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Our House Part Two


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Hi Jude

Do you believe I have never tasted corned beef and cabbage ?



sounds like you have lots to do today !



Have fun planning the shower. I love doing things like that ...the cake ...decorations...cake....games.....cake....prizes......cake......presents....cake....colors.....cake...guest list ...and don't forget the CAKE .



Poor Marisa

Sounds like you feel lousy ! Take the day off and sleep ..You are probably worn out since you are always on the go ...of course you are almost half my age,so you have lots more steam than I do .

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Good Morning, Ladies. :manyheart


Tam ~ Lots of hugs and prayers coming your way. :hug I'm so sorry you're going through so much now - please take care of you, too! :yes


Marisa ~ Get lots of rest and feel better soon. :hug


Hi to all my House friends!


Luke is much better - the Dr. said it was probably a virus that he is seeing lots of right now. His fever is gone and his appetite is great! :c9


I am staying home all day. :cheer It seems like forever since I crocheted! The desk and cleaning is calling, but I think my hook is going to win out. :lol

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Have fun planning the shower. I love doing things like that ...the cake ...decorations...cake....games.....cake....prizes......cake......presents....cake....colors.....cake...guest list ...and don't forget the CAKE .




Julie, I know you will find this hard to believe, but the bride to be doesn't like cake! She does like sweets, though, so we will probably do some small desserts like individual cheesecakes, tiny brownies and fancy cookies. we may get a small cake too, for those people who believe that a party is just an excuse to eat cake!

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Marisa, hope you feel better soon. Hope Mary's mom gets better soon as well.


Mary, glad Luke is doing better. Enjoy your quiet day.


I decided to just keep going with the doilyghan. I can see the mistake, but I don't think its that noticeable. Two rounds to go and it will be finished.

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Wow, Cindy

I DO find it hard to believe that there are people on our planet who don't like cake .

Sam and Steph neither one like cake either. They have gotten a small bite of it if they Tag Team me and take me down and pry it out of my hands .


No, honestly, neither of them would ever eat cake if they have a choice .


I myself think it needs to be in its own separate food group .

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Good morning housemates :hi Yep, still morning :yes


Mary woke me up at 5:30 this morning to let me know she was taking her mom to the hospital, she wasn't breathing right and with all her health issues, they can't wait anything out so she took her immediately. She has some fluid in her chest and is being admitted to the hospital. So some prayers for Mary's mom please :hug


Then I woke up just after 9 and my temp made it to about 103 so I called the doc and went right over. Luckily they had some cancellations this morning :whew so I didn't even have to wait when I got there :clap I have a sinus infection and he gave me an antibiotic which I just got home from filling, had some toast and took the first dose. Decided to drop in to update you before I crawled back into bed. If I wake up feeling better after the meds get a chance to kick in, I'll truck into work later on :think I feel bad knowing that Mary's not there either :eek We'll see how I feel and go from there :yes


I hope you all have a great day, but right now my bed is hollering for me :lol

:hug :hug :hug Sounds like you need to spend a couple of days at home taking care of you, Marisa. You don't need to be giving this to your patients. Prayers for both you and Mary's mom coming your way. :hug :hug :hug

Here are those baby shoes I've been babbling about:

Those are adorable.

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Thanks Julie and Linda.


Another finish for today, doily style baby blanket. It's my own design, and is about 40 inches in diameter, which is a bit bigger than I intended it to be. Yarn is Caron Pounder in lilac. It will also go to the local pregnancy resource center.


(I'm not exactly getting a lot of cleaning done here...but there's still time.....I think......)



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Thanks Julie and Linda.


Another finish for today, doily style baby blanket. It's my own design, and is about 40 inches in diameter, which is a bit bigger than I intended it to be. Yarn is Caron Pounder in lilac. It will also go to the local pregnancy resource center.


(I'm not exactly getting a lot of cleaning done here...but there's still time.....I think......)

That's lovely, Cindy. :clap :clap :clap

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Here are those baby shoes I've been babbling about:

They're adorable!!:c9

Thanks Julie and Linda.


Another finish for today, doily style baby blanket. It's my own design, and is about 40 inches in diameter, which is a bit bigger than I intended it to be. Yarn is Caron Pounder in lilac. It will also go to the local pregnancy resource center.


