................


Oh well, could always be worse!


Mama K is going to go relax for the nite!

I found that with WW some weeks were like that- but hey, a loss is a loss!!! :) I've still managed to maintain my loss- and I'm going on about 6 mos I think:think I've lost track! But I do weigh myself daily or every other day- just to make sure I'm staying where I want to be!!! WW taught me lots of good eating habits!!! Hope you get to rest tonight and that Baby K goes to bed early or at least on time! Feel better!!!:hug
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Thanks Ann, weigh in was okay, lost....but just .2 pounds! Oh well, I was good all week, hopefully it will show better next week!


And.......I think I finally caught the cold going around! Sneezing, coughing and just 'feel' it coming. Grrrr................


Oh well, could always be worse!


Mama K is going to go relax for the nite!

WTG on losing! It's hard this time of year. A lose is a lose and if you were good it will show up eventually! :hug If you're coming down with something it could effect your loss too! Hope you feel better. Enjoy your evening!


:lol:lol Happens to me--even when it's not freezing outside!:lol:lol


I found that with WW some weeks were like that- but hey, a loss is a loss!!! :) I've still managed to maintain my loss- and I'm going on about 6 mos I think:think I've lost track! But I do weigh myself daily or every other day- just to make sure I'm staying where I want to be!!! WW taught me lots of good eating habits!!! Hope you get to rest tonight and that Baby K goes to bed early or at least on time! Feel better!!!:hug

Good for you for maintaining! That's really hard work! :cheer


See you folks tomorrow. Getting ready to go settle down in front of tv for the night. Stay warm everyone!

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Mama K - take care of yourself and get some rest! Congrats on losing weight, even .2 pounds!!


Joanne - Sounds like you're doing good!! I need to get back to losing weight.


Ann -sounds like you've been busy!


Hope all of you are staying warm. Today was really cold, especially with the north wind blowing so hard! It's supposed to warm up to 50 tomorrow!!


Got the RR baby afghan finished last night. This is the one that will go to the silent auction at GS school. Sent it with him today (or rather gave it to DD to take--don't trust him, he'd take it out and cover up with it :lol especially since he was cold this morning). Used ILTY, double strand--one white, one soft pink. Loved the way it turned out. It's on a full sized bed.


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Ok, actually he was here at 3:12 this afternoon, but this is the first chance I have had to post! He is 7 lbs, 15 oz and 22 inches of pure cuteness with very light brown hair and pretty blue eyes. Mommy and Daddy are both thrilled and so am I.


Pictures to follow tomorrow when I am not so exhausted!!! :D

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Congrats on Colton!! :):hug


Sherry, that RR is amazing! :manyheart I bet it will raise lots of $$$ for the fundraiser!! :D


Ann, great potholder - that's on of my favorite patterns, too - makes a nice thick potholder! :yes


We didn't have school today. Too foggy. I better check my forecast, I don't want to wake up to an unexpected snowfall!! With Mama K living to my West, I'm glad she posts what the weather is supposed to do there... then I can check for here!! :lol


:hug to everyone!

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Good morning!


Congrats on the arrival of Baby Colton, Christie!!!!:clap Very happy to read that news this morning!!!


Sherry- The RR is beautiful and I'll bet it will raise lots of $!!!:manyheart


Kuddles- Hope this morning finds you feeling ok--and not worse!! Did you get some rest and relaxation last evening?


Hope you all have a good day!

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Good Morning! It's windy and cold here today, but at least not as cold as it has been. The wind however is nasty! Whew! I thought for sure we would lose power last night. I'm ready for Spring! :lol I finished a little doggie blanket last night and have 4 more rows to go on a knitted dishcloth. Then I really need to get to work on Juno's sweater! I don't know why I'm putting it off, but it just isn't calling to me. DH keeps asking about it though. It's half way done, so it shouldn't take too long to finish once I set my mind to it! :lol Have a wonderful day everyone! :hug


Got the RR baby afghan finished last night. This is the one that will go to the silent auction at GS school. Sent it with him today (or rather gave it to DD to take--don't trust him, he'd take it out and cover up with it :lol especially since he was cold this morning). Used ILTY, double strand--one white, one soft pink. Loved the way it turned out. It's on a full sized bed.

It's beautiful!!! I love RR's!




Ok, actually he was here at 3:12 this afternoon, but this is the first chance I have had to post! He is 7 lbs, 15 oz and 22 inches of pure cuteness with very light brown hair and pretty blue eyes. Mommy and Daddy are both thrilled and so am I.


Pictures to follow tomorrow when I am not so exhausted!!! :D

Congrats!!!! He's a good size! Can't wait to see pics!!! :yay


Mama K, hope you are feeling better today! :hug

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:lol:lol Happens to me--even when it's not freezing outside!:lol:lol


I found that with WW some weeks were like that- but hey, a loss is a loss!!! :) I've still managed to maintain my loss


Thanks Joanne! Yes, some weeks are just like this one, I've had them before so I just keep going! Remembering the 30 pounds I've already lost dang it!


WTG on losing! It's hard this time of year. A lose is a lose and if you were good it will show up eventually! :hug If you're coming down with something it could effect your loss too! Hope you feel better. Enjoy your evening!


Thanks hon! You are right, and I indeed am getting sick - or should I say I already am! Not horrible yet but def have 'it'.


Mama K - take care of yourself and get some rest! Congrats on losing weight, even .2 pounds!!


Got the RR baby afghan finished last night. This is the one that will go to the silent auction at GS school.


Thanks, yes I will celebrate even this .2! Wonderful afghan!!!






Well everyone, have a great day! Mama K is just very tired from this cold coming on, but it is supposed to be SO cold today and tomorrow, it should kill it out of me!


Love from Mama K

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Welcome little Colton!! :cheer


Sherry, the RR is gorgeous!!


Today is my first day of classes. Oral communication this semester. After this I can actually apply to vet tech school.


:hug to all!



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congrats on baby colton:cheer

:cheer:cheeryay for the .2 loss. I really need to start doing WW again instead of inhaling pizza and breadsticks after work since I am starving. ugh yep it was a rough night in paradise


Sue- it is almost less than a month, and we now have our suitcases had to order them since not one place had anything under $100 a set :eek now to get them moving on packing:rant

hope everyone has a nice warm day...its freezing absolutely freezing here

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well the snow "storm" has hit..we have a major snowfall of :think 1.5 inches? Supposed to get a bunch today..we'll see. I haven't much trust in the weather people for this storm. The west side of the mts has all OUR snow :D I love snow..I even love driving in snow! Except the other idiots...

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Today is my first day of classes. Oral communication this semester. After this I can actually apply to vet tech school.


:hug to all!




well the snow "storm" has hit..we have a major snowfall of :think 1.5 inches? Supposed to get a bunch today..we'll see. I haven't much trust in the weather people for this storm. The west side of the mts has all OUR snow :D I love snow..I even love driving in snow! Except the other idiots...

Big storm!:lol I did hear that you're supposed to get hit hard though! I hated driving in the snow when I was on the west coast. An inch and a half of snow made people crazy! :eek:lol

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Welcome little Colton!! :cheer


Sherry, the RR is gorgeous!!


Today is my first day of classes. Oral communication this semester. After this I can actually apply to vet tech school.


:hug to all!



:cheer:cheer Cheering you on for a great semester!!! You are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel where you can apply to vet tech school:cheer:cheer

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