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crochet tote addicts CAL


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I just finished this last night. It's the SBT with a twist. I used Bernat Mosaic and love it!! I'm thinking it might be this month's TLC tote.




Then this is a sketch my friend made me for Christmas! Isn't it awesome???





Wow- nice eye candy today!!! Love the SBT with the Mosaic--two strands throughout and no color changes!!! And that sketch is just awesome!!!:manyheart

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Good morning! What! I beat Joanne??


Sherry - thanks and now my boss is at a conference for the rest of the week.


BUT - yup Chicago is in for its first winter storm! Starting in a few hours, up to 8 inches of snow by tomorrow am. Ugh! But we've been lucky so far so I better not complain!


To all my other buddies, have a safe, fun day today! Make sure you smile at one person today that you do not know well! Make their day!


Love from Mama K

:lol you sure did!!! I didn't get up until the alarm went off- and well, just didn't have time to post. This new position I have is kicking my butt!!! So much work--and I'm kind of learning as I go--quite the challenge--to say the least!!


Stay safe in the snow! The vendor that is going to be working with me and the team for our new system is from the same town as my DD--small world! Anyway, he knows I'm heading to Beantown tomorrow and said that today they were getting some ice:eek but by tomorrow it should be ok. Hope so--


Anyway- I was able to get the oil changed in my car- made it there at 5:30- they close at 6--and then came home, put laundry on, packed and had a dickens of a time deciding which yarn to bring!! Loaded up the car with DD's Christmas gifts and my stuff- and am just about ready to call it a night and it's only 8:30!! I have to be at work in the AM at 7:30 for 2 meetings and then I'll head to Beantown.


You'll probably beat me on tomorrow too- since I doubt I'll have time to check in- have to go to the ATM, get gas, and buy bagels to bring to DD (since you just can't get good bagels there)...Will post again from Beantown!

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both tote and pic are great!


We had a slight mishap with our tomato greenhouse last night. I had some of my goldfish in there yet and the electrical box that my hubby made for the tank heater (4 foot round x 4 foot high tank) we believe had a slight mishap..ok major mishap. The floor of the greenhouse WAS covered in a ground cloth..there used to be plastic over all the greenhouse..there used to be a front wall.... Yeah it burned. Plastic burns pretty good once it get's going. There was a bunch of plastic dish pans that used to hold water lilies that once they got burning took out that front wall structure. Was kinda weird because all the 2x4's on that wall were scorched pretty good, except the door frame. I now have 8 goldfish in a bucket in my sink! Luckily these were not very big...

Wow!! I'm so glad that no one was hurt!!! What a scary thing to happen!:hug

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Sherry- I'll keep Sherri in my thoughts and prayers!


Ann- I heard the weather wasn't great up in MA!! Hope it's better tomorrow when I'm driving up there!! We just had wind and rain today! Lots of rain!!! But it seems to have stopped now. Whew!

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packed and had a dickens of a time deciding which yarn to bring!!-


that has to be the worse part of packing, trying to figure out which ones of the babies to leave home :think I am already trying to figure it out and I dont leave for 5 weeks

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Sue - love the tote and the picture is awesome!


Mama K - glad you didn't get as much snow. We woke up to maybe 1/2 inch of snow. Littlest GS was yelling "It's snowing!! It's snowing!!" It had quit but he was so excited that it had snowed at least there wasn't any on the roads. Right now we're just freezing cold with a lot o north winds.


Glad you and the goldfish are ok! That was scary!


Joanne - enjoy your trip and be safe!


Thanks for all the prayers for Sherri. Haven't talked with my nephew to see how she's doing, I'll get an update this weekend.


Everyone stay warm and safe!

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this is totally off the subject of crochet. but its osomething ive wondered le....

say we were to actually meet some day.....




would it bother you if i asked to feel your face to "see" what you look like?

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Good morning all!


Sherry - thanks, we did end up with more, about 6 inches total. Luckily I got the driveway cleared last nite so the addl few inches aren't too bad! Lots of accidents out there! Glad I only work 12 minutes from home! Yikes!


