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Good Crochet Story

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I remember reading a thread of crochet stories that had good endings, but I can't find it this morning. Please indulge me while I share my recent story. :)


An old friend has recently become a new grandmother. :c9 I've already made 2 blankets for the new little one. The first blanket was pink and done in a shell stitch. They were thrilled when the first blanket arrived and they called to tell me that they really appreciated it because they don't have any hand made blankets. The second blanket arrived a few days ago while my friend has been on vacation, so she hasn't seen it yet. Her daughter opened the package and called to tell me that her mom (my friend) won't be seeing it for a while because her mom will want to keep it at her house when she sees it! :lol It was white and done in the brick stitch. So now I'm planning to visit Hobby Lobby tomorrow for some White Sparkle ILTY to make another brick stitch blanket. They can fight it out. :lol


I had already planned to make a basketweave blanket as well as a crochenit blanket. They'll be receiving random deliveries of baby blankets for a while and it looks like I'll need to update my list of WIPs and add some WIMs! :lol

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A fellow-crocheter went to a lot of trouble to send me a book written by her. I wanted to show my appreciation, so I made her a small doily. Please read her wonderfully satisfying response:


Truly, no-one appreciates a hand-made gift the way another crocheter/knitter does.

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A fellow-crocheter went to a lot of trouble to send me a book written by her. I wanted to show my appreciation, so I made her a small doily. Please read her wonderfully satisfying response:


Truly, no-one appreciates a hand-made gift the way another crocheter/knitter does.



I bet she was thrilled, that is a gorgeous doily. :cheer

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Thank you for sharing this lovely story:)...with all the crochet projects i make...Baby Blankets are my all time fav due to the smiles i receive when giving them and seeing the Bundle of Precious Joy wrapped in them:c9

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I have one:


I made a "motorcycle" jacket out of the Bomber Baby jacket pattern (that can be found on Annie's Attic) for my nephew who is 9. His dad, uncles and grandfather are all into motorcycles and even my nephew has a child's chopper that he likes to tinker with. So when I finally got it to him, his face lit up and he puts it on and it's too big for him, but I'm thinking that he'll have it longer to wear *whew* better too big than too small, you know?


Anyway, I was relieved that he did indeed like it...I just didn't know how much until his mom (who was over the moon about it...she was showing it over to everyone...) called or texted me to tell me that the next day when he went to school, he insisted on wearing it and his teacher went crazy...she told his mom she had never seen a crocheted jacket with a zipper before...so she was crazy impressed. And my favorite part, she tells my nephew, "Now when you grow out of this, don't you ever, ever, ever give it away, it is an heirloom..."


Another good ending story involved my other nephew. His mom, my sister, is not really into anything handmade per se. She doesn't always know the difference between an item being hand crafted versus "homemade..." So about a year before she flat out told me she would never had crocheted anything in her home...that while she thought what I was wearing was cute (a Doris Chan number no less) it wasn't her style...okay, fine, whatever, this is no real surprise to me.


However, I was chatting with her over Yahoo and shared a pic of a sweater I had made the other nephew (the one I eventually made the motorcycle jacket for) and she was so impressed with it, saying how professional it looked...hmmmm...light bulb went on in my head, that I took that as an opportunity to ask what color would her son like one in...and I'll be darned if she didn't answer "Green..." Well I whipped one up, stressing all the way, and not only did he love it, she loved it too and I was also able to make her a pair of socks...that she actually wore!


Another good news thing is really this: Because my sister just isn't "into homemade, handmade, hand crafted...etc..." that because she values things being "just so" and very "professional" looking, because she doesn't impress easily, right or wrong, she has been an inspiration to me over the years to always strive to improve my skills. And not rest on my crochet laurels. It was a BIG deal to me that she not only praised the one jacket, but that she actually was opening and willing to allow me to make a jacket for her son and a pair of socks for her and she liked them when they got them...


It's a big deal.

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I remember reading a thread of crochet stories that had good endings, but I can't find it this morning. Please indulge me while I share my recent story. :)


An old friend has recently become a new grandmother. :c9 I've already made 2 blankets for the new little one. The first blanket was pink and done in a shell stitch. They were thrilled when the first blanket arrived and they called to tell me that they really appreciated it because they don't have any hand made blankets. The second blanket arrived a few days ago while my friend has been on vacation, so she hasn't seen it yet. Her daughter opened the package and called to tell me that her mom (my friend) won't be seeing it for a while because her mom will want to keep it at her house when she sees it! :lol It was white and done in the brick stitch. So now I'm planning to visit Hobby Lobby tomorrow for some White Sparkle ILTY to make another brick stitch blanket. They can fight it out. :lol


I had already planned to make a basketweave blanket as well as a crochenit blanket. They'll be receiving random deliveries of baby blankets for a while and it looks like I'll need to update my list of WIPs and add some WIMs! :lol


That is so great...love it.


A fellow-crocheter went to a lot of trouble to send me a book written by her. I wanted to show my appreciation, so I made her a small doily. Please read her wonderfully satisfying response:


Truly, no-one appreciates a hand-made gift the way another crocheter/knitter does.


Loved the story and the doily...and I agree, people who do make things seem to appreciate hand made gifts a little more...and in my case, it's because I rarely get hand made gifts from anyone...when I do get them, they are treasured...no matter how perfect they are or less than perfect they are, they are treasured. I have in my car off my mirror a little "coin purse" my cousin crocheted me when she was 14, she is now 28...I use it to hold an air freshener...when she made it for me, my neighbor dismissed it (not in front of her) as "not very good..." and I was very quick to defend it...

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Yep, that's the thread. :) I just couldn't find it when I was looking for it. Thanks for finding it! :D


Here's an update on my idea for another brick stitch baby blanket made with ILTY White Sparkle. I hadn't used that yarn before and didn't know that the silver thread that runs through it is scratchy, so I won't be using it for a baby blanket. I had seen the sparkly yarn on the shelf but hadn't petted it. :lol I wasn't aware that the silver part is more like a wire than a thread. Anyway, I'll keep the skein I had started working with but will return the others. In the meantime, when I completed the first two blankets (one was white and the other was pink) I had a skein left over from each of them. I've taught myself entrelac in the last few days (yay!) and have started another baby blanket using the white and pink ILTY for this. I'll post pics of my progress with this new blanket if anyone wants to see them. :hook


My thanks to all of you for sharing your good crochet stories on this thread and on the other one.

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It was white and done in the brick stitch. So now I'm planning to visit Hobby Lobby tomorrow for some White Sparkle ILTY to make another brick stitch blanket. They can fight it out. :lol


That's wonderful!


Say, what is the Brick Stitch?



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