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Turtlelvr's Stash Busting Tote: AWESOME


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Hello ladies and gents:


The deadline for this tote testing was yesterday and I got to let you all know that I started it yesterday evening and finished it before i went to bed last night ...


I was just not able to post it last night as I had went to post and had to recharge battery then today i had doctors appts for me and sister as well so busy til now ..


So Let me first say that this is a awesome tote pattern that turtlelvr has created..


Its fast and simple and makes one Awesome Tote..

I highly recommend the pattern when she puts it up for sale.

Simple and fast and awesome for WIP's or a gift too ..


Thank you Sue for letting me test and sorry that even thou i did finish it by last night i was not able to post it til now.

My Apologies to you...


So here it is enjoy ...





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Thank you ladies... I appreciate your kind words.

I havent heard from sue to see if she liked it or not but i gues she is busy.

I am planning on putting it up in the giveaways section so any one wanting it be sure to be on look out for it.



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Well Ladies:

I'm in love with this patterns of Sue's and I am going to make some more for gift giving.


But I also plan to use some magic yarn balls to see how it will turn out that ways..

With this pattern the possibilities are endless in colors coordinating..


Those of you that dont have the pattern I highly recommend it and its just such a low price and you will have a great pattern for years to come..




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