Baby K is very happy it is Friday (as am I) since that means no homework tonite. She was chanting that this morning. Ah to be 7.....


Take care all!

Mama K

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Thanks ladies! :hug


Mary, glad everyone is safe. :hug


Joanne, have a safe trip!!


Mama and Ann, be safe in the snow!!


this is totally off the subject of crochet. but its osomething ive wondered le....


say we were to actually meet some day.....




would it bother you if i asked to feel your face to "see" what you look like?


To be honest I would say no. I have a "thing" about being touched especially my face. Plus you wouldn't want to "see" my mug! :lol



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You'll probably beat me on tomorrow too- since I doubt I'll have time to check in- have to go to the ATM, get gas, and buy bagels to bring to DD (since you just can't get good bagels there)...Will post again from Beantown!


Let us know when you get there safe! Have fun!


Mama K

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Morning Everyone!


Anyway- I was able to get the oil changed in my car- made it there at 5:30- they close at 6--and then came home, put laundry on, packed and had a dickens of a time deciding which yarn to bring!! Loaded up the car with DD's Christmas gifts and my stuff- and am just about ready to call it a night and it's only 8:30!! I have to be at work in the AM at 7:30 for 2 meetings and then I'll head to Beantown.


You'll probably beat me on tomorrow too- since I doubt I'll have time to check in- have to go to the ATM, get gas, and buy bagels to bring to DD (since you just can't get good bagels there)...Will post again from Beantown!

Whaddya mean we don't have good bagels?! Ya just go to the freezer dept at Wally World, buy a bag of 5 or 6, pop one into the micro when you get home, voila! They're great! :D:lol


Ann- I heard the weather wasn't great up in MA!! Hope it's better tomorrow when I'm driving up there!! We just had wind and rain today! Lots of rain!!! But it seems to have stopped now. Whew!

Please be careful! The weather is still crappy today! We still have a weather advisory out for this morning. It's supposed to get a little better as the day goes on, but still not going to clear up totally. There is a wind and fog warning out for the entire day.


this is totally off the subject of crochet. but its osomething ive wondered le....


say we were to actually meet some day.....




would it bother you if i asked to feel your face to "see" what you look like?

It wouldn't bother me at all. :hug

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this is totally off the subject of crochet. but its osomething ive wondered le....

say we were to actually meet some day.....




would it bother you if i asked to feel your face to "see" what you look like?


I've never had anyone ask me that before; I probably wouldn't mind if you felt my face, as long as you didn't pinch my nose or anything!! :manyheart

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Let us know when you get there safe! Have fun!


Mama K

Hi all,

Decided not to drive up until tomorrow EARLY morning! There is a high wind advisory from here to MA today- and when I left work at 10:30 the winds were kicking up. I called DD and we agreed, better to come up tomorrow! I don't like driving over bridges when there are high winds- just too stressful! And I've had enough stress this week!!!


I'm going to relax, crochet, possibly nap today! I plan to leave very early in the AM and then should arrive at DD's around 9:30 and we'll have the whole day!

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Hi all,

Decided not to drive up until tomorrow EARLY morning! There is a high wind advisory from here to MA today- and when I left work at 10:30 the winds were kicking up. I called DD and we agreed, better to come up tomorrow! I don't like driving over bridges when there are high winds- just too stressful! And I've had enough stress this week!!!


I'm going to relax, crochet, possibly nap today! I plan to leave very early in the AM and then should arrive at DD's around 9:30 and we'll have the whole day!

I'm so glad you waited! I've been worried about you. I went out on our deck for a bit and DH & I were joking that it was like being on the deck of the Titanic! Remember that romantic shot of the two of them at the point of the ship (whatever it's called :lol) Only I was wearing a winter parka, sweatpants and mad bomber hat! :rofl

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I'm so glad you waited! I've been worried about you. I went out on our deck for a bit and DH & I were joking that it was like being on the deck of the Titanic! Remember that romantic shot of the two of them at the point of the ship (whatever it's called :lol) Only I was wearing a winter parka, sweatpants and mad bomber hat! :rofl

Aww, thanks for worrying about me!!! You described the wind perfectly--great analogy!:lol The wind appears to have died down so that is good!!! I made a hat for me and one for DD's roommie- I had already made one for DD prior to today---so now ALL of our heads will be warm!!!! And it sure is going to be cold!!