(I'm not exactly getting a lot of cleaning done here...but there's still time.....I think......)

You did great adapting the pattern - looks perfect!:clap

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*^^* Ummm don't ask me what that is--just playing around Wanted to finally say hello today! Morning has been a bit hectic, now to slow down! Thank heavens!


I've read some posts-----TAM----so sorry to hear about all of the health issues going on around you----TAKE CARE OF YOU, as most have said otherwise you're not going to be any help to anyone else either. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.


Marissa----you and Mary's Mom are in my thoughts and prayers as well.


Hello to everyone else today! It's sun shiny but VERY chilly here, still brings a bit of Spring freshness in the air and to the mood! Of course, i'm in shorts, sandals and a sweater---lol.


So---Aree and I went out in the pouring rain last night to look for some "WOOL" to felt into bags!! lol----Much to my dismay..........what-in-THE.......do I look for? It was like pulling teeth w/o any lidocane! hobby lobby, had a bunch of "blends" I didn't think a "BLEND" would felt---or will it? and....I need EYE GRABBING colors, not tan! I ended up getting some Patons, it's cool. I made a little MP3 player holder, washed it up this morning, think I want to wash it again and felt it a tad bit more. Kinda like it. Figured I had better get a feel of how it works so as to not make something kid size and it shrinks up to infant!


Hope all is well! I DID get awesome news-----MY HONEY will be back May 2 for a couple of days visit!!! Hate that it's only a couple days---but I must be worth it! :0)

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Hi Kiyo


Wish I could help you with the felting questions but I have never done it,so have no idea what to buy that will work best .

Great news that you will get to see your boyfriend again so soon !


Sounds like your weather out there is pretty good if you have shorts on. It is actually up in the 50's here today I think. So nice, I opened our back patio doors for a bit --the sun is on that side of the house now, so it feels good !

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Been awhile since we did another questionnaire,so here goes :


1- Are you wearing GREEN today ?


2- Are you superstitious, like do you believe any of the old sayings about good luck or bad luck ? Name one :


3-If money and time off from responsibilities wasn't an object , would you be adventuresome enough to close your eyes, point to a state on the map and move there for a year ?


4- What is the CHEESIEST pickup line you have ever heard ?


5- Name a tv show where an animal is a main character,and what is the animal's name . (Can be a current or past show).


6- Cartoon character you are most like ?


7-How long could you go without your computer ?


8- Have you ever or are you ,currently a member of another crochet/craft online group ?


9-If you had to get a job in the circus, which one would you like to do ?


10- Have you ever run (or walked ) a marathon ?


11- Describe your most comfortable PJ's .


12- A country you have no desire to EVER visit ?


13- Did you or any immediate family member ever serve in the military ?


14- What is your one vice you could NEVER give up ?


15- If you HAD to give a teenager one piece of advice about life,what would it be ?


16 -Which character in Wizard of Oz does your personality most resemble ?


17 - If you won the lottery and HAD to give half of it away to a charity,what would you donate it to ?


18-If you could meet and talk to any president we've ever had, who would you want to talk to and what would you talk to him about ?


19 -What lady's clothing garment looks like it would be VERY uncomfortable ( past or present ) .


20- Which celebrity cook would you like to meet,and what would you like him/her to make for you ?

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[quote name=LovinThis32;2248347

So---Aree and I went out in the pouring rain last night to look for some "WOOL" to felt into bags!! lol----Much to my dismay..........what-in-THE.......do I look for? It was like pulling teeth w/o any lidocane! hobby lobby' date=' had a bunch of "blends" I didn't think a "BLEND" would felt---or will it? Nope - won't felt. and....I need EYE GRABBING colors, not tan! I ended up getting some Patons, the Classic Wool works great. Check this out: http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showpost.php?p=2238872&postcount=1644

It's our crochet part of the combo challenge CAL and I talk about felting. it's cool. I made a little MP3 player holder, washed it up this morning, think I want to wash it again and felt it a tad bit more. Kinda like it. Figured I had better get a feel of how it works so as to not make something kid size and it shrinks up to infant!


