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Captive Yarn Winder Helper

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This past Wednesday was my second chemo treatment. While my hubby and I were waiting in the chemo treatment room for them to find a spot for me to receive my treatment, I noticed a man who was receiving treatment holding some yarn while his wife was winding it into a ball. I started to laugh and my hubby asked what was so funny. I told him there have been discussions on Crochetville about finding help when we needed to wind our yarn into a ball. Here was one helper who seemed to get caught when he could not refuse to help. My hubby went over and spoke to the couple to tell them what I had said. My hubby also said he would have to be careful that his wife did not trap him into helping. Very funny hubby.

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That is cute...

I used to use the back of my dining room chair, and once when hubby did help it wound up being a mess, my cat did a better job when he chased the yarn around. I soooo love my yarn winder since I bought it...

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That is a cute story. My dh used to wind my yarn too. Then I got a winder and once in a while he'll use it. For Christmas he bought me an electric winder but I like the crank one better--it's faster.

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Thanks for sharing that! Someday, I may get DH to make a skein holder (I saw a pattern online somewhere...maybe someone on the ville posted it...I forget...I think I saved it)...

hope your chemo is going well.

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That is a cute story. Now I thought that was why my Mom had 3 girls. We each had our time holding the yarn while she wound it into a ball.

Just like my Dad, he had live in remote controls for the tv before anyone else. :devil

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