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this is totally off the subject of crochet. but its osomething ive wondered le....

say we were to actually meet some day.....




would it bother you if i asked to feel your face to "see" what you look like?

It wouldnt bother me at all I had a friend that was visually impaired and she did that to it was interesting.

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Just a quick hello.....cold here in Chicago! Brrr!!!!!!!!!!! More flurries today and staying cold. Can you say Stay Inside and Crochet? Hopefully that is what will happen! Baby K is happy to stay in!


Have a great day all!

Mama K

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hello everyone. stopping in real quick before I crash for a 3 hr nap and then its off to class for 4 hrs. ugh this saturday class is going to be my breaking point after working friday nights. I am counting the days until my butt hits the sand and surf.

and since it is freezing beyond belief here I am hoping for some warmth from florida. are you listening Sue? it better be nice there :D.

i have crochet ADD lately I have started around 5 projects and have not finished a thing. or even gotten near finished. :P well i need to hit the hay since i have to drive 45 minutes to school. ugh i would rather stay home and crochet and sleep

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Not at all :)



this is totally off the subject of crochet. but its osomething ive wondered le....

say we were to actually meet some day.....




would it bother you if i asked to feel your face to "see" what you look like?

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Good Morning All! Brrr, it's cold! We're having more flurries here too and colder weather moving in tonight! Hubby is going to get some pellets for the wood pellet stove and fire that up tonight to try and keep the place a little warmer. (and save on some oil costs I hope!) Poor Juno doesn't even want to do her business it's so cold! I'll be spending my day inside :crocheting and :knit. Have a wonderful day! Stay warm! :hug


hello everyone. stopping in real quick before I crash for a 3 hr nap and then its off to class for 4 hrs. ugh this saturday class is going to be my breaking point after working friday nights. I am counting the days until my butt hits the sand and surf.

and since it is freezing beyond belief here I am hoping for some warmth from florida. are you listening Sue? it better be nice there :D.

i have crochet ADD lately I have started around 5 projects and have not finished a thing. or even gotten near finished. :P well i need to hit the hay since i have to drive 45 minutes to school. ugh i would rather stay home and crochet and sleep

Good luck in your class and remember, FL is only a few weeks away! :cheer

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I'm here in Beantown- Sunny and cold- but not as cold as it's going to be tomorrow! DD and I are heading out now while it is relatively warm! LOL


I had no traffic, no wind and got here around 9:45--and then we had bagels that I brought up and DD had the coffee waiting!!! So glad I opted to drive up this morning


Have a good day all--Tonya-good luck with class!

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:hi It's a chilly day here today, too! Arielle had basketball practice this morning, and we have plans to partake in an NCIS marathon that starts at 1:00 on USA. (Dmitri will probably play the Wii.) We will be taking breaks to eat and we have a cake and ice-cream thing with our former neighbors for their little girl who just turned 4 last weekend. While watching the NCIS marathon, I plan to :crocheting and I'm hoping to get a few things caught up!! :D Enjoy your weekend, everyone! (Sorry Sue... I know it's not the weekend for you yet...)


Tomorrow I plan to pull out all my stash and get it all sorted, so I can decide for sure what I want to make and which projects I want to get finished up. :) Should be fun!


:hug:hug:hug for everyone!! :hug:hug:hug

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We are in the middle of remodeling at work. They put a window in the lab so people out in the gallery can see what we are doing. Our manager got some pictures of us working on a turtle (I'm pulling blood to do a glucose check). Thought you'd like to see.





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We are in the middle of remodeling at work. They put a window in the lab so people out in the gallery can see what we are doing. Our manager got some pictures of us working on a turtle (I'm pulling blood to do a glucose check). Thought you'd like to see.






Wow! That is really something!


You are a STAR!


Mama K

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