Been awhile since we did another questionnaire,so here goes :


1- Are you wearing GREEN today ? nope


2- Are you superstitious, like do you believe any of the old sayings about good luck or bad luck ? Name one :


3-If money and time off from responsibilities wasn't an object , would you be adventuresome enough to close your eyes, point to a state on the map and move there for a year ? not curious enough to go to the bother of moving, esp for just a year:lol


4- What is the CHEESIEST pickup line you have ever heard ?Can't think of any


5- Name a tv show where an animal is a main character,and what is the animal's name . (Can be a current or past show).

Mr. Ed (a horse..of course...:lol)

6- Cartoon character you are most like ?

Betty Boop:D

7-How long could you go without your computer ?

I've done it for a week, so could do it longer if I made up my mind,

8- Have you ever or are you ,currently a member of another crochet/craft online group ?

Yup...2 others

9-If you had to get a job in the circus, which one would you like to do ?

If I had to?? Hmmmm....nothing comes to mind.

10- Have you ever run (or walked ) a marathon ?


11- Describe your most comfortable PJ's .



12- A country you have no desire to EVER visit ?

Any country in Africa...unlike my goddaughter, who wants to return there!

13- Did you or any immediate family member ever serve in the military ?

Hubby - was a medic in the Army

14- What is your one vice you could NEVER give up ?

I like my occasional glasses of wine:D

15- If you HAD to give a teenager one piece of advice about life,what would it be ?

To think twice (or more) before doing something someone else suggests...

16 -Which character in Wizard of Oz does your personality most resemble ?

don't know the story well enough...

17 - If you won the lottery and HAD to give half of it away to a charity,what would you donate it to ?

To ONE charity? It would have to be my local SPCA so they could add on and get equipment they need.

18-If you could meet and talk to any president we've ever had, who would you want to talk to and what would you talk to him about ?

George Bush (senior) and ask him what he really thought about some of the decisions his son made when junior was president.

19 -What lady's clothing garment looks like it would be VERY uncomfortable ( past or present ) .


20- Which celebrity cook would you like to meet,and what would you like him/her to make for you ?

Rachel Ray....I'd like anything spicy she would make.

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Good evening house mates!


Cindy- First off, those booties are just too cute!!! And I like your doily'ghan- and i must ask--what mistake???:think I couldn't find it! Have fun planning the shower


Tammy- I've been thinking about you and your DH and DS and praying for you all- I think Judy's suggestion is a good one!!:hug:hug


Marisa- Glad you went to the doctor and got yourself checked out- Hope you slept the afternoon away! And that the antibiotics kick in quick and you are back to your self really quick:hug:hug Prayers for Mary's Mom too!!! How is she?


Linda- It was a beautiful sunshiny warm day here! Oh, I can feel spring in the air!!! Tomorrow is supposed to be 70!!!:yay I think I'm going in for 4 hours and taking 4 hours personal time in the afternoon so I can enjoy the warm weather!!!


Wrennie- Hope you had a good day at work!


Julie- I like the round ripples better than the oval. I had seen it before- and honestly, I actually think it looks better as a placement- a little too holey for a blanket! It's pretty, but not for me.


Judy- Did you take Sparkie out for a nice long walk today? So beautiful out there- I could just soak it all up! And that would be a nice surprise to have a little Irish Soda bread at our meet-up;). My co-worker brought in another loaf today- mmmmm, mmmmm good!!!:) Forgot to tell you- I'm on maintenance now at WW- so if I maintain for 6 wks- I'll get lifetime membership! :yay


Had a good day again today at work- and I'm just LOVING coming home and having it be light out for so long - It almost makes me feel like I'm working part-time coming home to a few hours of daylight!

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Joanne, congrats on the WW membership!! And no, we didn't walk today - I did my walking getting my stress test today - an hour plus going and coming from the doctor, too...we're old folks and were wiped out when we gpt home:lol Tomorrow's going to be beautiful, though, so I'm looking forward to lots of time outside!


Tomorrow I'm picking up buttermilk so when I'm in the mood to make the soda bread I'll have what I need:)


Off I go...CU all tomorrow!

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Been awhile since we did another questionnaire,so here goes :


1- Are you wearing GREEN today ? Yes, I am!!


2- Are you superstitious, like do you believe any of the old sayings about good luck or bad luck ? Name one : Not really superstitious


3-If money and time off from responsibilities wasn't an object , would you be adventuresome enough to close your eyes, point to a state on the map and move there for a year ? I'd move to Boston, Mass for a year in a heartbeat!


4- What is the CHEESIEST pickup line you have ever heard ?:think


5- Name a tv show where an animal is a main character,and what is the animal's name . (Can be a current or past show). Lassie


6- Cartoon character you are most like ? Garfield (don't know if I am like him, but I do like him)


7-How long could you go without your computer ? I don't think I could anymore


8- Have you ever or are you ,currently a member of another crochet/craft online group ? Ravelry (if that counts)


9-If you had to get a job in the circus, which one would you like to do ?


10- Have you ever run (or walked ) a marathon ? No


11- Describe your most comfortable PJ's .


12- A country you have no desire to EVER visit ? India


13- Did you or any immediate family member ever serve in the military ? My dad- Army, My DH- Navy


14- What is your one vice you could NEVER give up ?:coffee(coffee)


15- If you HAD to give a teenager one piece of advice about life,what would it be ? Treat others as you want to be treated.


16 -Which character in Wizard of Oz does your personality most resemble ? Dorothy


17 - If you won the lottery and HAD to give half of it away to a charity,what would you donate it to ? I would split the half between American Heart Association and Diabetes Foundation


18-If you could meet and talk to any president we've ever had, who would you want to talk to and what would you talk to him about ? Thomas Jefferson- I would ask him how he could write about equality, yet have slaves- isn't that a contradiction?


19 -What lady's clothing garment looks like it would be VERY uncomfortable ( past or present ) . Corset


20- Which celebrity cook would you like to meet,and what would you like him/her to make for you ?

Mario Batale (because he is also a Rutgers alumni) Any italian or spanish dish he wants to make me
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Good evening house mates!

:) Forgot to tell you- I'm on maintenance now at WW- so if I maintain for 6 wks- I'll get lifetime membership! :yay


Had a good day again today at work- and I'm just LOVING coming home and having it be light out for so long - It almost makes me feel like I'm working part-time coming home to a few hours of daylight!

Way to go on WW! :cheer Enjoy your half day tomorrow.

Been awhile since we did another questionnaire,so here goes :


1- Are you wearing GREEN today ? No, but I'm working with green yarn. Does that count?


2- Are you superstitious, like do you believe any of the old sayings about good luck or bad luck ? Name one : Not really. "Step on a crack & break your mother's back."


3-If money and time off from responsibilities wasn't an object , would you be adventuresome enough to close your eyes, point to a state on the map and move there for a year ? Yeah.


4- What is the CHEESIEST pickup line you have ever heard ? :think


5- Name a tv show where an animal is a main character,and what is the animal's name . (Can be a current or past show). Lassie.


6- Cartoon character you are most like ? Road Runner.


7-How long could you go without your computer ? A month or more, but I'd sure miss all of my friends here in Crochetville.


8- Have you ever or are you ,currently a member of another crochet/craft online group ? I'm a member of Ravelry, but it's been so long since I visited there that I don't remember my password.


9-If you had to get a job in the circus, which one would you like to do ? Any job? Trapeze artist.


10- Have you ever run (or walked ) a marathon ? I was in one that was 10 miles. I actually walked 6 of the 10. It was for charity and I'd had leg surgery not too long before, so felt really good to make it that far. I committed to half way.


11- Describe your most comfortable PJ's . Sweat shirt and sweat pants.


12- A country you have no desire to EVER visit ? :think


13- Did you or any immediate family member ever serve in the military ? My father was in the marines in WWII.


14- What is your one vice you could NEVER give up ? Crocheting & reading.


15- If you HAD to give a teenager one piece of advice about life,what would it be ? Do unto others as you would want them to do for you.


16 -Which character in Wizard of Oz does your personality most resemble ? Aunt Em.


17 - If you won the lottery and HAD to give half of it away to a charity,what would you donate it to ? American Cancer Society.


18-If you could meet and talk to any president we've ever had, who would you want to talk to and what would you talk to him about ? Ronald Reagan - I'd like to talk to him about Watergate, since I don't think the full story ever came out.


19 -What lady's clothing garment looks like it would be VERY uncomfortable ( past or present ) . Whale bone corset.


20- Which celebrity cook would you like to meet,and what would you like him/her to make for you ?

Bobby Flay. Make me something with lots of different seafoods in it.
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